Another article by Tamara Chuang appeared in the OC, with the statement that, at long last (some would say), Interplay is "shut down":<blockquote>State regulators shut down Interplay
The Orange County Register
The state labor department shut down Interplay Entertainment Corp. today after discovering the computer game developer had no workers’ compensation insurance and failed to pay employees on time.
Five employees filed complaints this week with the state’s Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement claiming Interplay hasn’t paid them several thousand dollars in wages in the past month. Interplay resolved two employee complaints over bounced paychecks in April.
Herve Caen, Interplay’s CEO, said the company plans to reinstate its workers comp as soon as possible.
"The company has not shut down. (The state) can’t do that. It can only let me not let employees work," said Caen, adding that Interplay will move to a smaller office in mid-June. "I hope to have that (insurance) back by Monday or Tuesday."
Caen cut costs and sold off assets, including its right to develop popular games. But even as Interplay reported a profit in December, the company unexpectedly lost a $3 million cash payment from its distributor earlier this year, Caen said. That resulted in the lack of money to pay the rent and employees.
"They didn’t warn us when we had cash in the bank," Caen said. "It’s not going to kill us but it created a lot of consequences going forward."
Loyal employees continued to show up for work this week, although they said they haven’t been paid for a month.
"The reason I stick around is that I’m a diehard loyalist and I love the people I work with. If there is any sliver of hope that Interplay may someday turn around I want to be there to see it," said Steve Jobes, Interplay’s Internet Systems manager, who was at work today. </blockquote>Capelworth posted the entire article on the Winterwind forums.
Link: OC article on Winterwind
Thanks Capelworth and Briosafreak
Kumquatq3 also pointed out Gamespot picked up on it
The Orange County Register
The state labor department shut down Interplay Entertainment Corp. today after discovering the computer game developer had no workers’ compensation insurance and failed to pay employees on time.
Five employees filed complaints this week with the state’s Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement claiming Interplay hasn’t paid them several thousand dollars in wages in the past month. Interplay resolved two employee complaints over bounced paychecks in April.
Herve Caen, Interplay’s CEO, said the company plans to reinstate its workers comp as soon as possible.
"The company has not shut down. (The state) can’t do that. It can only let me not let employees work," said Caen, adding that Interplay will move to a smaller office in mid-June. "I hope to have that (insurance) back by Monday or Tuesday."
Caen cut costs and sold off assets, including its right to develop popular games. But even as Interplay reported a profit in December, the company unexpectedly lost a $3 million cash payment from its distributor earlier this year, Caen said. That resulted in the lack of money to pay the rent and employees.
"They didn’t warn us when we had cash in the bank," Caen said. "It’s not going to kill us but it created a lot of consequences going forward."
Loyal employees continued to show up for work this week, although they said they haven’t been paid for a month.
"The reason I stick around is that I’m a diehard loyalist and I love the people I work with. If there is any sliver of hope that Interplay may someday turn around I want to be there to see it," said Steve Jobes, Interplay’s Internet Systems manager, who was at work today. </blockquote>Capelworth posted the entire article on the Winterwind forums.
Link: OC article on Winterwind
Thanks Capelworth and Briosafreak
Kumquatq3 also pointed out Gamespot picked up on it