IPLY update


Carbon Dated and Proud
Well it seems IPLY is still alive as we earlier reported, but their shares have dropped like a stone currently the share is at 7 cents (lowest 0.51). Also the guys (IPLY shareholders) over at the Ragingbull forums are a little on the edge, since Luke Haase hasn't replied to them or anyone else at IPLY about the current situation. Also we evidently don't know what we talk about:<blockquote>Interplay did not LOSE the rights to BGDA2, D&D games

All these clueless people on NMA and rpgcodex are posting that Interplay lost the rights to BGDA2 and their backlog of D&D titles. Most people on those message boards have no idea about the stock market. There is no way the company would be able to lose these rights so easily. Atari would have to take Interplay to court for these royalty payments, and only through a settlement would Atari be able to take away all of Interplay's D&D games and BGDA2. This process would take a long time-- not a couple of months.

Everyone needs to think to themselves-- how did Interplay come up with the money to pay their employees? How will Interplay have enough money to pay their employees for the next couple of months? ....They sold their backlog catalog rights for all of their D&D properties to another company (probably Atari) for $$$$. They also probably sold the BGDA2 rights to another company (Vivendi/Atari). I am not sure whether they sold the Dark Alliance trademark though.</blockquote>So basicly they "lost" the license after all, DOH! Guess they don't read the news we post...
Link: Ragingbull IPLY thread
does the details realy matter? I feel for the people who own IPLY stock, they are screwed, even if the sell the rights, thats only a temp solution to a much larger problem. IPLY is fucked, you can't run a bussiness like they did, screwing the consumors, and expect to make it in a capatalist market.
Well being called clueless isn't that fun is it..

Sure I feel for them, but damn man everyone could have spotted this situation a mile away. But then again that's stocks/shares for ya, it's a risky business..
Shit, I've got half a mind to buy a hundred $ in stock now. Seriously, if the company goes under, its a hundred down the drain. But, if a miracle occurs and pigs begin flying, my seven cents a share jumping to even 12 cents a share would be worth it.

Just a thought.
Who is this Stanstan0 guy? Is the sale of backlog catalog items verified or is it merely his own assumptions.
(You should never assume because it makes an ass out of U and me)

It appears his only argument is the symmantics of whether it was lost or sold and specifically what rights are being refered to. :roll:
right, Interplay didn't lose them, they just don't -have- them now. only an idiot wouldn't see the difference! almost like Shadow Paladin never went away.

if you're a shareholder reading this, just remember; it'd be in Herve's best interest if the share price stayed above five cents long enough to cash out. so he wouldn't want you to jeoprodize the share price by selling. that could really sting him.
jr. said:
if you're a shareholder reading this, just remember; it'd be in Herve's best interest if the share price stayed above five cents long enough to cash out. so he wouldn't want you to jeoprodize the share price by selling. that could really sting him.
Nah, like St P said, if Herve were to cash out now that would put him in danger of an insider trading suit. If he was wily, what he'd be doing now would be pushing for more time so that he can syphon what funds he can off into areas which cannot be touched by the creditors and executors.
Odin said:
Well being called clueless isn't that fun is it..

Sure I feel for them, but damn man everyone could have spotted this situation a mile away. But then again that's stocks/shares for ya, it's a risky business..

Or likely some of these people got ahold of money somehow, possibly from a relative, and they think it's just like gambling. Careful, those kind flake badly when their "super dream" shatters and they find their stock has only worth as shitpaper, and they couldn't find anyone to push them onto.

One stock broker told me of how a woman would pick stocks to invest in by how her teacup poodle shat onto the paper. So sorry if I don't quite put much uh...stock into someone who buys shares of a company that is being dry humped into the dirt and posts that shares will be in the mid-teens by next week.
Here's a reply to a thread on this subject I made on RPG Codex, just in case anyone doesn't go there:

  • http://ragingbull.lycos.com/mboard/boards.cgi?board=IPLY&read=895

    stanstan0 said:
    Interplay did not LOSE the rights to BGDA2, D&D games

    All these clueless people on NMA and rpgcodex are posting that Interplay lost the rights to BGDA2 and their backlog of D&D titles. Most people on those message boards have no idea about the stock market. There is no way the company would be able to lose these rights so easily. Atari would have to take Interplay to court for these royalty payments, and only through a settlement would Atari be able to take away all of Interplay's D&D games and BGDA2. This process would take a long time-- not a couple of months.

    Everyone needs to think to themselves-- how did Interplay come up with the money to pay their employees? How will Interplay have enough money to pay their employees for the next couple of months? ....They sold their backlog catalog rights for all of their D&D properties to another company (probably Atari) for $$$$. They also probably sold the BGDA2 rights to another company (Vivendi/Atari). I am not sure whether they sold the Dark Alliance trademark though.

