Intro movie and Splash screens


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Hey guys, I´m back with yet another annoying question.

I was thinking of having new splash screens for my MOD and was
wondering how to convert .jpg to .rix and visa versa...

And is it hard to make a new intro movie? A simple one like a
screen fading up with some text and then fading down to pitch
black and up with a new screen?
The_Pastmaster said:
I was thinking of having new splash screens for my MOD and was wondering how to convert .jpg to .rix and visa versa...
Image Alchemy can make RIX files

And is it hard to make a new intro movie? A simple one like a
screen fading up with some text and then fading down to pitch
black and up with a new screen?

For a simple movie like this, you can make a powerpoint presentation, capture the presentation using camtasia, then convert the video to MVE using AVI2MVE.