Interview the person below you

1: Night Person, most definitely.
2: I don't really know.
3: Yes, but not the same amount, communism runs amok in today's society.
4: You.
time for me to jumpstart this thread

  1. Are you a real villain?
  2. Are thneeds something that everyone needs?
  3. Is my profile picture kawaii like Trump?
1. Well, ah, technically... nah.
3. Yes. :3

1. Where does Fallout 4 belong?
2. Thoughts on the new Doom?
3. Favorite color?
4. Favorite animal?
1. The garbage.
2. Mediocre.
3. Blue.
4. Ferret.

1. Favorite FPS.
2. Favorite RTS.
3. Favorite JRPG.
4. Favorite video game.
1. Favorite FPS.
2. Favorite RTS.
3. Favorite JRPG.
4. Favorite video game.

1: A tie between Metro series, battlefield series, and the Bungie Halo games.
2: Age of Empires 2. The only one I've played but I enjoy it from time to time.
3: I've only ever played the first final fantasy game so I guess that one.
4: I don't have a specific favorite. MGS, Fallout, Mass Effect, Metro, Mad Max, Battlefield, OG Battlefront games, and some others I probably am forgetting.

1: How did you find NMA?
2: What's your favorite movie?
3: if you could fuck anyone who would it be and why
4: have a dick for a nose or nose for a dick
1. Internet.
2. Howard the Duck (seriously though this question is impossible to answer. Theres probably 50 other movies I couldve said)
3. Again too many people. But probably bill kaulitz because he's fucking adorable:

4. A nose for a dick. Because I can hide that and then eventually die from not being able to pee. Then only the coroner need know.

1. name as many franchises that have maintained quality consistently in your opinion.
2. If anthros were real would you ever consider dating one.
3. Is frequently developing "crushes" in fictional characters pathetic?
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1. Technically that's not a question xD
2. Forever alone me.
3. I dunno, if you had no contact with anyone real then perhaps.


1. If you had to read one last book which would it be?
2. What would your last meal be?
3. Which is better, total world peace but no free will or free will at the loss of peace?
4. Who are The Patriots?
1. Probably a John Steinbeck read, like East of Eden.
2. A large jalapeno-pepperoni pizza, as many French fries as I can eat, fried calamari and shrimp, a large Coke, a slice of my grandmother's hot apple pie a la mode, and a couple bacon cheeseburgers. Whew.
3. This question bothers me. I am an advocate for total world peace, but I am an equally strong advocate for the freedom of man. Flip a coin, and maybe I'll decide.
4. A football team my AP Biology teacher in high school was obsessed with.

1. Have you heard of Hotline Miami? (if you haven't, buy that shit right now and play it, I swear to God)
2. Which country do you think exerts too much global influence and power, why and how?
3. What will be your last words?
4. Thoughts on nihilism?
1. Yes
2. ... No opinion.
3. How the fuck should I know that? Prolly something mundane like "im going to wal mart you want anything"?
4. Makes sense. Makes me happier.

1. What are your top five worst sequels?
2. What are you top five favorite sequels?
3. What are some franchises that you feel have maintained quality really well?