previews Fallout 3

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The Fallout 3 previews are kind of petering out, but fortunately we have our fr.NMA staff-member extraordinaire MrBumble to provide to translate a few bits from the very European Fallout 3 preview from<blockquote> Rather strange that despite the gory path taken by the game, Bethesda did not choose to keep the immoral possibilities of the previous episode. Indeed, and it's rather deceiving, you will not be able anymore to pimp your wife, to sell drugs, to star in porn movies or to be a slaver. Being immoral is over. Our new hero will behave respectably in this post-apocalyptics world.
Despite its respect of the background and its partly turn based combat system, we were not really impressed by Fallout 3. Visually a bit flat, too undaring as far as ethics are concerned, Bethesda's game will only be a great RPG if it manages to prove that the fundamentals are still here. In order to do that, Fallout 3 needs a great storyline, original quests aswell as a deep stat system and a great choice as far as equipment is concerned. </blockquote>Link: Fallout 3 preview on
This is too much honor ! :)

Waiting for previews to pop up on the major french mainstream gaming sites to see whether they are as skeptical as these last two previews were...I guess not but you never know.
Bethesda did not choose to keep the immoral possibilities of the previous episode. Indeed, and it's rather deceiving, you will not be able anymore to pimp your wife, to sell drugs, to star in porn movies or to be a slaver.

It seems to me that this more negative preview is just as wrong in its assumptions aobut Fallout, as many of the cloned positive previews have been.

I really don't understand how Fallout's immoral possibilities can be boiled down to pimping, selling drugs, being a porn star and slaving. In fact, I fail to see how those represent Fallout very well at all.

Slaving, a little more so than the others, I suppose, but it seems like they just looked at the back of the box of Fallout 2 and read the taglines.

Anyway, aren't drugs confirmed as in Fallout 3?
Euroheads in general are more sceptical than Americans, really. It's the difference in attitude towards gaming.

Autoduel said:
I really don't understand how Fallout's immoral possibilities can be boiled down to pimping, selling drugs, being a porn star and slaving. In fact, I fail to see how those represent Fallout very well at all.

Depends. Fallout's moral ambiguity can not be simplified down to that, but its "immorality" certainly can. The possibility to kill children is more a part of Fallout's immortality than it is of its moral ambiguity.
I indeed believe that this preview contains more assumptions than facts. My guess is that the author probably asked Pete Hines whether stuff like porn movies and pimping were still in Fallout 3 and Pete answered no, hence the previewer stating in his article that Fallout 3 did not allow any immoral behaviour.

My guess is that besides drugs, Fallout 3 will indeed not contain that stuff but I'm not sure whether it is really a bad thing or not. Fallout 1 did not allow you to do that but it made the game far less childish. I would not mind if Fallout 3 was more serious than its predecessor. However, a certain other preview let us understand that Fallout 3's humour was sometimes not that great either...
So far the the French seem less overwhelmed by the hype. I just hope more of their magazines have the same guts to be a bit objective about it.
So, the Fallout 3 box will say:

... a great storyline, original quests as well as a deep stat system and a great choice as far as equipment is concerned -
shihonage said:
So, the Fallout 3 box will say:

... a great storyline, original quests as well as a deep stat system and a great choice as far as equipment is concerned -

shihonage said:
So, the Fallout 3 box will say:

... a great storyline, original quests as well as a deep stat system and a great choice as far as equipment is concerned -

No doubt there'll be a leathery "game of the year" sticker on the box, no less than 6" in diameter; as well as a special "collector's edition", for a mere $119.99 (only $60 extra!)

@#$*ers.. :x
MrBumble said:
I indeed believe that this preview contains more assumptions than facts. My guess is that the author probably asked Pete Hines whether stuff like porn movies and pimping were still in Fallout 3 and Pete answered no, hence the previewer stating in his article that Fallout 3 did not allow any immoral behaviour.

My guess is that besides drugs, Fallout 3 will indeed not contain that stuff but I'm not sure whether it is really a bad thing or not. Fallout 1 did not allow you to do that but it made the game far less childish. I would not mind if Fallout 3 was more serious than its predecessor. However, a certain other preview let us understand that Fallout 3's humour was sometimes not that great either...

I agree, even a critical negatively tinted preview can mislead like a total suck-up. Despite the change in their point of view, it's still a preview, and it's still the previewer's impression.
Indeed, and it's rather deceiving, you will not be able anymore to pimp your wife, to sell drugs, to star in porn movies or to be a slaver.

All of these things were introduced in Fallout 2 which, according to the developers, factored much less into the influence of F3 than the original game. How is that rather deceiving?

Oh well, since they're european and the impression isn't overwhelmingly positive I guess it's safe to assume this preview is totally on the level :mrgreen:
No...Actually, what I thought was interesting was :

-flat visuals
-not really impressed

because it contrasted a lot with what was said in other previews. I agree that the criticism formulated in the preview was not that objective, especially from someone who hardly makes a difference between turn based and real-time with pause.
Bodybag said:
All of these things were introduced in Fallout 2 which, according to the developers, factored much less into the influence of F3 than the original game. How is that rather deceiving?

People are wilfully misreading this preview.

It says "you can't be a slaver, drug-dealer, pimp or porn star". That, if we can believe the previewer, is simply fact.

He then personally concludes that this is a bad thing, and feel it's a hit on Fallout's immortality. You don't have to agree with them, in fact I see plenty of reason not to agree with 'em, but the implication that this is a non-trustable preview that would be embraced here because it's negative (notice how that hasn't happened) is nonsense. His opinion is aberrant, but he's not stating anything that, considering what we know of Fallout 3, sounds like it is probably not true.
Brother None said:
People are wilfully misreading this preview.

I just asked where it was "rather deceiving" before I made a little JOKE at the end there. Is this another mistranslation, or another example of "stereotypically european" strong opinions?
Bodybag said:
I just asked where it was "rather deceiving" before I made a little JOKE at the end there

You do have a point there, but your jab was pretty unfair. Notice how every positive comment in this thread was because they didn't buy into the hype, while the preview's credibility was brought into question many times.

That said, child-killing was present in the original (their purported inspiration) and is no more.