Iso: Public opinion on a change to stims

Necro- said:
i actually like that idea.

add 3 new items, medikits, doctors bags and super stimpacks

medikits could heal say half of a cripple bar (before being crippled) doctors bags are the only ones able to heal a fully crippled limb and super stimpacks would heal max hp but with a bleedout.

If medikit will do that it will be the same as stimpack
Good solution would be to make medikit, doctors bag to be the only items that heal criple status and stimpack could heal limb without cripple status but only when its have more then 60% hp.
Additional to that medikits and doctors bag could stop bleedout status of super stims and bleedout status could be added to normal stims aswell when healing a limb.

And to ad some bonus to medicine skill only player with 25( or more) medicine skill can use medikit, 50 (or more) can use doctors bag) maye even add some schemati for doctors bag and medikit wich is based on medicine skill ( so more medicine skill u have the more items u produce( if they are each for 1 use) or produce items with more uses like with 50 medicine 5 uses of doctors bag before its dissapire)
yea, i kinda meant that stimpacks wouldnt heal limbs

here was my idea in full:

stimpacks heal hp and limbs from 75% up
medkits: heal limbs from 30% up
doctos bags: heals crippled limbs
super stimpacks: heal a lot of hp (200+) with some bleedout.
Sorry i write it wrong my english sux :D
Anyways i meant that if medikits will not heal criple limbs it will not be better than stims
I don't know for certain how healing crippled limbs is defined. If it's defined by a setting in the code that's called from by the xml for the menu, then it -cannot- be changed (not without scripting it all manually, which *is* doable and pretty simple to write out).

I like the idea of val+Medicine for determining how much a stimpak heals. However, I'm not sure if that's actually how it works. It should be possible to apply two heal effects to a stimpak, one that is static, and one that is multiplied by medicine.

I also like the idea of a First aid kit, and a doctor's bag. However someone else is going to need to make the models & texture them.

Right now, my current objective for F3C is minor bug fixes (as needed) and finishing perks - which is alot of work sadly.
I think using chems should cost APs. This way there would be a limit to the number of stims you could use at one time making the game more tactical without becoming too challenging. Plus it would be a great addition for players who don't spend all their time in VATS mode.
Hello Dubby,

Dubby said:
I don't know for certain how healing crippled limbs is defined. If it's defined by a setting in the code that's called from by the xml for the menu, then it -cannot- be changed (not without scripting it all manually, which *is* doable and pretty simple to write out).

There are two restore health effects. One for Stimpack is "Restore Health & Condition", normal one is "Restore Health".

Restore Health & Condition: 0009FE63
Restore Health: 0000014E

If you use FO3Edit, you can see those effects under [Magic.Effect] Group

I like the idea of val+Medicine for determining how much a stimpak heals. However, I'm not sure if that's actually how it works. It should be possible to apply two heal effects to a stimpak, one that is static, and one that is multiplied by medicine.

Possible. Consumable Items can have multiple effects, and conditional effects. And you can create your own Script Effects.