Is Jinxed overpowered?

I wonder how well a character with high throwing, luck 10 and, jinxed would work out? Anyone want to play hot potato?
Insanely well if you use F2WR, otherwise pretty much the same as the Lit Flare cheesecake? Basically hoarding Flares and aiming for instakills.

Man, what a fucking goofy way to take on the Enclave :D I suppose you'd want Finesse as well, since Sniper doesn't work for Throwing?
10 luck characters are good for finding random encounters, which generally have the most powerful weapons in the game.

Whenever I go a One Hander/small guns build in Fallout Classic, I always pick up luck 10 for the Red Ryder or Alien Blaster.

I wonder how well a character with high throwing, luck 10 and, jinxed would work out? Anyone want to play hot potato?

With the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch?
Just hope you don't get a massive critical failure while tossing it towards Horrigan.
Always use Jinxed with LK 10, always!

Kaga encounter 2 was fun and pretty nice use of Jinxed. Weapon drops, ammo lost, critical miss. Still no weapon destroyed dialogs :(

Used "jab" aimed on hands/legs, small gunners first cripple, then Kaga (he has high unarmed dmg), lastly spear guy / woman.

Jinxed red ryder build, hmm that is good idea :D