I originally intended to put this off for a while, but it occurred to me that some of you will probably end up buying the game if you haven't already. The following is a severe warning:
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, has been in development for quite a while now. It's one of the most highly anticipated RPGs of the year, and has a very large following. The Elder Scrolls itself is also a great property, in which the player is free to roam in one of the many provinces of Tamriel.
Oblivion, however, fails to live up to any of its hype, is in no way an RPG, and features extremely shoddy aspects of game design.
The first problem when playing the game: rats. Freaking rats. It's as if no Role Playing Game in the history of mankind can ever have a starting area that isn't packed to the gills with giant rats hungry for your man-flesh. So the game starts off with stale conventions. Ok. Not only that, but the beginning of the game is basically a tutorial that instructs you on how to play, and introduces you to the main quest. Not only is it annoying when you're forced to play through a tutorial, but the player is given no option of deciding his class, or the skills he'll focus on, until well into his playtime.
Once you get into the outside, you'll be overcome with a sense of freedom. That freedom is the best thing the game has going for it, so you'd better enjoy it. Like Morrowind, the greatest part of Oblivion's gameplay is the sense of adventure one experiences when exploring new areas. Coming across a mine in the middle of nowhere is exciting, and Daedric Shrines are an especially prime discovery, as performing the bidding of the Daedra can provide substantial rewards.
Of course, as I mentioned before, this is in no way a roleplaying game. Gameplay is entirely combat-oriented, meaning that if you don't select a couple of combat-related skills, you're shit out of luck. The end result, then, is that the player is type-cast into a murder machine, whether he be a powerful mage, hulking bruiser, or silent assassin. Diplomatic paths to victory are out of the question, considering that all of the dialogue in Oblivion is topical, and the few dialogue choices the player is allowed to make have no significant impact on a conversation whatsoever. The main quest is also focused on a single outcome, and the player is given no real option concerning his role as a positive or negative influence on Cyrodiil and Tamriel. Joining the evil cult offers no clear path for progression within the organization, meaning that the player could do something evil (joining involves a blood sacrifice) without having to face any repercussions. Sure, you could join the menacing Dark Brotherhood and go around killing people, but in the end that's all you do, kill people. None of your quests have any impact on Tamriel as a whole, and none of your actions affect the ending (from an intellectual perspective, Oblivion doesn't even have an ending, so much as a conclusion to a quest path more involved than others). Hell, this time around, none of your quests even impact your relationship with the Guilds. I completed all of the quests for the Brotherhood and Thieves Guild, and I could still join the Fighters and Mages guild, and follow their progression paths.
Not only is the player character typecast, but the skill set lacks any sense of balance. If you focus primarily on being combat-oriented, you'll have a difficult time going about things, whereas a character that combines a magic focus with a few select combat skills can walk around as a practical demigod. I should know, I'm roleplaying one right now. Not only that, but many magic schools are practically useless compared to the others. Regenerative magic is obviously a must-have, and Destruction is the only offensive-oriented magic system. Combine that with Alteration and Mysticism, and eventually you'll have a Battlemage that can kick ass, as well as alter her stats and abilities on a whim and enchant and restore items. It is THE most powerful way to play the game, and by comparison, playing as a strict fighter, mage, or stealth becomes a handicap. The magic system is also imbalanced due to the fact that your mana regenerates constantly, which makes sleep and the passage of time meaningless outside of the day/night cycles, and provides an unlimited number of ranged attacks for any one situation.
So, not only is Oblivion anything but a role-playing game, it also has no sense of balance, and a poorly designed skill set. That's three strikes. In baseball terms, this game would be out before you even leave the Imperial city.
Now we come to the interface. The overall design of Oblivion is noticeably dumbed-down due to its cross platform release. From an unintuitive no-drag interface, to item values that are on a scale so small, increasing your skills in their focus takes far too long to gain any increase in value, as well as the scale between lower and higher quality items. Your map, journal, inventory, and stats are all pulled up with one button. You can switch between them using F1-F4, but that obvious feature isn't documented in the manual. Once in the interface, you can use your mouse to click on things, but since there's no real inventory management that allows you to see more than 5 items, meaning a lot of scrolling, it would have been simpler to assign keyboard functions to the player interface. Not only that, but clicking on visited or documented locations on your map transports you automatically to them. This eliminates any need for exploration and travel, as there is no possibility of a random encounter mussing up your day. The player has to force himself to danger the roads, making their presence meaningless, and the fold-out map that comes with the game a useless novelty.
