Japanese coming to terms with their past

Carib FMJ

Nuka-Cola Chaser
As you know, The Government of Japan has been white washing their bloody history; denying the next generation the truth.

What is the truth?

1) The Comfort Women and the horror inflicted upon them.

2) The naked Aggression against China and the surrounding Pacific lands.

Tokyo must come to terms with this... and while many deny what happened or water it down, two veterans came forward and told their horrorfying tales. I mean, these guys used live Chinese victims and prisoners for bayonet practice and beheading. The rape, murder and drownings where horrible.

And this Veteran showed pictures of the comfort women and the victims.

One man admitted to helping an officer throw a woman down a well and her son and then drop a grenade down their to speed along their deaths.

Tokyo has to come to terms with that, and instead of denying and hiding, it should stand by those willing to tell the tale. Let the generation judge and forgive. But the truth must be told.
Oh, he went there.

The Japanese don't have to own up to shit, unless they want to smooth over relations with China, which can't be a bad idea.
Meh, this stuff is silly.

Granted, the Nanjing Massacres etc. aren't covered like they should be in Japanese textbooks, but hey - you'll find the same attitude everywhere. I bet there's very few American history textbooks that give a detailed account of the Native American genocide, nor a lot of Russian textbooks that deal with the Polish slaughters.

The only ones who want to keep on wallowing fully in the sins of two, three generations past are the Germans, but hey - that's their problem.

They'll always be people who know the truth, and people who don't *want* to know the truth. I for one know that you can't *force* people to study their history, nor do I really care. Let bygones be bygones seems to be their attitude - well, perhaps that's what's best for them.
I'm so damn glad...I have always secretly thought that with your genocidal past and their extreme reluctance to observe it that they would eventually repeat their mistakes...particularly when you consider how much they honor tradition and their ancestors...

The Vault Dweller
Now if only America could live up to its very own mistakes. When you build on lies and deceit, you are essentially building on a false foundation. Eventually those lies those secrets will come back to haunt you just as it one day will the USA.
It is one step to acknowledge the horrors and atrocities our ancestors have done. That is not the answer to the problems. The answer can only be reparations for those who suffered. And ohh there is a whole SHIT load of that to go around here in the US if anyone ever wants to set things strait before they repeat themselves as some sort of an awful blood feud.
Maphusio said:
It is one step to acknowledge the horrors and atrocities our ancestors have done. That is not the answer to the problems. The answer can only be reparations for those who suffered. And ohh there is a whole SHIT load of that to go around here in the US if anyone ever wants to set things strait before they repeat themselves as some sort of an awful blood feud.

I'll bring that point up next time I'm gambling on wampum credit at Big Jim's Indian Casino, thanks.

Honestly, am I expected to pay for things my ancestors didn't do, being in Canada at the time? Do my ancestors deserve reparations for what the English did to the Irish? Or my Hungarian grandparents from the Russians for '56? Or how about reparations for Austria being controlled by Germany? Or maybe Germany for being split by the USSR and the US?

Lets dig back history and find a "pure" culture that never practiced genocide, expansionism, cruelty, or sought in any wa to impose itself on other cultures. I bet we'll find that if we're lucky, we all have their genes from other cultures fucking them and raping their land, thus we all collect.
You are right... So lets just pretend we never did any of those things. Or at the very most lets just admit them. Maybe a sorry here and there and everything will be all patched up.

Sorry but I don’t buy that. I think plenty of African Americans also don’t buy that. History has proven time and time again if nothing is done about a problem it just gets bigger. It becomes a deep brooding thing that eventually explodes. Then you have the other side on the receiving end. You end up with blood feuds and fear. Tell me that is not true. Tell me sweeping the dirt under the rug will solve all of life’s problems.
Only, reparations are given to those considered deserving of them. The Japanese that were imprisoned in concentration camps got their dues because they're still alive. Have you ever known anybody who was a slave or has ever owned a slave? It's a shame, sure, that the freed men didn't get their acres and a mule, but their descendants would hardly have use of the same thing, or even deserve them.

You don't need reparations to learn from history's mistakes.

I also don't see why I should have to pay for something I had no part of. My ancestors may have owned slaves, I'm not really sure. Then again my ancestors were also Irish, so that must've been fun for them. Should I get reparations because of all the discrimination on my ancestors?
Maphusio said:
You are right... So lets just pretend we never did any of those things. Or at the very most lets just admit them. Maybe a sorry here and there and everything will be all patched up.

