This sort of thing always gets me ired, same as the arguments about sexism towards females in video games, due to the fact that they do it to guys as well, the stereotypical game guy is muscled and/or sought out by the women as his charisma is through the roof.
A game is an effing game, designed to play out a scenario, unfortunately you have the brain dead 15-17 year old generation to blame for the sexulaization of games because those idjits are just discovering such activities, and game developers, sad to say, want to sell that angle in 'immersive' or 'realistic' games.
However it's just a method to sell the game, just like B movies, but you don't see these jagoffs trying to get all movies banned because of the B & C's do you?
GRR I'm gonna stop now before I get even more bothered about this topic.