Is there a worse character than Moira?

rcorporon said:
Rogue Galaxy's "Mio" is the worst character ever.
Oh god, yeah she's damn near the top of my hatred list. That is what happens when the localization team is full of idiots. I'd say that the voice acting is well done there but that it's the worst fucking script/voice direction choice possible in that spot. MIO illustrates pretty well why I like to have the original voice acting as an option, I'm pretty sure I know exactly the voice style she had in Japanese and that it was high-pitched and annoying, but I'm also positive that it wouldn't cause my blood to boil with rage.

On the other hand, Moria illustrates the advantages of not having a full voice acted game and why not to have characters voice acted in an annoying manner. Yeah, the voice is a fit for the retarded character they came up with but when voice acting actually turns off players because it's annoying, you've got a problem.
everyone in oasis. it's the only place in the game where I just murdered everyone. except the girl, who I wasn't able to find (ran off?)
Commiered said:
Though I uninstalled F3 days ago, that cheerful idiotic accented voice and that retarded blank stare on that stupid red-haired bitch is still in my head.

I like the concept of Moira Brown: a bit looney and curious shopkeeper with some crazy ambitions. Unfortunately this concept is realized in rather crappy way: Moira's lines are mostly pathetic, voiceacting is annoying, dialogues with her are supposed to be funny/ironic but mostly lack wit. At least from my perspective [I guess there are people who probably consider those conversations really funny all the time].

I admit I was tempted to kill her once or twice but then again I kinda enjoyed this crazy quest with wasteland guide [the only quest I came across that gave any reward for being 100% stealth] and since my PC chose to have a house in Megaton, Moira as the only vendor in vicinity is rather useful.

Little Lamp... well... it simply needs to perish. It's abomination.

But I think NPC who annoys me most is Mr Burke. Fortunately he doesn't have to live long. Why? I do not like his voice since he speaks and sounds just like Lucien Lachance, some guy from Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood [one of those NPCs in TES4 who have a bit more to say, play a bit bigger role than most of them and *are supposed to have* some personality]. There's no attempt of changing the way of speaking at all.
First of all: for me it kills this part of an atmosphere that is labeled: 'not necessarily Oblivion-like'. Secondly: I consider Lachance's way of expressing himself pompous, empty and not suitable to the characted he's suppose to be in game [rather some kind of caricature]. Having to hear voiceover which is almost exactly the same isn't funny.
The way Mr Burke introduced himself simply whisper to my ear: kill that retard before he'll say more.
I liked her, but they shoulda gone further as far as characterization. Felt like they wanted to do something, but cut back a lot of the weirdness.

Better to go all out than half-assed.
CrowbarDoom said:
With mounting horror, Crowbar realized he was the only person on NMA who liked Moira.

I enjoyed her as well. She was cute and innocent in an annoying kind of way. Forgiving you for setting off the bomb as long as you say your sorry.

Anyways an interesting note, when polled on the Beth forum overwhelmingly everyone seemed to love Moria. While on here it is the exact opposite. :P
Yeah Republic of Dave tops the list for me since i cannot challenge the immortal kids of asshattery land. I too liked Moira that was one of the few decent voice actors they had, maybe it's just from me living semi-close to Wisconsin and Minnesota but they made her right for that.
Amata is worse. Especially after returning to Vault 101. *****!

I like Mio, but I listen to J-Pop, so maybe it's not up to everyone's tastes. :P

She actually sounded alright in a few cut scenes where she is serious.

If you are just talking about Bad VAs in localized games, Grandia 3, Dynasty Warriors, etc, left some bad memories.
bah what's up with that i need to find a way to get back in Vault 101, It will not let me open the door so maybe i can play FO3 a few more hours but not many heh.
Maybe I just don't get annoyed with stuff the way other people here do, but I don't actually find any of the NPCs annoying. I didn't mind Little Lamplight, but I would have liked it better if it wasn't part of the main quest, as I saw it more or less as a vague reference to Mad Max 3. And not just that... of all the Mad Max 3 references they could have done this was probably the only one that wouldn't include an arena in Megaton, Tina Turner and a Super Mutant with a midget on his back.
I liked Moira and would like to be believe that I live in a world where quirkiness isn't synonymous annoyance. Lighten up dudes, this is a game.
She was supposed to provide that cheerful humor in the game, but instead annoyed the hell out of everyone. She's the only one with some semblance of personality in Megaton.
Believe it or not, but I work with somebody who is almost EXACTLY like Moira Brown. Talks about the same goofy, off the wall things, same kind of accent... hell, even kinds looks like her in a way!

When I first started talking to Moira, I was shocked between the similiaraties between her and my co-worker. It's really creepy.

TamaNeko said:
Amata is worse. Especially after returning to Vault 101. *****!



J Marcus said:
She was supposed to provide that cheerful humor in the game, but instead annoyed the hell out of everyone. She's the only one with some semblance of personality in Megaton.

I concur. I consider Sierra Petrovita a similar case. She is also crazy as hell and a bit annoying too but seems to have semblance of personality as well.

EDIT: I thought also just now about this crazy woman from Arefu [the one who has a husband with an attitude]. It seems that crazy women are those NPCs who have some personalities in gameworld [she has IMHO more personality than Megaton's sheriff].
Nullifidian said:
More loathsome character? Everyone in Little Lamplight.


As annoying as Moira's personality is, at least it is some sort of personality, which 90% of all other NPCs lack. Particularly the little shits in Little Lamplight; making them foul-mouthed and abrasive is not giving them personality, it's just being annoying.