Sorry but I don’t buy that. I think plenty of African Americans also don’t buy that. History has proven time and time again if nothing is done about a problem it just gets bigger. It becomes a deep brooding thing that eventually explodes. Then you have the other side on the receiving end. You end up with blood feuds and fear. Tell me that is not true. Tell me sweeping the dirt under the rug will solve all of life’s problems.

Yeah, and history has also shown us that making nations pay reparations has made the world a happy place, right?

And making people pay reparations for something that happened 68 years ago is just plain silly. There's perhaps a handfull of people who were old enough to even remember it; and there's abolutely noone in the active population of Japan left who has any responsibility for what happened then. Why the hell bother them with that?
Bradylama, what happened to your ancestors, was it a direct result of the United States actions? If not then I would think reparations is not a responsibility of the US. And if we are talking hundreds of years ago I seriously doubt you or your family still suffer from those wrongdoings today.

Jebus I never said anyone had to pay anything. Reparations can be in many forms that do not drain on your pocket book today.

Taken from: http://hrw.org/english/docs/2001/07/19/global285.htm

In a wealthy country like the United States, relative deprivation could be the focus - rectifying the continuing inferior investment in, for example, schools, housing, and medical care serving much of the black population. (The same could be said for Native Americans and other similarly situated victim groups.) In impoverished countries, the aim would probably have to be more modest - raising people to a subsistence level, as defined by the U.N. Committee on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.

Lets put it in more simple terms... Would you rather pay the insane amount of money you currently are today for war (what’s that One Billion a day?) Or would that money better suit you doing something along the lines the human rights organization has proposed?

My ancestors were oppressed, raped, put into slavery and much more. They fortunately took matters into their own hands and sacked Rome as nothing more than helpless refugees fleeing the Mongols. They were called the Goths that is a perfect example of what happens when a people are pushed too far. Unfortunately after that they kindly gave back Rome its empire and became part of it. Eventually most were sent to hopeless wars and killed off. Do I deserve reparations? No this happened hundreds of years ago. And dear god if Italy had to pay reparations they would end up like Germany after the war.
Your ancestors did get reparations. They got their own kingdom for God's sake. Of course, they had to sack Rome to get it.

You're not talking about Reparations, though, you're talking about a different approaches to city planning.

Blacks don't deserve my money just because they're poor. However, packing as many welfare recipients as possible into projects isn't exactly going to reduce crime and lower poverty. School districts that service a lot of black kids aren't getting poor funding compared to those with White kids, either. The two biggest things holding blacks back is crime and culture. For example, black kids that go to all black schools or schools with a vast majority of white kids do much better than those with relatively even race ratios. Why? Becuase the kids that study and do their homework get accused of being "white."

There's a multitude of problems with Black America that "reparations" can't cure.
Maphusio said:
Now if only America could live up to its very own mistakes. When you build on lies and deceit, you are essentially building on a false foundation. Eventually those lies those secrets will come back to haunt you just as it one day will the USA.


Honestly, I think americans are largely aware of what their forefathers did in the past. The indian genocides is well studied and appreciated in the US.

But whether Americans are owning up to what they are doing now, or what our recent generations have done, is another issue. That might be one of the reasons this issue of past guilt is important (that and the fact that it is the anniversary of the atomic bombing).

But be mindful if you scorn Americans for refusing to, or being reluctant to, look into the mirror and their guilt. Can you name a society that hasn't had issues with social guilt after it's done some horrible shit? Germans? Japanese? Russians, Chinese? Belgians? French? Brits? Don't all of these folks have blood on their hands?

Then also consider, at least in the US people were able to become aware of Abu Graib, that we do debate the problems of Gitmo. Awareness does not necessary equate to a guilty feeling. For some its hard to feel guilty about some terrorists getting tortured when you're also thinking that these folks are of the same cloth the fly airplanes into buildings, who believe in commiting acts of terror on civilians for their own political agendas.

Americans have a rather harsh view on revenge and "payback." There are lots of Americans who will say "Yeah, so what we nuked Hiroshima? The japs bombed us at Pearl Harbor." This, I think, is part of american culture. I am also not sure if that's a bad thing. As Shakespeare writes, "If all is well, leave it so. Wake not the sleeping wolf." We live in a period when the sleeping wolf has been awakened and is still pissed off.

Don't get me wrong- I am not justifying or excusing things. This is just a way of seeing it.

That said, one of the virtues that Americans may have is the ability to discuss this and reflect. That goes back to free speech and the dissimination of information. Free speech in the US means that Americans are willing to show off their dirty laundry to the world. They might not like to, but it can be shown.