Is Inane Insane? You Decide!


First time out of the vault
Depends on where you believe "bird flu" to come from. there have been 54 deaths in the entire world in the past 3 years from "it"...

There have been 450 deaths in the US alone from lightning strikes in those 3 years... think about it...

Epidemic? Fuck no.

Media coverage of 54 deaths world wide and naming a disease? suspicious

What I think is happening? The US is about to use biological warfare, they're just preparing everyone with the alibi beforehand. This is about as absurd as hijackers taking a jet with box cutters.
Actually, hijackers takeing a plane with boxcutters isnt all that far fetched, especially given that the policy for all airlines was "comply with the terrorists demands and hope all turns out well."
That's bullshit if you do some research. If you REALLY want to know what's up, do a search on black boxes. They do more than record flight data. Ever wonder why there hasn't been a major commercial crash on land since the sixties? I have and I've discovered why. If you believe that all the people on a flight would allow hijackers to take a plane with box cutters you're a fucking moron.
Well if you believe it you are and I've seen that list. Sorry if I'm a little US centric but there are NO over land crashes in the US since the sixties.

Here ya go, some celebrity plane crashes

Also, lots of stuff here on aircraft crashes. Includeing crashes in the US.

I have a hard time believeing that the Flight Data Recorder (Black Box) magically failed to automatically fly the plane without incident in ALL these incidents. Especially considering that it is just that, a flight data RECORDER and has almost nothing to do with the autopilot system other than monitering.

Please do more research of your own before you make unfounded assumptions.
I was wondering where the Inane we come to love had gone. He had seemed far too sensible lately; good to know that nothing has changed.
Elissar said:

Here ya go, some celebrity plane crashes

Also, lots of stuff here on aircraft crashes. Includeing crashes in the US.

I have a hard time believeing that the Flight Data Recorder (Black Box) magically failed to automatically fly the plane without incident in ALL these incidents. Especially considering that it is just that, a flight data RECORDER and has almost nothing to do with the autopilot system other than monitering.

Please do more research of your own before you make unfounded assumptions.

OVER LAND!!!! do you understand that? get it?! NOT TAKING OFF!!! NOT COASTAL!!! NOT THE EVERGLADES!!! OVERLAND!!!

"A major technological breakthrough in the weight reduction of hydraulic flight controls occurred with the introduction of the Boeing 757 and 767 fly-by-wire aircraft. The hydraulic circuitry linking the cockpit flight controls with the servo mechanisms which actuated the ailerons etc., was replaced by electronic signals emanating from a series of computers. This innovation also enabled fly-by-wire aircraft to be equipped with a unique anti-hijacking system.

... the US Department of Defense delegated its research arm known as the Defense Advanced Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop a black box specifically to prevent the hijacking of fly-by-wire airliners. If communication between air traffic controllers and the flight crew of such an aircraft ceases, and the aircraft deviates from its preplanned flightpath, the DARPA black box enables a covert Federal ground control facility to remotely fly the aircraft and safely land it.

With the cockpit flight controls deactivated, it would be impossible for hijackers to deliberately cause the 9/11 disaster. A visual link between the ground facility and the aircraft could be accomplished by means of a Global Hawk remotely controlled surveillance aircraft. With the capability of operating at an altitude of 60,000 feet, the Global Hawk would be almost visually imperceptible to a person on the ground, in the vicinity of the World Trade Center."

This is ALL documented. Get off your ass, turn off the TV and do some research before it all goes away. You listen to the same people that tell you to use a Windows system about your news and info. I personally haven't watched TV in three years. Want to know why?! BECAUSE IT'S BULLSHIT! INANE bullshit. I use Linux too. I applaud you for that choice but stop listening to the newswires and read some of the actual documents put out by these governments and beauracrasies. If you want to understand what ACTUALLY happened look into the parties-involved's motives.
Kotario said:
I was wondering where the Inane we come to love had gone. He had seemed far too sensible lately; good to know that nothing has changed.

I am sensible... up until facts statistics and numbers become involved. Nice to see you too, Kotario!!
inane said:
OVER LAND!!!! do you understand that? get it?! NOT TAKING OFF!!! NOT COASTAL!!! NOT THE EVERGLADES!!! OVERLAND!!!

So marshes, bogs, swamps, or any type of wetland wouldn't count?

Hi there, Inane.
Inane, If you would be so kind as to provide a link or to to this "information" you have gathered it would be much appreciated.

I am quite receptive to being "informed" about "things" But i'm not so receptive as to believe someone just because they put quotation marks around a few paragraphs seemingly pulled from nowhere."

