J.E. Sawyer on FO3/NV save game-related slowdowns

Mendacious BN said:
I used to jump on top of tables and run around knocking tableware around, thinking it funny. Now I realize I was breaking the game. I'm so sorry, game!

You are cruel, man...

...but fair. :cool:
@NotSkyrSpoilers Josh Sawyer did not work on Skyrim nor this engine and his comments don't reflect how the current tech works.
@Elkirak No, it isn't true. He brings up issues we solved long ago.

Me am skeptical, most of the core architecture appears the same, the only thing thats any different is a move to a flash framework for things like the UI and fonts.
oblivion was made off the 2001 gambryo engine with tons of plugins to add the new features that gambryo wrote for bethesda because they didnt want to upgrade to their newest engine.

fo3 was written using the same engine.

fonv was written using the same engine, now at this point nearing on 10 years old.


and then bethesda gets the 2005 or 2006 version of the gambryo engine and... its having the same problem the 2001 engine had on consoles.

hey beth, i think the consoles are trying to tell you something. your shit dont work on them because you design your games horribly and have horrible cleanup mechanisims.

stop trying to write games designed around 8-9 year old hardware with as much fluff as you put in them.

leave the "fully interactable" worlds where they belong. pre-2001. all you are doing is proving you have no aptitude for your undertakings.
This happened to me a couple days ago, my savegame was about 10 or 15 hours away from hitting 200 hours then all of a sudden the game starts running at 10 fps everywhere, but only when I use that save.

This is pretty damn unacceptable.
Didn't play skyrim but from all i heard creation engine is basically the same as gamebiro eg. console commands are the same, no ladders ...
donperkan said:
Didn't play skyrim but from all i heard creation engine is basically the same as gamebiro eg. console commands are the same, no ladders ...

The Creation Engine apparently is still the Gamebryo engine:

www.ausgamers.com/features/read/3076322 said:
AusGamers: Okay, now going from Gamebryo to Creation, what was the outset goal for you guys, in terms of the features that you wanted and the stuff that you didn’t want anymore -- the kind of hang-ups that you had. What was the process going forward?

Todd: Well we came off of Fallout 3 and we’re always moving our own technology forward. Whether that’s using a piece of middleware or doing AI or things like that. We had a pretty big list of what we felt the 360, the PS3 and the high-end PCs could do, and it wasn’t like we said “we’re going to re-write the engine”; we just sort of started with “okay, let’s do this to the graphics; let’s do this to the gameplay”.

We started hitting that hard right after Fallout 3, so I’d say after the course of the next year and a half it turns out we’d re-written all of this -- look how it looks; we’re not using this anymore; we’re not using that anymore. So that’s when we actually decided to brand it; we should call it something of our own.

But it wasn’t from the get go “we’re going to re-write the whole engine”. It was a priority list and we ended up re-writing more than we thought we were gonna, but it worked out.
Alphadrop said:
Well apart from the problems mostly being on consoles, PC's have enough RAM to get away with it.

You are implying the ram on consoles is compatible with ram on pc.

If that were the case , how come the xbox can play Skyrim with only 512 ram and the PS 3 with ONLY 256 ram, while i need 2 GB on the pc?

No really, i want to know , is that some kind of "alien" ram ( ancient aliens lol) or what? How does that work, can anyone explain ?
Dork Mage said:
donperkan said:
Didn't play skyrim but from all i heard creation engine is basically the same as gamebiro eg. console commands are the same, no ladders ...

The Creation Engine apparently is still the Gamebryo engine:

www.ausgamers.com/features/read/3076322 said:
AusGamers: Okay, now going from Gamebryo to Creation, what was the outset goal for you guys, in terms of the features that you wanted and the stuff that you didn’t want anymore -- the kind of hang-ups that you had. What was the process going forward?

Todd: Well we came off of Fallout 3 and we’re always moving our own technology forward. Whether that’s using a piece of middleware or doing AI or things like that. We had a pretty big list of what we felt the 360, the PS3 and the high-end PCs could do, and it wasn’t like we said “we’re going to re-write the engine”; we just sort of started with “okay, let’s do this to the graphics; let’s do this to the gameplay”.

We started hitting that hard right after Fallout 3, so I’d say after the course of the next year and a half it turns out we’d re-written all of this -- look how it looks; we’re not using this anymore; we’re not using that anymore. So that’s when we actually decided to brand it; we should call it something of our own.

But it wasn’t from the get go “we’re going to re-write the whole engine”. It was a priority list and we ended up re-writing more than we thought we were gonna, but it worked out.

ha i've never read that but i had a feeling they just modified it.

Thanks for proving me right i'm gonna go place a few bets now
donperkan said:
ha i've never read that but i had a feeling they just modified it.

Bethesda doe not have the talent to build a top engine from scratch, people questioned whether Zenimax's purchase of I.D was just an expensive technology grab, with a few franchises tossed in for good measure, who knows and really who cares.
As I read it I kept thinking it was really nice of Sawyer to admit this is a problem and explain how it happened. And also that if he was a Bethesda guy, he'd just deny the problem existed and crow about how awesome his totally awesome game was instead.

Then I scrolled through the comments and saw it.

Pete Hines lies so much I wonder if it isn't pathological. He's not quite as bad as Todd "Fallout 3 Will Have Over 200 Endings!" Howard, but it's still quite alarming.