First time out of the vault

Obs.: First of all, I am sorry if I am posting something that is not allowed here or already was posted in this forum. Even though I not really new to this site, its the first time that I post something here.
Hello. I have been playing Fallout FIXT for a very long time, and its still one of my favorite mods for Fallout 1, it gives me everything I need for a good experience, but there is a problem that I am experiencing in the Alpha 0.81 Version (FULL CUSTOM).
*Why I am posting this here and not in the bug report?
I know that bug reports must be put in "Fallout Fixt bug reports" site, and that was what I did: https://falloutmods.fandom.com/wiki....22endgame_mod.22_and_slideshow.2C_credits.29
However, I noticed that Sduibek, did not see the report, and appears to be missing these days. Not responding both in here, in his profile and RPGCodex profile (if you go to his profile, it gives you a error, like his profile does not exist anymore, at least for me it happened). So posting about the problem here is the only option that I see.
*The Problem Itself
The problem that I having is that, I cannot get the Brotherhood bad ending (the one that the BoS destroy the NCR and starts a dictatorship). The requirement to get this ending is just killing Rhombus. I did this in some playthoughs, like my bad/negative karma run and kill eveything run, and even in some normal playthoughs (beacuse why not, right?) but even though I killed him, its still shows the brotherhood good ending slide, like I did not killed Rhombus, when in fact I did.
I though it first that the Troubleshooting Fallout Fixt file could help me, but there is nothing about this bug, the only thing about endings is about the Followers and Hub endings. And searching about this bug on the internet did not bring me any results in why this happen or how to solve it. So, someone have seem this bug, and knows how to fix it?
I am using the Steam Version, along with "Fallout Fixt Steam Compatibility" (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout/mods/1).
(Sorry about any gramatical mistakes, writing texts in english is not my strong point, and some mistakes can happen).
Hello. I have been playing Fallout FIXT for a very long time, and its still one of my favorite mods for Fallout 1, it gives me everything I need for a good experience, but there is a problem that I am experiencing in the Alpha 0.81 Version (FULL CUSTOM).
*Why I am posting this here and not in the bug report?
I know that bug reports must be put in "Fallout Fixt bug reports" site, and that was what I did: https://falloutmods.fandom.com/wiki....22endgame_mod.22_and_slideshow.2C_credits.29
However, I noticed that Sduibek, did not see the report, and appears to be missing these days. Not responding both in here, in his profile and RPGCodex profile (if you go to his profile, it gives you a error, like his profile does not exist anymore, at least for me it happened). So posting about the problem here is the only option that I see.
*The Problem Itself
The problem that I having is that, I cannot get the Brotherhood bad ending (the one that the BoS destroy the NCR and starts a dictatorship). The requirement to get this ending is just killing Rhombus. I did this in some playthoughs, like my bad/negative karma run and kill eveything run, and even in some normal playthoughs (beacuse why not, right?) but even though I killed him, its still shows the brotherhood good ending slide, like I did not killed Rhombus, when in fact I did.
I though it first that the Troubleshooting Fallout Fixt file could help me, but there is nothing about this bug, the only thing about endings is about the Followers and Hub endings. And searching about this bug on the internet did not bring me any results in why this happen or how to solve it. So, someone have seem this bug, and knows how to fix it?
I am using the Steam Version, along with "Fallout Fixt Steam Compatibility" (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout/mods/1).
(Sorry about any gramatical mistakes, writing texts in english is not my strong point, and some mistakes can happen).