Link or STFU <3 Elissar
Kotario said:
inane said:
OVER LAND!!!! do you understand that? get it?! NOT TAKING OFF!!! NOT COASTAL!!! NOT THE EVERGLADES!!! OVERLAND!!!

So marshes, bogs, swamps, or any type of wetland wouldn't count?

Hi there, Inane.

The reason is because the everglades is out of reach of these covert bases.

Also because there was a crash about 20 years ago there but it wasn't overland. It was flown over the Gulf.

There was another off the coast of New Jersey again it was majoritively over water and hadn't gone too far off it's projected path, therefore not enough red flags for them to take control.

How have ya been? :)
Elissar said:
Inane, If you would be so kind as to provide a link or to to this "information" you have gathered it would be much appreciated.

I am quite receptive to being "informed" about "things" But i'm not so receptive as to believe someone just because they put quotation marks around a few paragraphs seemingly pulled from nowhere."

Link or STFU <3 Elissar

Research or fuck off. That quote comes from a newsletter I recieve in the form of snail mail direct from a (sorry I REALLY had to edit this before I left). I'm not even supposed to post his name so I've already gone against rules.

Do a search, I'm not here to teach you or hold up these facts. I'm simply pointing you in the right path.
Oh dear sweet non existant lord..... Your pulling your facts from a snail mail news letter that you recieve from an unnamed source...

And i'm Just supposed to take your word for it... After I HAVE done and SHOWN research... hehehe.... you're funny...

And stop double posting, you've done it twice now, and it is against the rules. There is an EDIT button... I know, it's a secret feature on these forums that not many know about... but you really CAN find it if you look hard enough...

And on that note. I'll have no more of your nonsense untill you can provide me with at least ONE link to ANYTHING that even REMOTELY supports your claims.


EDIT: Also, would a mod from GD Splitzor this gem into another thread labeled "Inane's inane theroizing"?

Edit 2 - The Lesser of Two Edits: Close enough, Thanks.
Any which way you're changing the original subject my dear. Bird flu is bullshit and is not an epidemic. More people died from unknown causes in southeast Asia then did from any "epidemic" in the past three years.

The source for this newsletter I'd rather keep to myself though if you'd like to know the source of the info, Brian Desborough. I did a search just now and here's a link to a website dedicated to him He isn't a quack or an idiot and is rather privy to this sort of information. To even postulate that you are able to strain the minutest granule of truth from a media wholely devoted to commercialization to the degree of even selling their mothers for an ad on macaroni and cheese (bad analogy I know) is "insane," let alone real data on the most outright attack on the US since Pearl Harbor :roll: (with which it is common knowledge nowadays that they withheld data on as well).

Here's the idea, if you have too many symptoms in a country your disease is too large, what's the disease? Government. What're the symptoms? War, corruption, conspiracy, bribery, extortion, more laws and more criminals.

"In the kingdom the
multiplication of prohibitive enactments increases the poverty of the
people; the more implements to add to their profit that the people
have, the greater disorder is there in the state and clan; the more
acts of crafty dexterity that men possess, the more do strange
contrivances appear; the more display there is of legislation, the
more thieves and robbers there are.

3. Therefore a sage has said, 'I will do nothing (of purpose), and the
people will be transformed of themselves; I will be fond of keeping
still, and the people will of themselves become correct. I will take
no trouble about it, and the people will of themselves become rich; I
will manifest no ambition, and the people will of themselves attain to
the primitive simplicity.'" - Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching

Furthermore take a breath and think about WHY they called them "black boxes". What is the underlying meaning of a "black box"? They're BRIGHT NEON ORANGE so WHY did they name it such? Some claim oh well because it becomes charred in a wreck... uhhuh, sure, it was named that BEFORE it was ever invented. A black box is something whose inner workings are unknown or purposefully ignored. Behaviorists such as B.F. Skinner advocated ignoring introspective evidence and treating the mind as a black box. Remember pandora's black box? etc etc etc... BTW the original purpose of the proposed project was "Flight Security".

Going on, (officially) part of the black box is a small beacon activated if it comes in contact with water. So the idea of it sending out a signal if and when the plane goes off course is not far fetched at all, actually in light of this it can actually make sense, it's getting constant data on the flight path... but try finding any pictures of the inside of a black box. You can't and you won't, why? Only high level officials can open it and only technicians with EXTREMELY high security ratings can work on them. It is officially recognized that these machines have a direct electronic connection to all parts of the cockpit and fly-by-wire systems being what they are, electronic. Making it so that it would contact someone on the ground (since it is DOES have some form of relay, communications) so that they may take control (via fly-by-wire) would only be tying it all together, logical and arguably STUPID not to if all the tech is sitting there............

