Will this mod be compatible with Ultimate Edition?
Atomkilla said:Will this mod be compatible with Ultimate Edition?
"Too little too late" I'm not even sure why I wrote it.WorstUsernameEver said:"Too little too late" usually doesn't have the implications you are now trying to attribute it Mr. Fish. I'm just assuming you didn't do that on purpose, so now your opinion is clearer, but the reactions to your post are perfectly understandable.
Mr Fish said:On a completely unrelated note but which I don't want to create a completely separate thread for: Any chance that the post-window can be increased in a forum patch anywhere down the line? It's kinda hard to navigate the post if I write a really long one.
Mr Fish said:Well it's really nice of Sawyer to release his own mod to tweak the game but it's kinda too little too late.
Game's been out for a year now, a lot of mods have been created, and most likely the PC players already have their games modded to suit the gameplay they want.
Well, I'm pretty sure that the reason for the gold bars and their weight was that while you could take some, you always had to leave some of these precious objects behind, barring exploits of course. As for the vending machines, they were more foreshadowing of Big MT than anything else.sea said:Wonder why he even kept the gold bars to begin with. The entire point of Dead Money was that the player couldn't bring back much or anything of value, keeping in line with the theme of letting go. The "chip machine" was completely out of place and it kind of felt like they just threw it in because otherwise fans would complain about a lack of loot.
your evil twin said:It would have sucked to have a DLC about a casino heist where you couldn't get any loot at all. But the point is not to be greedy - if you try to walk out of there over-encumbered then you can't actually escape. (At least, you aren't supposed to be able to, and patches have made it harder to use glitches to get around that.)
sea said:I have to wonder if this is a case of "the way it's really meant to be played." It's no mystery that Fallout 3 and New Vegas are balanced with sandbox and mass market demands in mind, which means low difficulty, frequent filler combat, tons of looting and pillaging, lack of consequence in the character system, etc. New Vegas had a lot of really strong points but the conflict between the want to make a "true Fallout" and a mainstream success was pretty clear. Without the need to appeal to a wide audience resting on its shoulders, I wonder if it's worth trying the game out again for a "genuine" Fallout experience.
TwinkieGorilla said:Well, not "The way it was meant to be" so much as "This is what I would have done if I didn't have to worry about sales or Bethesda". Pretty cool.