Fallout 1 mod Its Impossible to Get the BoS Bad Ending in FIXT


First time out of the vault
Obs.: First of all, I am sorry if I am posting something that is not allowed here or already was posted in this forum. Even though I not really new to this site, its the first time that I post something here.

Hello. I have been playing Fallout FIXT for a very long time, and its still one of my favorite mods for Fallout 1, it gives me everything I need for a good experience, but there is a problem that I am experiencing in the Alpha 0.81 Version (FULL CUSTOM).

*Why I am posting this here and not in the bug report?

I know that bug reports must be put in "Fallout Fixt bug reports" site, and that was what I did: https://falloutmods.fandom.com/wiki....22endgame_mod.22_and_slideshow.2C_credits.29
However, I noticed that Sduibek, did not see the report, and appears to be missing these days. Not responding both in here, in his profile and RPGCodex profile (if you go to his profile, it gives you a error, like his profile does not exist anymore, at least for me it happened). So posting about the problem here is the only option that I see.

*The Problem Itself

The problem that I having is that, I cannot get the Brotherhood bad ending (the one that the BoS destroy the NCR and starts a dictatorship). The requirement to get this ending is just killing Rhombus. I did this in some playthoughs, like my bad/negative karma run and kill eveything run, and even in some normal playthoughs (beacuse why not, right?) but even though I killed him, its still shows the brotherhood good ending slide, like I did not killed Rhombus, when in fact I did.

I though it first that the Troubleshooting Fallout Fixt file could help me, but there is nothing about this bug, the only thing about endings is about the Followers and Hub endings. And searching about this bug on the internet did not bring me any results in why this happen or how to solve it. So, someone have seem this bug, and knows how to fix it?

I am using the Steam Version, along with "Fallout Fixt Steam Compatibility" (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout/mods/1).

(Sorry about any gramatical mistakes, writing texts in english is not my strong point, and some mistakes can happen).
@XNarrol @John Cassidy Joestar

Fallout FIXT 0.81a is really outdated piece of software now and without support since like 2018. ( i mean there was an unofficial update to 0.90b, but still there is far more advanced project based on fallout 1 story thn FIXT. and the project i am talkink about was based of latest Fallout FIXT unofficial builds.

I'm Talking ofcourse about the engine conversion called "Fallout: Et Tu" right here in NMA's modding section.

Fallout Et Tu actually managed to do what Fallout FIXT planned all along. namely convert Fallout1 story to be run from within Fallout2 game. there are multiple benefits to this over standard FIXT (including your own vehicle).

Play Fallout: Et Tu and check if the bug persists there. if it does post in "Fallout Et Tu's" thread and id should be taken care of. Please don't post bugs about Fallout FIXT as sadly nobody seemes to give a sh!t about it anymore, as it is no longer maintained.
@XNarrol @John Cassidy Joestar

Fallout FIXT 0.81a is really outdated piece of software now and without support since like 2018. ( i mean there was an unofficial update to 0.90b, but still there is far more advanced project based on fallout 1 story thn FIXT. and the project i am talkink about was based of latest Fallout FIXT unofficial builds.

I'm Talking ofcourse about the engine conversion called "Fallout: Et Tu" right here in NMA's modding section.

Fallout Et Tu actually managed to do what Fallout FIXT planned all along. namely convert Fallout1 story to be run from within Fallout2 game. there are multiple benefits to this over standard FIXT (including your own vehicle).

Play Fallout: Et Tu and check if the bug persists there. if it does post in "Fallout Et Tu's" thread and id should be taken care of. Please don't post bugs about Fallout FIXT as sadly nobody seemes to give a sh!t about it anymore, as it is no longer maintained.


Understood. In this case, I will see it. Thank you!
@XNarrol @John Cassidy Joestar

Fallout FIXT 0.81a is really outdated piece of software now and without support since like 2018. ( i mean there was an unofficial update to 0.90b, but still there is far more advanced project based on fallout 1 story thn FIXT. and the project i am talkink about was based of latest Fallout FIXT unofficial builds.

I'm Talking ofcourse about the engine conversion called "Fallout: Et Tu" right here in NMA's modding section.