Hell you wouldn't even NEED the beacon, any of hundreds of Air Traffic Control Towers can see a plane going off course and they are well known for how anal they are about their airspace. STRESSED all to hell, the pilot has more to fear from an Air Traffic Controller blowing his brains out than from a hijacker cutting him with a box cutter.
Inane said:
Any which way you're changing the original subject my dear. Bird flu is bullshit and is not an epidemic. More people died from unknown causes in southeast Asia then did from any "epidemic" in the past three years.

Nigga please.

The big hype around Teh Bird Flu is the possibility of the lethal HN51 virus to mutate into a virus transmissible from human to human, like ordinary flu virii. So far, the people dying from it contracted it directly from poultry. There hasn't been any claims of epidemy.
Furthermore, the big scare comes from another factor; no country in the world could react in time to stop an epidemic of a highly contagious, lethal flu virus, nor possibly could hospitalize the massive and geometrically growing amount of people infected by said virus.

Wooz said:
Inane said:
Any which way you're changing the original subject my dear. Bird flu is bullshit and is not an epidemic. More people died from unknown causes in southeast Asia then did from any "epidemic" in the past three years.

Nigga please.

The big hype around Teh Bird Flu is the possibility of the lethal HN51 virus to mutate into a virus transmissible from human to human, like ordinary flu virii. So far, the people dying from it contracted it directly from poultry. There hasn't been any claims of epidemy.
Furthermore, the big scare comes from another factor; no country in the world could react in time to stop an epidemic of a highly contagious, lethal flu virus, nor possibly could hospitalize the massive and geometrically growing amount of people infected by said virus.


No shit?! And I'm not black.

Anyway, China stands to lose the most in that area and from my vantage point the US stands to gain the most were it to "transmute" to a human to human virus and attack China. China has already announced were there to be a massive pandemic they would close their borders to trade... Also why should I bring up medical preparedness? It's an assumed factor if I'm speaking of a scare and a planned biological attack. It's also funny that Donald Rumsfeld used to chair the company that makes Tamiflu :)

Donald Rumsfeld, one of the fucking "whiz-kids" who truly fucked up the unfucked up parts of the Vietnam War. I'm surprised he's still even allowed to work in the government... oh wait nevermind, I'm not surprised at anything in government.

Wigga please! hehehe... good point though.
You're very fond of conspiration theories, aren't cha?

Read a few newspapers now and then, it won't hurt. Checking out AFP and Reuters' websites could help as well.

Unless, you know, you actually want to continue to sound like an amphetaminized teenage pseudo-anarchist who's read the Da Vinci code once too much.
Wow... just wow.

Brian's Better World said:
When the author was eighteen months old he contracted what was believed at the time to be a terminal illness; since that near death experience, he has possessed the ability to astrally project. During an out of body experience which occurred in 1971, he encountered five highly spiritually evolved non physical beings who informed him that he must write a revisionist history of the world. The purpose of the book was to take the readers out of their comfort zones, by presenting them with the truth regarding such diverse subjects as the true location of Atlantis, the duplicitous acts of the Illuminati, and the fundamentals of free energy technology. It was hoped that such a book would generate a word-of-mouth pandemic among the global populace in order to finally collapse the Illuminati House of Cards thus permitting humanity to create a better world which emphasizes love, not hate.

It was not until later that the author learned that the non physical entities that he had encountered were associated with a non physical directorate who were the overlords of a group of terrestrial mystics known through the centuries as the Khwajagan. It is the role of the Khwajagan to intercede in the political affairs of the world periodically, in an attempt to elevate the level of human spirituality.

These non physical entities stressed that the author should conduct an in depth study of the research of Nikola Tesla and Dr. Wilhelm Reich. The author felt that this would be a daunting task since the published works of Reich had been publicly burned in 1956 by order of a corrupt judge. Reich's books were not republished until the late 1970's. To make matters worse, in order to protect his financial interests the wily Tesla sometimes included obfuscation as an element of his energy patents, thereby rendering them difficult to comprehend.

Shortly after his meeting with the five non physical beings, the author had a "chance" encounter with a pediatrician who had been one of Reich's research associates at the time when Federal goons arrested Dr. Reich and destroyed his laboratory equipment with axes. He provided the author with access to a copy of Reich's research notes which enabled him to acquire a knowledge of weather engineering and orgonotic science.

