Jim's In-Game Item Generator and Map Teleporter


Vault Dweller
I was adding new UI tools (I'll be updating that thread later today) and thought I'd make a text box for player input. One possible application being a string based item generator and a map teleporter, I thought I'd put those together for cheat/modding use. You can download it here, just extract in your executable folder.

How it works is you press left ctrl + C (for items) or + V (for maps) to bring up the menu, then type (case sensitive) the first letter(s) of the item/map you want. The tool then auto-completes it for you, after which you can press Enter to generate it. Here's a vid for the item generation:

and here for the map teleportation (keep in mind that the maps use the actual filenames, which the devs often didn't make all that clear, and without consistent case useage, so try around a little):

A final thing to keep in mind is that the typing isn't all that responsive. This is because I haven't yet found a terribly convenient way to block out the regular key bindings (e.g. to avoid pressing "a" starting combat).

EDIT: forgot to add something of course, fixed now.

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This could be great, though I wish you could've used the text from PRO_ITEM.MSG because that's the correct one.
This could be great, though I wish you could've used the text from PRO_ITEM.MSG because that's the correct one.

I'd have wished so too, but @phobos2077 hasn't added that one to sfall (yet), so instead I had to copy it over to proto.msg (and, um, multiply all the values with 100), which means you'd need to override that yourself to do it properly for your own vanilla/modded game.
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This could be great, though I wish you could've used the text from PRO_ITEM.MSG because that's the correct one.

I'd have wished so too, but @phobos2077 hasn't added that one to sfall (yet), so instead I had to copy it over to proto.msg (and, um, multiply all the values with 100), which means you'd need to override that yourself to do it properly for your own vanilla/modded game.

As a dirty workaround, you can try calling proto_data vanilla function, using this constants:
#define it_name             (1)
#define it_description      (2)

run this against every item PID and save to an in-memory array, so you can search it later.
I will try to add support for remaining msg files in next minor sfall release. Btw, how did you managed to implement this input box? :)

Long story short:

#define sfall_key_dx_strings_lc  \
[""   \
,""    \
,"1"    \
,"2"    \
,"3"    \
,"4"    \
,"5"    \
,"6"    \
,"7"    \
,"8"    \
,"9"    \
,"0"    \
,"-"    \
,"="    \
,""    \
,""    \
,"q"    \
,"w"    \
,"e"    \
,"r"    \
,"t"    \
,"y"    \
,"u"    \
,"i"    \
,"o"    \
,"p"    \
,"["    \
,"]"    \
,""    \
,""    \
,"a"    \
,"s"    \
,"d"    \
,"f"    \
,"g"    \
,"h"    \
,"j"    \
,"k"    \
,"l"    \
,";"    \
,"'"    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,"z"    \
,"x"    \
,"c"    \
,"v"    \
,"b"    \
,"n"    \
,"m"    \
,","    \
,"."    \
,"/"    \
,""    \
,"*"    \
,""    \
," "    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,"7"    \
,"8"    \
,"9"    \
,"-"    \
,"4"    \
,"5"    \
,"6"    \
,"+"    \
,"1"    \
,"2"    \
,"3"    \
,"0"    \
,"."    \

#define sfall_key_dx_strings_uc  \
[""   \
,""    \
,"!"    \
,"@"    \
,"#"    \
,"$"    \
,"%"    \
,"^"    \
,"&"    \
,"*"    \
,"("    \
,")"    \
,"-"    \
,"="    \
,""    \
,""    \
,"Q"    \
,"W"    \
,"E"    \
,"R"    \
,"T"    \
,"Y"    \
,"U"    \
,"I"    \
,"O"    \
,"P"    \
,"{"    \
,"}"    \
,""    \
,""    \
,"A"    \
,"S"    \
,"D"    \
,"F"    \
,"G"    \
,"H"    \
,"J"    \
,"K"    \
,"L"    \
,":"    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,"Z"    \
,"X"    \
,"C"    \
,"V"    \
,"B"    \
,"N"    \
,"M"    \
,"<"    \
,">"    \
,"?"    \
,""    \
,"*"    \
,""    \
," "    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,""    \
,"7"    \
,"8"    \
,"9"    \
,"-"    \
,"4"    \
,"5"    \
,"6"    \
,"+"    \
,"1"    \
,"2"    \
,"3"    \
,"0"    \
,"."    \

Basically just lists that correspond to the matching dxScancode. So if you tap the K key, the letter returned is, e.g., key_dx_strings_lc[K] = "k".

