I've come to the conclusion that I'm indestructible


First time out of the vault
So the other night, I wake up with an airbag in my face and blood dripping on my steering wheel. I try to start my car and nothing happens. I get out, and see that I hit a telephone pole dead on, and it's three feet inside of my hood, and I think "goddamn, I've survived alot of shit in my life."

Now I'm only twenty one years old, but I've narrowly escaped death quite a few times. From the beginning:

I'm the youngest of three, after my older brother was born, my mother had two miscarriages, then me. Of course I can't remember this, but it's where it all started I guess.

When I was about four, I had the first near-death experience I can remember: I was in the shallow end of a pool, then I somehow slid into the deep end and drowned. I was under for quite awhile, and I remember being able to see myself floating in the water. I'm not saying this was an out of body experience or anything, maybe it was a hallucination caused by the lack of oxygen, but that's what happened. It was very peaceful, by the way.

When I was sixteen I had alcohol poisioning to the point that I went into a coma for two days. When I collapsed I did so in the middle of a tremendously busy Boston street, but I didn't get hit. This time I had no vision or strange experiences, I just woke up in a hospital and pulled the catheter out of my dick.

When I was nineteen, someone gave me bad drugs and I went into another coma, this one lasted two weeks. While I was out, my kidneys shut down, my heart got scarred (all better now), I had pancreaitis, and pneumonia, among other things. My heart stopped beating three times. This time I saw multicolored lights when I was out (sort of like acid), and had strange dreams about being trapped in a cabin in the middle of a snowstorm.

Then, the other day, the car accident, where I slipped on a patch of ice and slammed into the pole. I wasn't wearing a seatbelt, and the only thing that saved me was the airbag and me being able to put my hand out and catch onto something, which left a nice skinning on my fingers.

I also got hit in the wrist with a battleaxe, which somehow didn't hit any major veins, and got home-stitched by the guy who did it, which somehow didn't get infected.

The moral of the story is: Don't do drugs.

But the question is: how the hell do I keep surviving all of this stuff? And is having these things happen to you over the course of twenty one years normal for most people, or is it just me?
Here's anotehr moral: Remember never to rely on random events. Which is why I find chess to be pretty challenging.
I'm sorry, but for some oddball reason these near-death experience basically all seem to be your own fault. Alcohol poisoning, doing bad drugs, going into the deep end, not wearing a seatbelt.

Which would mean that you're a bit lucky, but also causing these things yourself.
Re: I've come to the conclusion that I'm indestructable

satanisgreat9 said:
I'm the youngest of three, after my older brother was born, my mother had two miscarriages, then me. Of course I can't remember this, but it's where it all started I guess.

Hey, have you ever seen The Butterfy Effect? Not inferring anything, just a suggestion.

When I was about four, I had the first near-death experience I can remember: I was in the shallow end of a gene pool, then I somehow slid into the deep end and drowned.

There, I had to make one small correction for you.
Thanks Roshambo, I appreciate it.

I'm sorry, but for some oddball reason these near-death experience basically all seem to be your own fault. Alcohol poisoning, doing bad drugs, going into the deep end, not wearing a seatbelt.

Which would mean that you're a bit lucky, but also causing these things yourself.

I'm not implying otherwise. I was obviously a jackass in my teen years, and I plead for anyone young or impressionable not to do any of the stupid things I did.
Or ARE you infering something? j/k

Anyway, remember to tell this all to your insurance agent just in case.
Or perhaps whomever runs the afterlife doesn't want your punk ass hanging around there?
I think he is referring to the guy in fallout 2 who tells you about all the misfortunes in his life, such as one water mellon killing his brother and father at different times etc.
I just...dont know what to say. I mean you are incredibly lucky to have survived all that though its your fault in countless ways.

Take this time to realise you belong in the land of the living. So dont act so reckless and enjoy your time here. It might also help if you stop worshipping satan.

The Vault Dweller
Dude don't you think you are invincible for a second. It will haunt you. And before you know it you live... and your girl right along side of you... not so good. and you have to hold her in your arms while she passes on. Don’t be a fucking idiot anymore man. You are going to hurt someone else other than yourself next time. Next time, luck will be the one thing you wish for. Maybe if I was going a little slower, maybe if I didn't do that last joint b4 I went out to drive... Wish I was lucky like all thoes other times. Luck runs out pally, and luck is the last thing that you will have soon. Be warned
Cocy? That thing? It survived a delicate operation. That's happened to millions of dogs. Just because it had crack in its ass doesn't mean it's special.
((Anotehr unintentional pun!))
Cocaine's a helluva drug.

Not one of my favs, speed is funnier, lsd is cool, mj is the best, IMHO.

To satan, I think the moral is: next time, are you gonna be lucky? Well are ya, punk? j/k I've done lots of shit like that myself, but a friend (not a close one though, more of an acquaintance) died a few months ago in a nasty car crash. His head was squished open and he was fond half hour later still alive and coscient, though his legs were broken his ribs entered his lungs and his skull was bloody mess. I don't wanna end like that, I have a mission on this world to finish!