Is it possible... (different critter set for Chosen One)


First time out of the vault
For example, if the player picks the Bruiser trait, then a large framed guy is used (imagine those casino bouncers)?
It isn’t worth the effort IMO…the amount of frames that would require adjusting would be mind boggling, it’s hard enough just to build the basic critters – Mr. Long Hair – Mr. Baldie – and Mr. Blackie. :roll:
it’s hard enough just to build the basic critters – Mr. Long Hair – Mr. Baldie – and Mr. Blackie.

Oh, I forgot that. LOL
If so we'll need a fat version for all of those.
x'il said:
Josan12 had this idea some time ago... it didn't seem to 'catch on'.

Yes, that's right. PS can be automated to adjust the size of many frames and it almost worked out. The problem was that i couldn't find a way to restrict PS to increasing the width of each frame by only EVEN or ODD numbers. If there's a discrepency it will screw with the offsets and that really IS a mind-boggling amount of work to correct.

So i scrapped it. But if anyone can figure it out this can be done in a very reasonable amount of time.
Josan12 said:
(...)But if anyone can figure it out this can be done in a very reasonable amount of time.

I have. It's not perfect, but it's good enough. :)
.Pixote. said:
x'il said:
I have. It's not perfect, but it's good enough. :)

A bit more information please... :P

I mean that i have found a way to automatically re-size things without messing up the frame offsets too much, not that i'm making this "bruiser" and "small frame" type characters myself. :)

If you meant the re-size "trick" let me know and i'll post it.

I liked the idea back then, but now given the various (almost :P) types of player characters, it would be a whooping frm (and mb) increase... so i don't know.
Hmmm.... it still sounds appealing though.
I personally almost always play with smallfram so it would be nice to see my char fit the description.
Playing a big guy whos just clubbing people to death sound appealing to me too, though the bruiser trait really does needs some revamping because the vanilla trait is just plain retarded..

* But i guess that fits the description of a big guy clubbing people to death in a PostApoc Wasteland....
And what about mod which makes each weapon looking like fucking inventory image - I'm sick off this generic rifle or pistol that isn't fitting to the inventory image at all... How many FRMs that could be... 19574565 perhaps? :D

Personally, I see totally pointless doing all these FRMs for the player. But you may try to doing critter fat, or small frame for NPCs, like Vic, or Myron. Just a thought, of course.
Continuum said:
And what about mod which makes each weapon looking like fucking inventory image - I'm sick off this generic rifle or pistol that isn't fitting to the inventory image at all... How many FRMs that could be... 19574565 perhaps? :D

Pretty much. Also, the engine wouldn't be able to handle it, causing a chain reaction that would make the computer explode in your face. :P

Continuum said:
But you may try to doing critter fat, or small frame for NPCs, like Vic, or Myron. Just a thought, of course.

Tried beefing up Myron (as well as re-coloring) a little bit, but the results were unconvincing... (i guess i keep seeing his stereotype nerd critter sub-conciously even after several edits :P)
x'il said:
Continuum said:
But you may try to doing critter fat, or small frame for NPCs, like Vic, or Myron. Just a thought, of course.

Tried beefing up Myron (as well as re-coloring) a little bit, but the results were unconvincing... (i guess i keep seeing his stereotype nerd critter sub-conciously even after several edits :P)

Couldn't the Myron critter be used instead of the Dude ? Shouldn't Myron have all the necessary animations ?

Crappy paintjob:
First, Myron critter is super fugly. :> Second, he doesn't have all animations.
''Personally, I see totally pointless doing all these FRMs for the player''

True true....
Myron critter needs to die already..

The only way for a fat/slim dude would be just as another custom critter like hippie dude or bald dude, not mixed with those. But I think there isn't any existing good-looking critter for that. Myron and Vic.. no.
Same opinion. Though I like Vic character he doesn't all the weapon anims and even that way he would be needed to be recolored to tribal and vault dweller I think the best way would be creating a new model from scratch......