    The above is a complete moron. Yes, it is that easy. In fact, the CEO of Interplay even said, specifically, that it is possible they lose their entire D&D distribution rights if they can't resolve that issue with Atari because they didn't pay the royalties on Febuary 15th. The English is pretty damned clear about this in the 10-K.

    He's also completely ignorant of what's going on in the company. The reason they have money to pay their employees now and for the "next two months" is because they set up a distribution deal for Run Like Hell through Avalon to distribute it in countries it never was distributed in because it was such a huge flop. This is a deal they never would have gotten if it weren't for the fact that Herve and Eric Caen also own Avalon.

    Even then, that "next two months" thing was contingent on a few things, including being able to continue to distribute BG: DA2.

    But to the funny part of the whole thing.. If they sold those game rights to Atari, WHY THE BLOODY FUCK AREN'T THEY ON ATARI'S SITE? Here's a link to all Atari's PC line up:


    Anyone see IWD? BG? BG2? IWD2? PS:T? Any of the expansions? Bundle sets? Eh? NO!


    Anyone see BG :DA or BG: DA2 on their PS2 or XBox sections? No? Gee, ponder on that for a bit.. Maybe it's because IPLY didn't sell them to Atari!

    You can't say it's because they haven't had time to update these sites either, because the games they just announced for the pre-E3 events have been put up in the last few days.

Something I should add in the RPG Codex reply is that they paid their employees a few checks BEFORE they lost the distribution rights to D&D last Saturday. Maybe Future Herve Caen is carrying money from the Future to the present to have made those payments!

Then again, if Herve Caen could time travel, I doubt Run Like Hell and Fallout Enforcer would have been made.
Saint_Proverbius said:
Then again, if Herve Caen could time travel, I doubt Run Like Hell and Fallout Enforcer would have been made.
Maybe they become popular in the distant (very distant) future in some sort of retro bad taste pop culture kind of way...
Michael said:
Saint_Proverbius said:
Then again, if Herve Caen could time travel, I doubt Run Like Hell and Fallout Enforcer would have been made.
Maybe they become popular in the distant (very distant) future in some sort of retro bad taste pop culture kind of way...

Maybe... as a CD-Rip download from somewhere like Home of the Underdogs. I doubt anyone would freely throw their money away on those games, no matter how bad their taste is.
Yeah D&D rights....

Simply put it's like if a business had a software license. They have to pay a yearly fee to use the software per the license. Once the license period ends they may still have the software on their computer but they can't legally use it. It's a simple concept but the details elude some people who think the physical reality of existence implies ownership. Funny how people build all sorts of costly decisions on faulty assumptions. Props to George W.

Sainty said:
Maybe Future Herve Caen is carrying money from the Future to the present to have made those payments!

Yes, the future when $50 million is only worth $5 in todays money....
Anyone else notice that they're "rereleasing" Freespace 2 in their online store for their "20th anniversary" and that they still want $50 bucks for it? I think it's great because it goes on ebay for nearly that much, but 50 bucks for a game that's 5 years old is a little steep, and i'll be damned if it has *anything* to do with their 20th anniversary.
Of course it has nothing to do with their 20th anniversary. At that kind of marker, you tend to release collections. Instead, Interplay just re-releases a title from yet another franchise they've helped in killing. Maybe that's Herve's problem. He's really a game god...in France.
Cutedge said:
Anyone else notice that they're "rereleasing" Freespace 2 in their online store for their "20th anniversary" and that they still want $50 bucks for it? I think it's great because it goes on ebay for nearly that much, but 50 bucks for a game that's 5 years old is a little steep, and i'll be damned if it has *anything* to do with their 20th anniversary.

Well, there is a clause in Freespace 2's EULA that says that the software can be freely distributed among friends as long as there is no commercial sale involved, or something to that effect. Which means that if you know someone who owns Freespace 2, they can legally burn you a copy.

I might be misinterpreting this clause, but it's written in pretty plain language. [/derail]
Don't forget he's the god of cheese, too.

Okay, it's Thursday, didn't those chuckleheads on the IPLY.OB forum at Raging Bull say that IPLY.OB would be in the twenty-plus cent range this week? It started at eight something cents this week, I believe, it's been between six and seven something all week long. So, anyone think it'll be over twenty cents by close tomorrow?

I'll admit I was a little off in my guessing. I thought it would stay between five and six cents this week. Then again, I'm only one cent off. They're 15-20 cents off. :D