Is it Fallout?

Maphusio said:
...why is it a php file?

It's not, it's a Flash file.

And no amount of Flash can hide the fact that it's ugly. I'm sorry, but a 3.6 MB file just to put a music track under an uninteresting drawing is shit
steelsoldier said:
but in some way it doesnt

Yeah, really not something I'd like to see, I hope that you won't take offense at what I'm gonna say =>

it's cool and all but maybe not "spot on". to much off the flashes and bright colors. is it named kitt?

apart from that it's a pretty neat effect you got going. ever tried doing a city getting hit by a bomb?


Really, this is horrible.
I think you utterly failed to understand what Fallout's about.
Have you ever played the game? Anime doesn't go well with Fallout. Watch a few Clint Eastwood Movies, watch 10 WWII documentaries, play in the scrap-metal junkyard for a week and then come back and try again.

:wink: :D
I fused all your threads because these images do not need separate threads.

Also, lol, you even use a Newgrounds preloader.

And I think you're missing all the criticism. Your style is fine for maybe inside a Newgrounds film or game. It's not interesting as stand-alone art and even if it is post-apocalyptic it's not really Fallout.