Iraq anyone? or North Korea?

The most important facet of this situation is the fact that these soldiers where acting alone. A few idiots should not define the image of America in the Middle East, though it seems like they will. Have you noticed that this news caught everyone unawares? No one could have guessed at this type of behavior, and these soldiers are not going to get off lightly (The accused is charged with embarrassing an entire segment of the world in regard to another segment of the world.).

Torture isn't government sactioned, the soldiers were reported to a superior officer by another soldier who thought it was passing moral bounds. It's a shame it became public, I hate the fact a few morons can shape such a future.

Someone might say that it was only "few morons" which started the whole war on terror by attacking the Trade Towers and the Pentagon, they are wrong. Those people were part of an extensive network of people all sharing the same goals and using the same methods. The same with Iraq, yes, you can boil it down to Saddam, but there are thousands of people who endorsed him.
Paladin- no one ever said the world was fair.

Kotario- it might be worth noting that in both Korea and Vietnam, the US lost a lot of "moral high ground" by actions taken by US troops against prisoners. We should have learned from those mistakes. This kind of thing is quite predictable. In numerous cases when you have had people "acting" as prison guards or prisoners, you see the guards abusing their power.
Saw some censored pictures of the mistreatment of those prisoners. I am pretty disgusted that they would do this, a civilized people for no less. Get this trial over with quick, sentence them, and get it over with.

Still...Kotario has a point, but it would be very true, if it weren't for the fact that the CIA and perhaps some high government officials didn't order those soldiers to do it. A "breakdown" of their will for further interrogation, or at least, that's what the CIA says...
Could pissing on people be considered water torture or do we have to invent british "urine torture"?
About Chinese Water Torture...honestly, I mean, supposedly it's the worst around, but I find it hard to believe, then again, I will take your word for it. I still found it funny when our history teacher showed us how it was done and what it was. :rofl:...I awful. Anyhow, like I said, I'll just take your word for it then go through it.
yes some of our troops have done some......evil things to PoW's in iraq, but what you have not seen (because the media is edited) is the pictures of our dead troops, mutilated tortured and burnt.
iraq insurgence forces do not respect our troops they mutilate them
and drag their bodys through the streets.
bob_the_rambler said:
yes some of our troops have done some......evil things to PoW's in iraq, but what you have not seen (because the media is edited) is the pictures of our dead troops, mutilated tortured and burnt.
iraq insurgence forces do not respect our troops they mutilate them
and drag their bodys through the streets.

And the best way for the the US to prove that it is better than the insurgents is to not act like the insurgents.

Hearts and minds people, that's what its alll about.
And more photos are released.

Well, this certainly has screwed the United State's image in the internation community. Seems pointless to even run damage control
Woops, said CIA, when it was the CACI, or something like that? A corporate company ordered them to do it. Just shows you who is actually running this country, not politics, but big business.
The defense that these soldiers were following orders is complete BS, they were ordered to intimidate the new arrivals with photos or something to that affect.

These photos show them laughing like it's some stupid game, my best friend is in the USMC over in Basra (I believe, can't tell me exactly where in Iraq they put him, they read soldiers emails AFAIK so he just said he had to go back to Iraq last email) and has been there since the day of the invasion and told me that any such order to do what was done is obviously illegal.

Soldiers are trained to NOT be mindless drones, the command structure comes first, but questionable orders give you the legal right to jump the chain of command and disobay the order until such time you recieve confirmation this is legal, these soldiers only defense can be they were too stupid to realize this was illegal (which I can almost believe, they do seem to be idiots) because any soldier I know (and I know quite a few) would refuse such an order and would NOT be penalized for it.

Although AFAIK their order said nothing about torture, they came up with what they did all by themselves. The order may have NOT been illegal, but what they did clearly was, there's a ton of finger pointing (as there was after 9/11) but blame the people directly responsible, don't blame Rumsfeld, don't blame the CIA, blame the jackasses in the pictures making goofy faces.

They are a disgrace to the men and women of the US armed forces and what they did makes most soldiers sick. This wasn't a matter of revenge over a lost comrade (that is at least understandable) it was just them being jackasses, which harmed the entire war effort.

Also, comparing Bush to Hitler (I've seen this too much in the media) is very unfair, sure we found no WMDs in Iraq, but the 300,000 dead kurds we found and the capture of the monster responsible is enough comfort for me.
Also, comparing Bush to Hitler (I've seen this too much in the media) is very unfair, sure we found no WMDs in Iraq, but the 300,000 dead kurds we found and the capture of the monster responsible is enough comfort for me.
Ugh. I must, yet again, say something:
Bush may have done a good thing by removing Saddam from power, he has not done it in the right way. He has ignred the UN, making the bastion of international law completely useless, and therefore creating what could become, in effect, a return to pre-modern times on warfare. Now we have a lot of rules, and all western countries go through the UN security council before declaring war, this is good, even though the security council itself may be flawed, because this means that no country can be self-righteous and attack countries for its own reasons. UNfortunately, the USA just did.
I have no problem with the fact that the USA invaded Iraq, I have a problem with how they did it. They did it with lies, misleading information and manipulation. Instead of coming out and saying "Fuck this, we want Saddam out.", they came out and held a BULLSHIT speech about WMD that deceived most of the American public, and has still deceived a large part of the American public.
What Bush did may have actually created a split in the USA, instead of unifying it; something which may be useful when facing terrorists.
If you want to be responsible for the destruction of international law and the establishment of the USA as a bully-state, be my guest. But give consideration to these words.
I completely agree Sander, but even the biggest Bush haters should realize that any comparison to Hitler, who was one of the most evil men to ever live, is very unfair.

If it were Hitler, he would have just ran the country over seizing the oil the first day and ignoring capturing the cities, as if all we wanted was oil the cities would be of little value.
Tired of Iraq?

Dissappointed that we missed the weapons of mass destruction?

Upset that we didn't get to go to war with a country that could actually nuke us.

Well gues what! Now is your chance.

Looks like the US is having more fun with North Korea-

So we destroy a country without nukes, go easy with a country that is making nukes, and then get to spend billions of dollars on a missile defense system that might, or might not, work.

Is this about goofing up your priorities or choosing a policy that will profit your buddies?