IPLY still alive?


Carbon Dated and Proud
Tor of Gamespot have picked up on the Titus going bankrupt story and have posted a small article regarding it, here's a bit from it:<blockquote>However, since the bankruptcy was from the local court where Titus' headquarters is located, it does not affect Titus' international subsidiaries which include: Cat Software, DIGITAL Integration, Uco Games and Avalon Interactive in Britain; Titus Japan; and Bluesky Software, Titus USA, and Interplay. In fact, the Agence-France Press news service quoted an unnamed source as saying that Interplay "continues to live for the moment."

How long that "moment" will last is to be determined. Although it sold the rights to its popular Fallout series to Bethesda Softworks last year, Interplay still has a number of licenses it could sell, including Kingpin, the Baldur's Gate-free Dark Alliance, and the rights to a Fallout MMORPG. However, the question remains who will assume control of the approximate 67 percent of Interplay stock Titus now owns. Attempts to contact Interplay spokespersons were unsuccessful as of press time. </blockquote>So who has the money to pay for this, or will it be sold in pieces?
Link: Titus Bankrupt story on Gamespot
Thanks goes out to Briosafreak for informing us.
The question is: who would want to buy Interplay? Their remaining licenses are of questionable value, and their brand is worthless (what with all the bullshit associated with them). Sad end of a once glorious company.
Ratty said:
The question is: who would want to buy Interplay? Their remaining licenses are of questionable value, and their brand is worthless (what with all the bullshit associated with them). Sad end of a once glorious company.

Ratty, don't underestimate the value of FOO. With "Post-Apoc" being the hottest current catch phrase (albeit a recycled one), and the MMo market hotter (and more saturated..) than ever, I could certainly see IPLY selling off the rights to FOO for mega bucks to a startup company, or a veteran company trying to branch into the online market. If they manage to peddle the license off to some big name vendor or other, it will undoubtedly keep Interplay afloat for yet another year of releasing substandard shitware titles in Europe.

Interplay talks aside, is there any chance that Troika or Obsidian will make a move and try to obtain the FOO license? I know that both teams are hesistant to enter the MMO market, and I know that it's a future train wreck, regardless of whom produces and develops the game, but if a BIS splinter team gets their hands on it, atleast it will be a moderately entertaining train wreck. Considering neither Obsidian nor Troika have MMO experience, if either company does FOO, there's a remote possibility that it could be free of the trappings and trends of modern MMOs.

It pains me to admit it, but I'd probably look forward to FOO if it were done in a unique manner, and stayed true to the series.
TYR.......... Its FOOL, not FOO.

And I doubt either company would be stupid enough to but FOOL. They know noone wants FOOL, and they dont want to loose money like FOOLs.
PsychoSniper said:
We can only hope that someone we like buys that controing interst, then fires Herve.
I can only hope that if that's the case, that EA doesn't buy IPLY's controlling interest. Look at any EA product published over the past two years, the EA Spouse blog or the controversy over their exclusivity deal with the NFL, and you'll know what I mean. :twisted:
I was an EA fan for years, solely thanks to their Madden line, but the entire NFL Exclusivity thing killed it for me.

I see nothing wrong with forcing employees into slave labour like situations, but to ruthlessly monopolize the NFL based gaming market, effectively destroying the graphically superior ESPN 2kX Football series? Unholy beasts.
Tyr said:
Ratty, don't underestimate the value of FOO. With "Post-Apoc" being the hottest current catch phrase (albeit a recycled one), and the MMo market hotter (and more saturated..) than ever, I could certainly see IPLY selling off the rights to FOO for mega bucks to a startup company, or a veteran company trying to branch into the online market.

"post-apocalyptic" isn't a hot phrase in the industry, at least not among the people who know what they're doing. it's got no edge over any other setting, currently, and i don't think it has for quite a while. the massively multiplayer market isn't especially hot, either. it's the coolest i remember it being. Everquest II and Starwars Galaxies can't even draw in a crowd. Worlds of Warcraft is the only one doing okay, isn't it? i'd say this is the absolute worst time for a Fallout massively multiplayer RPG for alot of reasons, least of which because the name "Fallout" means all of jack shit to anyone but Fallout fans. ironicly the only person stupid enough to buy up the rights to FOOL would probably be Herve Caen.

speaking of that, Interplay has about $70,000 in cash and $10,000,000 in debt, plus they're facing alot of lawsuits. $70,000 isn't even enough to pay Herve's salery for very long. the useless shithead himself even admits that it's going to be over unless an outside financer steps in to save them, so even if there is some developer suicidal enough to buy FOOL, and Herve was willing to sell, it wouldn't be of any help unless it sold for a momumental sum. it's unavoidable that Interplay goes down soon. FOOL being anyone's salvation is a pipedream.
After reading this article, I keep having a mental image of a cockroach refusing to die after repeated saturations from a can of bug repellent.
Puuk said:
After reading this article, I keep having a mental image of a cockroach refusing to die after repeated saturations from a can of bug repellent.

That's actually what's happening here. Replace "a can" with "various cans" though.
Claw said:
Why the heck Europe?
Yeah, I always figured we Europeans were a bit more refined bunch, gaming-wise. Some of the greatest PC titles released in the past few years come from Europe - Operation Flashpoint, Mafia, Gothic, Far Cry, to name a few. Quite refreshing in a world saturated with bullshit console games.