IPLY surprises?


Carbon Dated and Proud
The guys over at the Raging Bull forums have gotten word from Luke Haase, here's what they learned from him:<blockquote>Thanks for your continued patience. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can disclose at this time. As always, you can/should refer to our SEC filings for updates. Plenty of activity going on, and hope to have something to report soon.</blockquote>It also seems the investors are listening to receptionists now:<blockquote>I spoke with the receptionist today and asked her if everyone is back to work yet and if they are being paid. She said that everyone is back working again and that to the best of her knowledge, everyone is being paid.</blockquote>Jolly good show!
Link: Email from Luke and Phone call..
Cheers to Pope Viper for the heads up!
Actually is doesn't seem like this will last, so far word is that they've started working on a new Dark Alliance based game but it'll probably never see the light of day...

Many are probably looking around for jobs right now..
Odin said:
Actually is doesn't seem like this will last, so far word is that they've started working on a new Dark Alliance based game but it'll probably never see the light of day...

AKA, The Bullshit Project Sean Reynolds is Lead Developer on. ;)

Many are probably looking around for jobs right now..

AKA, Sean Reynolds. ;)
Let`s take a few minutes and read this interesting piece on CNNMoney with Vivendi/Universal games president of North America operations:
O'Neil said he does not expect the company to close any more studios and added that it is actively looking at acquisitions in both the developer and publisher space.

Herve tried to get that opportunity once and failed, no doubt he will try again.

But there`s a problem:
"The PC is far more profitable for us than the console," said O'Neil. "You're not playing platform fees to manufactures, for one thing, which range ... from $7-$10 [for each copy of the game that is sold]. The console business is very high volume and very low margin."

So Interplay changing focus to consoles wasn`t such a good idea after all...

Ironic, isn`t it?...

I spoke with the receptionist today and asked her if everyone is back to work yet and if they are being paid. She said that everyone is back working again and that to the best of her knowledge, everyone is being paid

"Everyone" may be back to work, but remains to be seen if the employees (including the receptionist) will be paid on the 14th.

If Interplay cannot make payroll this week, I wonder how many employees will be back to work next week?

It's kind of nice that E3 is this week so the Interplay employees can start circulating their resumes to other companies at the show. :twisted:
Luke said:
Thanks for your continued patience. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can disclose at this time. As always, you can/should refer to our SEC filings for updates. Plenty of activity going on, and hope to have something to report soon.
Plenty of activity is right. The removalists are in there taking out the furniture right now! I hear next week, they're auctioning off all the unused PC's they've got sitting around, now that they've fired half the work force.

Should look at buying one, there might be some Jefferson source code still on it...
DarkUnderlord said:
Should look at buying one, there might be some Jefferson source code still on it...
More likely you'll just find Herve Caen's kiddie porn collection.
King of Creation said:
Not to mention the fact that he's about as incompetent as a baboons ass.
Actually, a baboon's arse is quite competent at it's job... Being red and shiny and producing shit.

Not a bad analogy for Herve Caen afterall I guess...
raging bull said:
I spoke with the receptionist today and asked her if everyone is back to work yet and if they are being paid. She said that everyone is back working again and that to the best of her knowledge, everyone is being paid.
What the hell else is the receptionist going to say? You don't pay your receptionists to spread the dark word of doom and gloom to the public do you? Sheese some people!

Yes every body is here at work and getting paid (and by everybody I mean the Caen brothers and myself, but you don't need to know that do you...).
Or perhaps they'll start believing Herve when he's say "Hey, relax guy. There's nothing to worry about. Take the load off, have a seat. Have a holiday guy." (ala Sadam Hussein on South Park)
Briosafreak said:
But there`s a problem:
"The PC is far more profitable for us than the console," said O'Neil. "You're not playing platform fees to manufactures, for one thing, which range ... from $7-$10 [for each copy of the game that is sold]. The console business is very high volume and very low margin."

So Interplay changing focus to consoles wasn`t such a good idea after all...

Ironic, isn`t it?...


What I find most amusing is that most who chase the console trend seem to not consider that into their vacant speculation.
Actually, I think that it was smart of that investor to contact the receptionist and ask her some questions. She is probably more likely to paint an accurate picture than the Interplay execs, as she probably hasn't prepared the elaborate phrase-it-so-that-it-sounds-as-good-as-it-possibly-could responses that execs tend to put together.
Capelworth said:
Actually, I think that it was smart of that investor to contact the receptionist and ask her some questions. She is probably more likely to paint an accurate picture than the Interplay execs, as she probably hasn't prepared the elaborate phrase-it-so-that-it-sounds-as-good-as-it-possibly-could responses that execs tend to put together.

I don't, I actually suspect that the IPLY heads have put a leash on especially those that talk to the "outside" world. But either way a receptionist is most likely to know jack-shit about what's going on, so talking to her is a moot point.
But she does know whether people are actually in the building. When you're getting responses from execs like "plenty of activity going on," which is so vague as to be completely meaningless, it's something definite, at least.

I'm not saying that her response means much, and I don't think that it means that people will necessarily be working there next week. I certainly don't think that it means investing in Interplay is a good idea. It does mean slightly more to me than Mr. Haase's response (no offense, Luke, but your response gave absolutely no information whatsoever).
Receptionists at most companies are frequently told lines to give to the public. At this point, I would do as Haase seems to suggest between the lines. I don't know if he is, but I really don't want to get him into any problems.

It seems to suggest to ignore anything Interplay releases via news or interviews in regards to operations and wait for some official word put down onto literal paper, as Interplay's head cheese is busy firing up the hype machine.
Capelworth said:
But she does know whether people are actually in the building. When you're getting responses from execs like "plenty of activity going on," which is so vague as to be completely meaningless, it's something definite, at least.

I'm not saying that her response means much, and I don't think that it means that people will necessarily be working there next week. I certainly don't think that it means investing in Interplay is a good idea. It does mean slightly more to me than Mr. Haase's response (no offense, Luke, but your response gave absolutely no information whatsoever).

Yup, this I agree on..