Oh my god! I just checked out this FO:BOS site and I have to say that this
is one of the most terrible ideas I have seen. I'm a huge hardcore FO1/2
fan and I love BlackIsle for making them, but this attempt on the title is
complete shit. I say if they were gonna make another Fallout game, wait
another year or so and then start on FO3! But noooooo....they have to
create some sort of strategy game and made by a third party developer and
then just slap a Fallout theme on it and say "happy?". Well, I still love
FO1/2, but this new game is not giving me that feeling that I'm ready to go
back into the wasteland.
Shit, if you want to play a Fallout themed game while FO3 is being thought
over, screw this FO:BOS shit and go play Wasteland Half-Life.
"I'm the Vault Dweller, dammit!! NO!! My name IS NOT Max!!!"
is one of the most terrible ideas I have seen. I'm a huge hardcore FO1/2
fan and I love BlackIsle for making them, but this attempt on the title is
complete shit. I say if they were gonna make another Fallout game, wait
another year or so and then start on FO3! But noooooo....they have to
create some sort of strategy game and made by a third party developer and
then just slap a Fallout theme on it and say "happy?". Well, I still love
FO1/2, but this new game is not giving me that feeling that I'm ready to go
back into the wasteland.
Shit, if you want to play a Fallout themed game while FO3 is being thought
over, screw this FO:BOS shit and go play Wasteland Half-Life.
"I'm the Vault Dweller, dammit!! NO!! My name IS NOT Max!!!"