Iranian woman gives birth to frog


White heterosexual male
An Iranian newspaper has reported the controversial story of a woman who claims to have given birth to a frog.
The Iranian daily Etemaad says the creature is believed to have grown from larva to an adult frog inside her body.

While it is unclear how this could have happened, the paper carries quotes from medical experts who say there are human characteristics to the animal.

It has been speculated that the woman, who has not been named, unknowingly picked up the larva while she was swimming in a dirty pool.

The woman, from the south-eastern city of Iranshahr, is a mother of two children.

The "so-called frog", as the newspaper puts it, has yet to undergo precise genetic and anatomic tests.

But it quotes clinical biology expert Dr Aminifard as saying: "The similarities are in appearance, the shape of the fingers and the size and shape of the tongue."

Medical history recounts stories of people who believed they had frogs - or even lizards or snakes - living and growing in their bodies.

One of the most famous was the 17th Century case of Catharina Geisslerin, known as "the toad-vomiting woman" of Germany.

When she died in 1662 doctors are said to have performed an autopsy, but found no evidence animals had ever lived inside her body.

Is this to be filed under 'adultery' or what? :lol:
The whole legend about a frog turning into a prince when kissed by a woman has got a whole new meaning, if this is true.
You know, there's a popular saying that -

"You got to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince."

But I am not sure if this suggests more intimate relations.

That said, whose to say this isn't a frog posing as a prince.
Sexual intercourse between a frog prince and the Iranian woman hasn't produced the anticipated result. Instead of a beautiful daughter, the woman gave birth to Kermit.

I see a remake of C64 game Frogger in near future. It'll be a tactical 3rd person game called Frogger: Desert Storm or, even better, Frogger: Battlefield Middle East.
It must be a leak from their nuclear program. Soon we will get a report about people starting to glow in the dark, and skin and hair falling of people, and then about trees growing out of their heads.