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Well, from what the NMA gang says about it, JA2 sounds like a really kick-ass game and I want it! Only thing is, I'm one of those story freaks and I want to know whether or not JA2 and JA have interconnected storylines, or if JA2 simply starts anew... if it does, then I'm happy, but if not, I'll have to track down the original JA to fulfill my madness.
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-01 AT 10:06AM (GMT)[p]Sort of... Mostly unrelated, though JA2 does give what happened to the mercs from JA. JA, in all honesty, I haven't played too much. About an hour's worth. It's a good play, really, but I've found X-Com to be a bit above it's level.

JA2 offers the following:

1. Nonlinear progression. To a point, and you have a timer of sorts in where your employer will get a bit antsy. Other than that, you can proceed pretty much how you want.

2. Characters have...character! Some of them crack me up, and they will not all like each other. Some despise other mercs (but won't try to off them), and some admire others. Their morale goes up with those they admire makes a kill, or a slight boost when they themselves make a kill in the company of their admired tutor of sorts. But they all have a distinct flavor to them that you can enjoy while playing.

3. One personal character you can make. Though, how you create them has an influence on how they play as well. Personally, I like having my psychotic knife and machine-gun expert. More than 3x as many kills than anyone else.

4. An interface that is so wonderfully done. The 'mini-OS' works 20 times better than Windows, and MANY parts will crack you up. EXPLORE IT WELL. Be thoughtful to your enemy...that's all I'll say...I don't want to spoil the suprise that had me laughing for a looong time...

5. A variety of characters to choose from. MANY skills, and the expertise you can hire is limited to your money supply. ALL having their own speech for numerous events and also having their own little personality quirks and skills.

6. OODLES of guns, if you select it. A hint of sorts: everyone has a preferred weapon that will not be shown up anywhere, and my machine-gun specialist loves the MP5K. Preferred weapon gives like about +5 to range and +3 to damage, even though you'll never know what it is. If it works for your merc, use it.

7. HtH plays a good part in this game. Sneaking is done better too. It's not like some magic spell or something that is dispelled once someone looks directly at you. You just try to sneak and if you succeed or fail, you'll know by the enemies' reaction. A machete to the neck is your friend.

8. Multiple venues of approach and entrance/defence. Fenced in area? Hope you have a set of wire-cutters, but keep in mind you'll have that hole left open when you need to defend the area. Locked door? Pick, kick, pry, unlock, check for traps, etc. Inconvenient wall? Got some C1 or dynamite? No problem.

Rooftops, etc. Which side of the facility do you want to make the approach from? Or do you want to make a two or even three-team approach from many sides in a pincer attack or ambush from behind once you have their attention?

9. Customizable weapons, from silencers, bipods, sniper scopes, laser projections, etc. There are many different upgrades, and they do make a difference.

10. Vehicles, but only for movement. You'll have to find and earn these suckers and also the pilots if you want an eggbeater.

11. Night and day makes a GREAT difference, particularly with sneaking, ambushing, and other things. Try to take a base at night, of course. Get the element of suprise on your side. There's a whole load of equipment to help you through this.

There's much more to this, and this is really only scraping a sno-cone off the tip of the iceberg in how this game plays. Some say that the game gets repetitive, but then again, the game can be played straight through with only one type of play - mindless shootfest but you need to have many people (I've taken out most of the game with one squad at a time - I'll give some tactical advice if requested and you need help). Otherwise, each area has an interesting way to go through and conquer the sector. Some tactics make the difference between life, death, and utter humiliation.

[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!
"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!


Try Arcanum, by those who brought you the first Fallout:
Damn i love that game. I was trapped inside of a room and i needed to get out fast so i just rolled a grenade over to som gas bottles. Boooom a nice hole in the wall.
Personally I'm pretty much a "cut the fence, climb the roof, then snipe them with a rifle or wait until they've come out of the door below me and vacate their heads with a shotgun blast at point blank" man. Or hop down real quick behind them and slice their neck, or riddle them with a machine gun, or toss a grenade, etc.

I love the rooftops and all that. :-)

[font color=orange]
Dennis Leary stole my song! That...asshole!
"Robert, your time has come!"

"OOOH! Thank you, Master!"

"Don't mention it."

*Robert explodes in a shower of sparks*
It's me, Jack Brown! The wind-up ass-hole!


Try Arcanum, by those who brought you the first Fallout:
So many games, so little $$$

Tribes 2, Arcanum, JA2 (question: about how much is JA2?)... And TF2 coming out in the near future... I just wish I could afford 'em all... :(
I once met another merchant that knew my merchant.
anyway he said: hey shadow how are u doing? That was when i told shadow to shot the bastard and he did. Whit a bazoka hitting him in the stumack }>
RE: So many games, so little $$$

I've seen JA2 for as little as $10. It is not exactly a new game anymore. I do not know how much it will be around you.

//It is berry skarry faiting tha snake.