J.E. Sawyer's mod updated to v2


But best title ever!
Quite a lot of fixes and changes have been made to J.E. Sawyer's mod since last time we checked, as the list he's written for his personal blog testifies:<blockquote>===
v2 Changes:

* Logan's Loophole modified to cut the player's advancement off at 20th level. I know that ruins the reference but...
* Broad Daylight level prereq from 36 to 24, Sneak 70 prereq added
* Certified Tech level prereq from 40 to 24, Sneak 90 prereq added
* Just Lucky I'm Alive, Thought You Died, Ain't Like That Now prereqs from 50 to 34.
* Gum Drops from 1.0 to 0.25 weight.
* Bubblegum from 1.0 to 0.1 weight. Wow!

* Reverted XP halving to address more comprehensively through iXPBase and iXPBumpBase
* iXPBase set to 275 (from 200) & iXPBumpBase set to 200 (from 150) - Increasing required XP by a little more than 1/3.
* Lowered base player HP (before any bonuses) from 100 to 50.
* Reverted fPCBaseHealthMult change as it had no obvious effect.
* Lowered fADVHealthEnduranceMult from 15 to 10.
* Vanilla F:NV HP formula: 100 + (End * 20) + ([Level - 1] * 5) -- JSawyer HP formula: 50 + (End * 10) + ([Level - 1] * 5)
* Sierra Madre Martini HP bonus dropped from 75 to 40.

* Adjusted Dale Barton's, Lacey's, and Little Buster's Caravan decks.
* Reduced weight of non-Salisbury Steaks (Coyote, Dog, Gecko) from 1.0 to 0.8
* Switched all Pre-Order items to be sold at Chet's store. Nothing is given to the player outside of what Doc Mitchell hands him or her.
* Switched all Pre-Order message boxes to corner messages.
* Unique Pre-Order item prices raised to slightly above their non-unique counterparts.
* Mercenary's Grenade rifle weight dropped from 5.5 to 5, health bumped from 100 to 120.
* Mod slots removed from Weathered 10mm Pistol.
* Metal Armor and Lightweight Metal armor Health set to 200.
* All Raider armor weights dropped from 15 to 7.5.

* Merc Outfits all given two bonuses: one weapon skill at +10, one non-weapon at +5. The exception is Merc Charmer: three non-com at +5.
* Normal Merc Outfits all given 3 DT.
* "Unique" versions have "Reinforced" added to front of name. Value from 50 to 1200, DT set to 8.
* Raider armors all given misc bonuses. Unique versions have those bonuses + weapon skill bonuses.
* Leather and Reinforced Leather Armor weights dropped from 15 to 9. Gecko-Backed to 9.5.
* Raider armor healths dropped from 100 to 75.
* Adventurer: +5 Science, +10 Energy Weapons
* Charmer: +5 Barter, +5 Speech, +5 Medicine
* Cruiser: +10 Melee Weapons, +5 Sneak
* Grunt: +10 Guns, +5 Repair
* Troublemaker: +5 Lockpick, +10 Explosives
* Veteran: +5 Survival, +10 Unarmed
* Painspike: +3 Critical Chance
* Sadist: +15 Health
* Badlands: +10 Action Points
* Blastmaster: +20 Fire Resist
* Sharp-Dressed Raider's Armor: +3 Crit, +10 Guns
* Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor: +15 Health, +10 Melee
* Highway Scar Armor: +20 Fire Resist, +10 Explosives
* Psycho-Tic Helmet: +5 AP
* Arclight Helmet: +10 Fire Resist
* Blastmaster Helmet: +10 Explosives
* Wastehound Helmet: +10 Radiation Resist
* Bogeyman's Hood: +15 Radiation Resist
* The Devil's Pigtails: +8 AP
* Pyro Helmet: +15 Explosives
* All unique Merc and Raider armors and helmets added to Mick's store
* Emily Ortal's dialogue fixed so the 6 PE check is run on the Courier. Now you too can know the gross sexual history of Emily Ortal.
* Removed pic of VAULT MOM AND DAD from Vault 21.
* Metal Armors from 30 to 20 weight.
* Gecko-Backed from 33/35 to 23.
* Lightweight Metal Armor (Pre-Ord) to 15 weight.
* Most Medium armor weights lowered.
* Armor of the 87th Tribe weight lowered to 25 lbs.
* Armored Jumpsuits to 8 weight.
* Sierra Madre armor to 8 weight, Reinforced to 9.5
* MM Scout Armor to 7 weight.
* Vault 34 Security Armor to 9.5 weight.
* Lobotomite Jumpsuit to 5 weight.
* Hazmat Suit to 8 weight.
* Assassin Suit to 8 weight.
* Chinese Stealth Armor weight to 7, bonus to Sneak now +25.