The graphics do not live up to next-gen standards. Vistas, foliage, and architecture are admittedly beautiful, and several spots are breath-taking (so long as you have the right hardware). Character renders, however, are ugly as Hell, the monster designs are unoriginal (as Roshambo of the NMA put it "they're more interested in rendering Minotaur testicles"), and the character animations are blocky and unnatural. When NPCs and monsters move, they appear to glide and float more than they do walk and jump. Looking at yourself in 3D is also pointless unless you strike a pose, because the player character's animations have no relation to the world, essentially creating a "skating" effect.
The Radiant A.I. has been revealed to be nothing more than pure, Grade A, American Raised bullcrap. Bethesda touted the Radiant A.I. as highly advanced, and something that would breathe life into the soulless world of its predecessors. Not only does it fail to accomplish these things, but bugs regarding NPC functions abound. Quirky NPC reactions range from inaction to assault, to assaulting the wrong character, to charging straight into traps. Not only that, but NPC routines usually involve going somewhere, having disjointed conversations with other NPCs, and staring at a wall for several in-game hours. My Making-Of DVD shows an early example of an NPC programmed with Radiant to set goals for herself, and react accordingly to circumstances. This means either two things: one, Bethesda is a bunch of lying bastards, or, the design team was too lazy to assign the NPCs any convincing behaviors or routines whatsoever. Monsters and enemies also don't engage you using any tactics whatsoever beyond cast-a-few-spells and swarm.
The combat itself has barely changed at all. It's still the same shoot-arrows/cast spells from a distance or wildly swing your weapon around until you kill something. *yawn* As a novel touch, though, your arrows tend to stick out where they strike, which makes a killing headshot that much more comical.
The game progression itself is retarded. The game is easy in the beginning. At no point from exiting the Prison, to level 9 did I feel in any way in danger fighting the spawned characters. Enemies in the game, you see, scale-up as you get better, as opposed to there being some strong enemies in certain locations or quests. Guards are always a constant, but enemies that spawn will become either progressively tougher monsters, or humanoid enemies will have increasingly better gear. The end result is that the player is punished for his progression, since these difficult-spawning enemies make a lot of quests highly difficult if not impossible, as where before they were well within the means of accomplishment.
NPC interaction is much less dreadful than Morrowind, however, and the dialogue is better written. Most of the personality injected into characters, however, comes from the game's competent voice acting as opposed to any real written or observable behaviors. There's also no real cultural difference between the towns or races that impact the gameplay. I suppose if I played as the beastmen races Khajiit or Argonian I'd run into some prejudice, but those races faced the same condition in the last game, and there's no NPC you can't butter up through the game's retarded persuasion mechanic.
Ultimately, the biggest change in Oblivion for the better compared to Morrowind is the quest design. A lot of quests are actually really fun. The Dark Brotherhood, for instance, features some great quests that make killing fun. My favorite was a whodunit, in which the Player Character had to socialize with, and murder every NPC in a locked mansion; under the condition that none of them figure out the Player Character is the killer. Simple retrieve-and-deliver quests are much fewer in number, and the player is given goals that more often than not have a good reason behind it. The Main Quest itself is a spectacle unlike any other, though the faction-related quests are very well designed.
I had a lot of fun with Oblivion, but that was mostly due to the sandbox gameplay, which is a mechanic where the player determines how varied his game experience is as opposed to the designers, and the good quests, which is the one aspect of game design that Bethesda actually got right. They appear to have learned from none of the mistakes of Morrowind.
Admittedly, I also have a certain bias. I'm a huge Fallout fan, a franchise which Bethesda currently has the rights to make sequels for. After seeing the abundantly terrible game design presented in Oblivion, coupled with the fact that Oblivion's lead producer is also the head of the Fallout 3 project, it would seem that my prospects of seeing a decent sequel to my favorite roleplaying series will never come to pass. Not only did Bethesda already have no experience with the gameplay mechanic present in Fallout (turn-based tactical grid combat combined with branching dialogue trees for NPC interactions) but they've shown themselves to be incapable of creating a great game using their own original property.
I'd like to not regret my purchase. I did have fun, but ultimately I must be aware of the knowledge that by purchasing this game, I've also essentially supported shoddy game design, and put stock in the business practice of "Hype over Substance." Something likely to carry over into the making of a game that I desperately want to be good.
Games like this sell. They have mass appeal, and are released on multiple platforms. Their media blitz also practically guarantees that they're looked upon favorably by gaming media (though some big-name sites have picked apart a lot of the hype, while Gamespy continues to eagerly suck cock) due to their advertising. It's a game that will appeal to everybody, but it's the only mass-world sprawling sandbox of its kind, which doesn't mean that it's a good game, just the only one of its kind. If you absolutely must play it, then go ahead. You'll probably have some fun. People looking for much more bang for their buck should wait for Gothic 3, though.