Interplay rejects our reality and substitutes its own

Corith said:
Herve arrogantly believed, as Grande Fromage of Interplay, he could still do as he pleased, the same mentality that sank Interplay in 2004. Time and time again, his arrogance leads the way. From lawsuit to lawsuit, ALL OF THEM, have been the result of Herve doing what he WANTED, regardless of the law or consequences.

Yeah, he's out there spinning this one like a mother fucker right now, that's for sure. Anyone know exactly what happened to the 6 million from Beth? Old bills? Did they consider hiring lawyers? Why would a professional executive accept what appears to be a terrible contract? Did Herve really believe he could raise the capital to develop a successful MMO? Hundreds of millions and years, minimum. Something's fishy.
Corith said:
Those of us who know Herve expected this. We commented about Herve screwed every business partner and bankrupting all his own companies. We scratched our heads in bewilderment as to the brain dead morons who would work with Herve, much less give him money, or invest in his crackpot ideas.
Shouldn't he be put in some kind of mental institution then? He's clearly a danger to society and to himself :D .
It ain't over until the fat lady sings.
How apropos Hervie.
Hey, Interplay, remember back in 2007 after selling Fallout to Bethesda you were "promising to use the newfound finances to reestablish Interplay as an industry player"? ( Good job! :roll:

So, if Interplay finally "dies," what will happen to all their current video game titles? Will Bethesda own them or will they be up for grabs? Should we expect Earthworm Jim Oblivion style in the future? :lol:
BS only bought the rights to Fallout. I would imagine any other IPs will either be sold to settle any debts, or fade into oblivion.

(Bwahaha, pun intended)
Gilbert And Sullivan

Gilbert And Sullivan

Cimmerian Nights said:
It ain't over until the fat lady sings. ...

Riffing on the operatic meme,
opera light could be the metaphor theme,
then Gilbert and Sullivan take stage center,
as legal titans fold and render.

I care not so much who is right or wrong,
but which: Howard, Hines, or Herve sing "The Patter Song"!?!

If Interplay can demonstrate that Bethesda negotiated the contract in bad faith they actually stand a decent chance, and Beth could wind up owing money to Interplay after all is said and done. Stranger things have happened. Could have been Hervey boys strategy right from the get go.
Who cares about Earthworm Jim, I want to know what will happen to Conflict FreeSpace. Gah that franchise suffered most in this conflict in my humble opinion.
yup, if herviepoo can prove the contract was negotiated in poor faith, specific parts may be judged null by a judge.

but the judge would not nessecarily go easy on hervie because he did sign it.
TyloniusFunk said:
Anyone know exactly what happened to the 6 million from Beth? Old bills? Did they consider hiring lawyers? Why would a professional executive accept what appears to be a terrible contract? Did Herve really believe he could raise the capitol to develop a successful MMO? Hundreds of millions and years, minimum. Something's fishy.

Beth gave to him in 2 million installments, and all of it went to pay off lawsuits - that was part of the Beth contract. He had to clear up his legal issues with their money.
In fact, he owed Bioware more than 2 million, and they wanted all of it, which he didn't have and Beth wouldn't give him. The beth deal was on the verge of collapse, when Beth's lawyers appeared in court and Promised Bioware THEY would pay them direct - not Herve.

Herve had to accept Beths offer, or be forced into involuntary bankruptcy. Beth came to his rescue, basically, buying the Fallout IP, for 6 million (it's worth more), so Herve could continue to run IPLY.

Herve may be arrogant, and lacking in wisdom, but he knows there is money to be made in a post-apocalyptic MMO; however, since he has bankrupted every company he's run, liquidated company assets for personal gain, and even tried cook accounting records, he will find it impossible to find investors. Look at from their point of view, why give money to somebody who has a LONG track record of squander money on what HE THINKS things should be. The wise investor would just Just wait, let him fail, and then invest in the project when its run by somebody with more soild buisness experience.
I stand by my view and assessment of Herve.

NOBODY was going to invest in his project(s). Beth knew this. His history and business acumen precludes the foolish french frog from doing anything other than sitting behind a desk chortling about his greatness to his own reflection.
so what's the strategy here? let the courts take this, drag it out for as long as possible until he has something to show for it. and then try to convince Beth to allow them to release it while settling in court?
SuAside said:
so what's the strategy here? let the courts take this, drag it out for as long as possible until he has something to show for it. and then try to convince Beth to allow them to release it while settling in court?

Judging from past experiences . . .
Herve won't have a real stratgety. "Zeez stupee Americahns, I own ze Fallout, no?" He'll fume and wheedle, claiming the lawsuit more than what it appears, if that. He'll beg for more time, file some extension requests, and hope he can get his FO:OL project of the ground and making money, "Zen, Evreebody will see, I am ze master, no?"

Beth's strategy is pretty clear. Continue to bring to the court's attention Herve clear breach of contract rules. Let Herve own incompetence tanks his deals, and then deploy World of Fallout (or what ever they use for a title).

You see, its pretty clear cut, Herve doesn't own Fallout anymore. It is no longer an Interplay product. All of it belongs to Beth, just as if they developed from the get-go. They allowed Herve to develop a single new product (FO:OL) using their intellectual property. Herve, in his arrogance, decided to sell Fallout Stuff without checking with Beth. Yet again, his arrogance and inflated sense of self-importance tanks a deal.

Herve had no more right to sell fallout product that he does to sell Warcraft.

Where the terms of the Beth deal harsh? Yes. But, they had to be. With Herve's track record of squandering money and foolish business actions, Beth wanted to limit the nonsense Herve could do. All he had to to do was stay focused on FO:OL, yet he didn't.

Could Herve have completed FO:OL under the Beth contract? Herve? No, I don't think so. However, IPLY could have. If Herve stepped down and became just a major stockholder, then with out this moron sticking his fingers in the pie, investors might have been wiling to risk money. With him and the helm, nobody is going to be that foolish, not even the french.
Why do i have a feeling this is going to end like a bad horror movie?

Everyone thinks the monster is dead than right before the closing credits(cue omnious music)they find the body missing.