At that time period the author was a member of a small spiritual healing group. Upon concluding a healing session with an elderly female metallurgist who was dying from heavy metal poisoning, she asked him whether he had heard of Nikola Tesla. Upon answering in the affirmative, the lady smiled and took him to her laboratory which adjoined her house. There, on a workbench lay a very old free energy unit. She explained that after Lewis Cass Payseur had instructed his financial lackey J.P. Morgan to cancel Tesla's funding, the inventive genius quietly rented laboratory space in Portland, Oregon where he invented his so-called "death ray," which purportedly would have the capacity of flash-freezing the inhabitants of a distant city if the device were to be tuned to a quarter wavelength of the distance between the target city and the device.

One day, continued the lady, Tesla felt a tug on his coat sleeve. Looking down he saw the landlord's twelve year old son, who said: "Mr Tesla, will you teach me all you know?" Tesla was so impressed that the boy became one of Tesla's enthusiastic proteges, and later married the lady the author had just met. The lady then provided the author with some of her late husband's research notes on free energy and anti-gravitic technology. In this manner, many doors were opened thus enabling the author to acquire meaningful data for his two books.

During the three decades it took to research and write his books, the author became involved with exorcism where he experienced encounters with hostile reptoids from the lower astral realms of existence. This was a period where he met people deemed by psychiatrists to be delusional but were, in actuality, victims of mind control. Some of these survivors of insidious mind control projects were members of satanic cults, others were trained to be military assassins, while others were trained from infancy by the notorious "Angel of Death" Josef Mengele, for their roles as very high level Illuminati slaves. Serving in a support capacity for these hapless mind control survivors gradually enabled the author to access the innermost secrets of the Illuminati, some of which are revealed in his first book entitled " They Cast no Shadows ," which derives its title from a line in a poem recited at high level Illuminati human sacrificial rituals.

After collecting research material for a while, it became self evident to the author that there simply is too much informational data to fit into a single volume. Much of what passes for world history is actually a compilation of misinformation written for the purpose of justifying the acts of war perpetrated by the winning side. The author's first book accordingly was written for the purpose of presenting historical and also religious truths for the enlightenment of future generations so that they may perceive the covert influence of the Illuminati, which governs so many activities of humankind, In order to create a paradise on Earth, it is necessary for the global populace to have unrestricted access to abundant water and food, in addition to inexpensive energy sources not derived from fossil fuels. In this, the author's second book, all the requisite technology necessary for the creation of such an earthly paradise is presented.

Due to the extremely complex and varied nature of the research data, it has taken the author thirty two years to compile the historical data, construct expensive experimental free energy hardware and write his two books. In order to succeed in his assigned task the author has been obligated to allow the researching and writing of his books to take precedence over all other matters in his life, something those involved in his life probably will never understand. During these years he has refrained from becoming a member of any political party or becoming a member of any cultural or social group, in an attempt to present his data in as unbiased a manner as possible. On several occasions he nearly abandoned his project due to financial and other difficulties, but was always encouraged by the non physical directorate during his out of body experiences to continue. As one door closed, another always seemed to open, just as obstacles were appearing to be insurmountable.

Now that the author has only a few more lines of this book to write, was the stress, libel, slander and ridicule which appears to come with the territory when one writes a book of this genre, really worth the thirty two years devoted to this effort? Probably not, for it appears to be a peculiar idiosyncrasy of humanity that the do-nothing apathetic masses appear to take a vicarious pleasure in heaping scorn upon those few who attempt to make this a better world. If however, long after the author has departed this earthly realm, someone blows the dust off the cover of a copy of this book and applies the precepts contained therein to create a flourishing self sustaining cooperative, replete with its own free energy system and reforestation project, then the author's incarnation will have been worthwhile.

Hear that, scientific world? Brian has revealed the secret of free energy (quite obviously, the fact that I never heard of Brian's free energy machine, invented by Tesla of course, is because of repression of information by the scientific community, and absolutely not because it's another brand of quackery).
Well it's typical of people who are closed minded to ridicule what they do not understand. I don't know whether or not to believe that about him but it's not my right to judge and I refuse to deny that there's a spiritual world or alien worlds, in fact I'm Taoist so I CANNOT.

Oh and Wooz, you prejudice moron, the only thing I ever listen to in my car is NPR and I have subscriptions to only three known commercial publications, The Las Vegas Journal, Newsweek and the The New York Times (west coast edition). Fuck off and go watch some more Fox News Channel.

Edit: Besides a lot of his theories are quite entertaining.

OMGOMGOMG!!! My lawyer's secretary just called and was so excited saying my lawyer had AMAZING news for me. He's about to call me back! CROSS YOURFINGERS :) HEHEHE!!