Interplay - rats leaving the sinking ship.

Come on, how long shall this Interplay corpse-fucking continue. There's nothing significant to talk about them since a long time ago. Why does ''interplay news'' still appear?
I don't appriciate necrophilia.
*tries not to masturbate too furiously*
What's with all the spam in the news section recently?

This is supposed to be a place to post serious thoughts about recent developments in the world of PACRPG gaming, or severely ridiculing half assed efforts/complete and utter head in the ass blunders by the company formerly known as Interplay.
Gnidrologist said:
Come on, how long shall this Interplay corpse-fucking continue. There's nothing significant to talk about them since a long time ago. Why does ''interplay news'' still appear?
I don't appriciate necrophilia.
*tries not to masturbate too furiously*

You do realise the future of the Fallout license is still connected with Interplay, don`t you? And the fact that those that fought this site and Fallout fans in general are leaving is always good news.
No, I do not. How could Iterplay affect future of Fallout 3 or Bethesdas work. They sold the franchise, Beth can do whatever they want with it, except for a Fallout MMORPG, no?
I believe the license still truly belongs to Interplay, but Beth has bought the rights to use it for three non-mmorpg games. I could be wrong, but that's what I understand about the situation.
Dove said:
I believe the license still truly belongs to Interplay, but Beth has bought the rights to use it for three non-mmorpg games. I could be wrong, but that's what I understand about the situation.

Exactly that Dove, well said.
But... how does Interplay have any say on what Bethesda do with Fallout 3, 4 or 5?

I'm not going to pretend to know how any of this works, but I don't think Interplay is in any position to tell Bethesda what or how to do anything, even if they can, and somehow I don't see Bethesda taking much, if any, consideration to whatever Interplay might tell them... I'd suppose they might listen out of courtesy, but they'll ultimately develop the game they want to regardless of what anyone tells them.

In any case, I seriously doubt Bethesda can do worse than PoS...
Gonchi said:
But... how does Interplay have any say on what Bethesda do with Fallout 3, 4 or 5?

Bethesda licensed Fallout from Interplay, that's why. They could very well stipulate at some time the same content limitations that D&D now has, and knowing Herve, plan on him using this on something spectacularly stupid, even if he bothers. Hell, he might even blame Bethesda for an ill reception of Fallout 3 if it's turned into an action game, which I wouldn't put past him, either.
For you hard core PC game trivia fans out there...

Phil Adam was actually one of the founders of Spectrum Holobyte.

One of the coolest games of all time; X-Com!
Chromosome 25 said:
For you hard core PC game trivia fans out there...

Phil Adam was actually one of the founders of Spectrum Holobyte.

One of the coolest games of all time; X-Com!

What?...Really?...Did he had an accident somewhere in his life to become the Phil we grew to hate?...
if interplay is liquidated, the creditors will then take control of the contract... all things considered, it's probably a good thing for bethesda that herve won't have any content control in the future.
Herve didn't have content control before this either, Bethesda has clearly said previously that they had full control over the content.
ah, didn't know that... i only followed the FO purchase from a 10000 foot level since any developments are obviously a few years out (from when the purchase happened).

Briosafreak said:
Chromosome 25 said:
For you hard core PC game trivia fans out there...

Phil Adam was actually one of the founders of Spectrum Holobyte.

One of the coolest games of all time; X-Com!

What?...Really?...Did he had an accident somewhere in his life to become the Phil we grew to hate?...

You have to consider where he was coming from. If you look at the public statements you can see that he had much/most of his money sunk into IPLY. He didn't come from a rich banking family like B. Fargo. When IPLY went public he was actually worth a fair amount of money. Over the last 6 years it all faded away. If you check his pay, he wasn't even paid that much. He was always the #2 or #3 player, and kept getting screwed - first by Fargo, and then when Fargo brought in the Caen boys, Herve. Just because he was cutting a lot of business deals to keep the company afloat doesn't mean that he was a bad guy. He wasn't the one that couldn't produce a game on time, or manage a development budget, or operate an effective distribution network. In fact, his deal to sell Shiny probably bought the company an extra 18 months of life. He was the only one holding the place together -- the cash that he generated with all his business deals kept getting eaten up by bad software development, or funneled back to the greedy Caen empire. (Beauty about owning a controlling stake in a US company - you can take all the cash back to the French parent, and 'repay' the US subsidiary with IOU's. Note in the most recent statement about how much cash Titus owes IPLY when IPLY doesn't owe Titus a thing). Phil is a good guy, though. If he is going to stay in the industry he should land a good job soon enough - he knows everyone.
But that really begs the question if Phil was waiting for a miracle, rather than just keep it alive for a bit longer. It also begs the question as to why he didn't look more seriously towards other job prospects, if his experience was so. As I had mentioned to others before, blunt as it had to be, looking for work or sticking around until the last moment was hardly the way to go.

I can understand love for the company, but it was obviously not the same company it was long before it touched Herve's hands. His touch only sealed Interplay's fate.