Is Fallout 76 a real Fallout?


First time out of the vault
I suppose that question might feel outdated because the game got better after the initial backlash, but in my mind, it could never be a real Fallout the instant I saw the ads about it and knowing it wouldn't be focused on a single player story. I try toi view it as a distant spin-off, somewhere along with ff14, but it's not really a Fallout game.
In Fallout 76...

  • You play 'A single player game set in a post-apocalyptic world' (even the multiplayer isn't really 'multiplayer' it's just other people --there--) ✔️
  • within a 'well-written plot and quests' (dubious as I found 76 utterly forgettable...) ❌
  • have 'freedom regarding the way you interact with your environment and solve quests'. (you are free to shoot the thing or hit the thing ...) ❌
If those are your parameters, I would argue that no, it does not meet your critea of being a real fallout game.

But I also argue that your parameters are somewhat personally subjective. And oddly can incorrectly be aligned to non-Fallout games.

In Frostpunk...
  • You play 'A single player game set in a post-apocalyptic world'' ✔️
  • within a set of 'well-written plot and quests' ✔️
  • and have 'freedom regarding the way you interact with your environment and solve quests'. (at least within the scope of the game format...)✔️
But Frostpunk is not Fallout.
A single player game set in a post-apocalyptic world with a well-written plot and quests as well as freedom regarding the way you interact with your environment and solve quests.
Does a single player game preclude co-op? Is Wasteland 3 excluded from this because of co-op mode?