Issue Modifying the Scrolling Keys


First time out of the vault
I updated my keys.cfg to be the following

// scrolling
W = {scrollUp}
S = {scrollDown}
D = {scrollRight}
A = {scrollLeft}

This works like a dream.. other than the fact that "W" will scroll the screen one "tick" and then stop if I hold it down while all of the other keys will continue to scroll if I hold it down.

I have tried using a key other than "W" and it appears I get the same behavior. The only way it works properly is if I use "up" to reset it back to the arrow key.

Has anyone else seen this behavior?
That is extremely weird. I'll give it a shot and post my results.

Are you trying the game in a windowed mode? I'll try both to make sure.
I am using Windows 10 so the game was in windowed to start before switching to full screen. Pretty sure I tried still in windowed mode as well but i'll verify that.

edit: yeah, I get the same behavior in windows and full screen
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It works perfect for me. Maybe another key is using your W key. Try my Keys.cfg

// you can bind functions to keys with the format
// key = {function}
// the key can have the modifiers <alt><ctrl><shift> (order is important)
// key and function names are case sensitive

// keys:
// apps scroll printscr pause
// back tab return escape caps insert delete clear
// lshift rshift lcontrol rcontrol lalt ralt lwin rwin
// left right up down pgup pgdn home end
// space numlock apostrophe
// comma minus period slash
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// 8 9 semicolon equals
// A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
// lbracket backslash bracket grave
// F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12
// numpad0 numpad1 numpad2 numpad3 numpad4 numpad5 numpad6 numpad7
// numpad8 numpad9 decimal npenter divide multiply subtract add

// functions: see below


// scrolling
W = {scrollUp}
S = {scrollDown}
D = {scrollRight}
A = {scrollLeft}

// skills
1 = {sneak}
2 = {lockpick}
3 = {steal}
4 = {traps}
5 = {firstAid}
6 = {doctor}
7 = {science}
8 = {repair}

// selection
F1 = {select1}
F2 = {select2}
F3 = {select3}
F4 = {select4}
F5 = {select5}
F6 = {select6}
<shift>F1 = {modSelect1}
<shift>F2 = {modSelect2}
<shift>F3 = {modSelect3}
<shift>F4 = {modSelect4}
<shift>F5 = {modSelect5}
<shift>F6 = {modSelect6}
F12 = {selectAll}

// group selections
<ctrl>F7 = {setGroup1}
<ctrl>F8 = {setGroup2}
<ctrl>F9 = {setGroup3}
<ctrl>F10 = {setGroup4}
<ctrl>F11 = {setGroup5}
F7 = {recallGroup1}
F8 = {recallGroup2}
F9 = {recallGroup3}
F10 = {recallGroup4}
F11 = {recallGroup5}

// menus
I = {inventory}
<ctrl>S = {skilldex}
C = {character}
P = {pipboy}
M = {pipboyMap}
O = {options}
escape = {menu}
tab = {scores}
H = {help}
<alt>X = {quit}
<alt><ctrl>S = {save}
<alt>S = {quickSave}
<ctrl>L = {load}
<alt>L = {quickLoad}
pause = {pause}
npenter = {toggleMinimap}
add = {zoomInMinimap}
subtract = {zoomOutMinimap}

// actions
<alt>back = {characterEndTurn/stop}
<ctrl>space = {squadEndTurn}
Q = {stand}
<ctrl>A = {crouch}
Z = {prone}
<ctrl>W = {stop}
R = {reload}
T = {toggleTargettedShot}
Y = {cycleWeaponModes}
U = {swapHands}
F = {toggleFormation}
<ctrl>D = {printDate}
space = {cycleMembers}
comma = {sentryOff}
period = {sentryScout}
slash = {sentryOn}
minus = {rotateLeft}
equals = {rotateRight}
lbracket = {useHand1}
bracket = {useHand2}

// chat
<shift>return = {teamChat}
return = {shout/toggleTurnBased}
apostrophe = {whisper}
Wow, that most certainly fixed it.

For the life of me I was sure I had checked that W was not bound to anything else but that would be a reasonable cause.

Thank you!