I'll post the full source in the UI thread later in case you're wondering about something else.
Updated the version with the proper method for retrieving item names. I set the range for possible items p. high (780, guessing no mod goes high as that, it breaks when it reaches the ceiling). Also has the sources in it.
Pretty cool stuff. :cool: Especially, that teleport thing. That would save a lot of time if you want to go somewhere and want to avoid encounters.
Looking good as always, phobos2077. Hopefully critter creation and team setting "might?" be possible for others besides Jim here? He did use it to showcase NPCs looting.
Also, the nickname Jimmy Rollins was pretty fun
THIS right here is a fucking godsend. I have a bunch of death animations that I need to test on a bunch of different critters, and don't want to traipse around the whole wasteland in search of that elusive fire gecko. Critter creation would be even more amazing, but A+ for making this as good as it is. Downloading right away.
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A new version to placate @Magnus and my returned passive-aggressive amigo @BreakinBenny! (Link is the one in the OP)

- You can now, um, move again.

- It's now one single happy menu you load with left ctrl + C, where you click on what you want to generate:
- Items: generates an item where the mouse cursor is. If there's a critter where the cursor is, then the item goes in his inven (should've probably also done this for containers...). If the critter is unarmed, the item is a weapon, AND the critter has an existing animation type for said weapon, then he equips it
- Teams: gives that team to the critter under the cursor.
- Scripts: gives that script to the critter under the cursor.
- Critter: generates that critter (pid) under the cursor.
- Scenery: generates that scenery (pid) under the cursor (hmmm, should've made scripts work for them too...).
- Maps: transports to that map.

Here's a video demo showing as many features as I could cram in a minute:

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Don't worry Jim, I apologize for the discomfort. It's a little joking friendliness to praise your work that might make Sfall into a hybrid kind of Mapper.… A question is, will this possibly get built-into Falltergeist or any other Fallout engine recreation? It's pretty hard to have a lot of fun when Windows is the only platform these games support nowadays.

Also, I'm logged in on a newly created account here. Facebook logins were disabled for reasons I don't even know, I'm really Fox Wernicke.
No harm done chief. I have no intention to port anything atm.

New version up in the OP!

The most important new feature is that it now checks for other places in a string. E.g. if you type DUDE in the script box, it doesn't find any script starting with DUDE, but what it does find is OBJ_DUDE. While this makes it all a bit slower for obvious reasons I think it's necessary if you want to end up finding anything realistically.

Other changes:
- place containers and fill them up with items!
- give scripts to scenery!
That's definitely a good thing. I was about to mention the fact I couldn't move when I tried this last night. What caused it to where you couldn't move to begin with?
That's definitely a good thing. I was about to mention the fact I couldn't move when I tried this last night. What caused it to where you couldn't move to begin with?

Apparently there's some weird issue with the hexmoveblock hook (which I need to block movement when pressing UI elements)... easy to work around tho.
Dang it, the resolution mod from Mash blocks your UI mods for real Jim.… Where is that dang source code for the resolution mod so as to fix its conflicting with this mod and the inventory sorting one, if it never comes to be we'll have to wait until Falltergeist where the resolutions are built-in.
Nice. What I've been using for myself is just an adaption and expansion of Corpse's "cheatboy" script, and it has a teleport tree I built into it. Using keyboard shortcuts for the dialog options, you can get anywhere in the game extremely fast.