* Created WithAmmo forms for the 5.56mm Pistol and Battle Rifle.
* Placed 5.56mm Pistol and Battle Rifle on various drop lists.
* Apocalypse Gladiator Armor DR from 0 to 17. Weight to 22. VAL to 3500.
* Apocalypse Gladiator Helmet VAL to 700.
* Shellshocked Combat Armor and Helmet revised.
* Road Rascal Leather Armor revised.
* Wanderer's Leather revised.
* All-Purpose Science Suit weight from 2 to 6.
* Followers Lab Coat given 8 DT. VAL from 16 to 1000. "Reinforced" added to the end of the string.
* Recon Armors given +15 Sneak. Christine's COS Recon Armor given +20 Sneak. Recon Armor effect string renamed to "Recon Armor".
* Metal Armor -1 AG enchantment replaced with -15 Sneak enchantment.
* Salvaged NCR Power Armor given -10 Sneak instead of -1 AG
* Power Armor Training carry weight bonuses halved from old (mod) values.
* Commando Armor revised to be Metal Armor, Reinforced with a +20 Sneak bonus.
* Shellshocked Combat Armor + Helmet and Composite Recon Armor + Helmet added to Nellis munitions vendor.
* Other unique metal/leather/raider/merc armors split between Cliff Briscoe and Mick.
* .308, .357 Magnum, .44 Magnum drop rates increased in Military Footlockers in Old World Blues.
* Flamer Fuel weights halved.
* (GRA) suffix removed from all GRA ammo subtypes.
* (GRA) suffix removed from GRA weapons that have base game equivalents (e.g. Baseball Bat)
* All standard weapons with moddable GRA equivalents given all GRA mods.
* Instances of standard Assault Carbine Mags and 12.7mm Silencers removed/replaced with GRA equivalents.
* Weapons (now) lacking GRA suffixes removed from the Master of the Arsenal challenge weapon list.
* Weapons like the Battle Rifle, Bozar, Katana, Tin Grenade, etc. retain the (GRA) suffix for challenge/achievement/trophy purposes.
* Fixed incorrect icons for Ballistic Fist, Displacer Glove/Pushy, and Zap Glove/Paladin Toaster
</blockquote>You can find the new version of the mod at the usual link.

Thanks GameBanshee.
Switched all Pre-Order items to be sold at Chet's store. Nothing is given to the player outside of what Doc Mitchell hands him or her.

This is a good change and it makes me not bother about the Courier's Stash stuff anymore, because it's not free anymore.
I just noticed that he added some GRA weapons to enemy droplists- that's even more fancy. Also he edited the "Apocalypse Gladiator Armor"... I've never heard of that one before and had to look it up. It's some armor cut from Fallout 3. Was it anywhere to be found in FNV? Same with "Road Rascal Leather Armor."
I think they might have been in the G.E.C.K but they were never in the game, there's an awful lot of armour variations with funky names in the game files.

Nice to see he has made merc and raider armour more worthwile and the Courier's Stash stuff sold instead is a nice touch.
So, now the xp rate is normal but requerements are multuplied by 3? Did I understood cerrectly (my english is bad enauth)?
Lexx said:
I just noticed that he added some GRA weapons to enemy droplists- that's even more fancy. Also he edited the "Apocalypse Gladiator Armor"... I've never heard of that one before and had to look it up. It's some armor cut from Fallout 3. Was it anywhere to be found in FNV? Same with "Road Rascal Leather Armor."

I think he added them to the leveled lists in his mod. Dunno, though. I'm really not much of a fan of having lots of different items with similar/identical appearance since it makes it more difficult for me to appraise enemy's strength from it, so hopefully they recycle some unused assets that were in Fallout 3? Well.. seems like they don't.

MaToX said:
So, now the xp rate is normal but requerements are divided by 3? Did I understood cerrectly (my english is bad enaught)?

Uhm, the XP required for every level is +1/3 of what was needed before, so if it required let's say.. 1200 XP points to go from level 1 to level 2 now it requires 1200 + (1200/3)= 1200+400=1800 and so and so forth. Apparently he did this because the XP rate modified only the XP you get in combat and for picking locks and such but not quest-based experience. I personally wouldn't mind actually making leveling more depending on questing, but that's something that can eventually be done with the GECK by myself.
Man, I hope my old PC will be able to run NV properly. :( I'm itching to replay it with mods like this.

* Vanilla F:NV HP formula: 100 + (End * 20) + ([Level - 1] * 5) -- JSawyer HP formula: 50 + (End * 10) + ([Level - 1] * 5)

I wonder why he didn't make the HP gain per level also dependant by END like in the old FOs. Like, I don't know...

50 + (End * 10) + ([Level - 1] * [END / 2])
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Man, I hope my old PC will be able to run NV properly. :( I'm itching to replay it with mods like this.

* Vanilla F:NV HP formula: 100 + (End * 20) + ([Level - 1] * 5) -- JSawyer HP formula: 50 + (End * 10) + ([Level - 1] * 5)

I wonder why he didn't make the HP gain per level also dependant by END like in the old FOs. Like, I don't know...

50 + (End * 10) + ([Level - 1] * [END / 2])

I may be wrong, but I think by default it can't be done with the normal formulas as they're set up in the GECK. I think people who did it with mods used workarounds such as applying quest scripts running in the background, and the more of them you use, the more intense it can be on the CPU.

Not sure why Obsidian didn't do this in-development though, since they had access to the source code.
Hmm, I think it would be cooler if the Vault 13 pre-order stuff was put into the Wrecked Highwayman as a reference to Fallout 2. I asked on his Formspring though, so maybe he'll put it there. And if not, I'd still like to hear his reason for keeping it in Chet's.
Only thing I don't like is the Level Cap in this, 40 would have been better IMO, with a tweak to skill point gain, I probably won't use this mod in the end, I mean I already have Project Nevada wich I can tweak to my preferences, but still seems like a cool mod.
* (GRA) suffix removed from all GRA ammo subtypes.
* (GRA) suffix removed from GRA weapons that have base game equivalents (e.g. Baseball Bat)

These changes should make it into the base game.
Bulletmachine said:
* (GRA) suffix removed from all GRA ammo subtypes.
* (GRA) suffix removed from GRA weapons that have base game equivalents (e.g. Baseball Bat)

These changes should make it into the base game.

How? Nobody works on it anymore. It's done.
Bulletmachine said:
* (GRA) suffix removed from all GRA ammo subtypes.
* (GRA) suffix removed from GRA weapons that have base game equivalents (e.g. Baseball Bat)

These changes should make it into the base game.

Nope, he could take the luxury to make those changes because if you're using his mod you are already using a third-party load order tool so there won't be problems linked to those.