Sander said:
A) Blatantly ignored international laws.
B) Made a mockery out of the UN Security council and the UN itself.
C) Fed lies to the public.
D) Got people to believe those lies and turn against everyone who dared question them.
E) Kicked around a bunch of human basic rights (although this has little to do with Iraq itself. PATRIOT act and such).
A) International Law? Where is that written? I would like to look it up to see if what you say is true. The UN? That is where international law is held?
B) The UN is crap. They are only good for a money whirlpool. The UN, while admittedly doing good deeds in helping 3rd world nations develop, and providing for improved quality of life worldwide, has virtually no power in settling worldwide disputes. It has no imperative to hold up its charter or laws. The Security Council Resolutions are so worthless they are laughable. The problem they have is the lack of force. Also, the problem they have is they call them Peacekeepers. The Blue Helmet Brigade.
Dictators like Hussein, people like Hamas, the IRA, whatever else, they do not respect weakness. The only thing that these sorts of people respect is strength. The UN is weakness incarnate. Not in philosophical sense, but in the physical sense. They bow to force. That is why I do not respect the UN in the realm of maintaining peace between bitter nations.
Sorry for turning a small point into a huge deal, but I (and I think I speak for quite a few people) am kind of annoyed by now with the constant citing of international law, and the duties of the UN, and the responsibilities of all nations to respect the etiquette of international bullshit.
I'm not condoning Bush's actions in the least. The points C-E are spot on. Exactly.
But there are some things that bother me:
1. States that actively bully and invade others, due to the massive prowess of military power (USA)
2. States that do not respect anything other than (it has gotten to the point of military) force (Iraq)
3. States that use terrorism (blatant disregard for peace) to achieve their ends (Hamas, Israel, IRA)
4. States that believe in nothing other than talking, and international law, and general gayness: (The Netherlands, apparently) (yes, I know you have troops there. I am making an exaggeration here.) (and Switzerland. They're always neutral)
Number one corresponds to abuse of power.
Number two corresponds to irrational disregard for temerity.
Number three corresponds to irrational disregard for human life.
Number four corresponds to irrational disregard for necessary action.
What is the solution then? How do we achieve balance? How do we prevent states from becoming this way, or further solidifying their positions in these philosophies?
Here is one: stop with all the political bullshit and rhetoric.
Agree? Disagree?
EDIT - I don't think people like Bob the rambler should be exposed to the truth. Those people need the rhetoric and the bullshit.