Fallout Et Tu actually managed to do what Fallout FIXT planned all along. namely convert Fallout1 story to be run from within Fallout2 game. there are multiple benefits to this over standard FIXT (including your own vehicle).

Play Fallout: Et Tu and check if the bug persists there. if it does post in "Fallout Et Tu's" thread and id should be taken care of. Please don't post bugs about Fallout FIXT as sadly nobody seemes to give a sh!t about it anymore, as it is no longer maintained.


Played Et Tu all the way through. Have no reasons to go back to FIXT now. Its really, REALLY good. No bugs, runs perfectly and without crashes and even did the brotherhood bad ending (hell, for some reason I even got the Hub bad ending, first time I did this).


Played Et Tu all the way through. Have no reasons to go back to FIXT now. Its really, REALLY good. No bugs, runs perfectly and without crashes and even did the brotherhood bad ending (hell, for some reason I even got the Hub bad ending, first time I did this).


I remember
fiddled with Hub good ending conditions a bit i Et Tu. Hence why, now if you kill Hightower (first Decker mission) hub does not get good ending. other than that it should be pretty much the same. Be kind to Harold, kill Decker, solve missing caravans quest (finish game before Hub timer, If any).
I remember
fiddled with Hub good ending conditions a bit i Et Tu. Hence why, now if you kill Hightower (first Decker mission) hub does not get good ending. other than that it should be pretty much the same. Be kind to Harold, kill Decker, solve missing caravans quest (finish game before Hub timer, If any).


Oh, now that is why it happened. Since FIXT, I always did the Decker missions (the money was good and I always tell the police about it, so in the end, I always get a lot of money and good karma), since there, it does not change the ending, only if you killed Harold and let Decker live (I think). I did every mission for him in this case.

Thanks for the warning, now I know what not to do in the Hub if I want the good ending. And also, nice move of @Lexx part, now I really get punished for doing the evil missions as opposed to FIXT where I just get some bad karma.
I based it on the wiki information: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_endings#Hub
Complete find the missing caravans, none of Decker's quests, complete Iguana Bob quest, be friendly with Harold.
Note: Fallout 2, Fallout 3 and New Vegas confirms that this ending is canon, despite the Iguana Bob quest being absent.

However, it says "none of Decker's quests" ... but you can kill Jain. So it's really just Hightower who is a no-no. Then again, you won't get the task to kill Jain first anyways, so it doesn't really matter, I guess.
After examining the code it would seem that for Fallout Fixt they added global variables to make things (supposedly) less glitchy. However, while a RHOMBUS_STATUS variable exists to check if Rhombus is alive or dead it is never actually used. This must mean that the game can't check to see if Rhombus is dead, so it just assumes he is alive. Meaning as long as you dont get the mutants storm the Brotherhood ending you will always get the Brotherhood good ending. This might be a simple oversight, if the RHOMBUS_STATUS var was actually used the ending should work normally (assuming there arent any other bugs I didnt catch). And it might be a simple fix.
Fallout 1 ending slides are hardcoded in the engine.
But that would make this more weird wouldnt it? If the ending is hardcoded into the engine there shouldnt be anything that stops the ending from happening, Im not saying that it isnt hardcoded but something must be tampering with it outside of the engine to stop the ending?
There can be an error somewhere else. What I wanted to say was, just because you can't find the GVAR not be used anywhere else in the game, it doesn't mean that the game itself isn't just looking it up.
For BOS bad ending in FO1, the condition is "the player joined BOS and became the enemy". So if one just kills Cabbot outright to get into the bunker and kill everyone, he will still get the "good" ending despite the massacre.
For BOS bad ending in FO1, the condition is "the player joined BOS and became the enemy". So if one just kills Cabbot outright to get into the bunker and kill everyone, he will still get the "good" ending despite the massacre.
Honestly thats really funny but I dont think that solves the issue. I joined with the BOS to get some good power armor and weapons before killing Rhombus and dipping out, yet still got the good end anyway. Im probably just gonna hack it to force the ending, might be a jerry rig but if it works it works. I have been meaning to dip my hands in modding anyway and this seems like a good first step.