Anything I don't mention below, I liked as is. 
In regards to what has been done to address the 1st problem;
In regards to what has been done to address the 2nd problem;

In regards to what has been done to address the 1st problem;
- adding a movement penalty seems excessive and unecessary (make it optional in next version)
- the recoil feature sounds like something that would be interesting at first but would get real tiring after a while to deal with (make it optional in next verson)
- the melee damage treatment is very interesting, though would it not make sense to only add the bonus for every point of ST the player has above the weapon's min. ST req. instead? And are some weapons classed as unarmed? Is that factored in already?
- the blocking power aspect confuses me a little; "... you can choose at what THC for the enemy you'll block ..." are you saying there is a setting in the ini the player should adjust? Yes or no, how would the player know what sort of THC and/or ST an opponent would have?
- wouldn't a better approach be to have a random roll between 1-10; let's say you want the chance the player will attempt a block at 40%, so a roll of 1-4 the player attempts to block, then if a block is attempted however you want to compare the player to the opponent behind the scenes is cool, so long as there are four possible outcomes; first - player is better than the opponent and the block is successful (no hit), second - player is worse than the opponent and the block fails (full hit), third - player is equal to the opponent and the block is partially successful (25% hit?), fourth - player is equal to the opponent, the block is successful (no hit to player) and the hit is partially redirected to the opponent (25% hit to opponent) [the fourth outcome might not be possible to code]
- What you've done with movement speed seems to be something that just servers to limit the player too much, I understand that 99.999% of users max out their AG and thus you think that initial first hex penalty is virtually nothing; but if the user chooses to have a low AG player for whatever reason, that first step will always suck!
In regards to what has been done to address the 2nd problem;
- the reloading AP cost seems a little high, I understand what you are trying to do here, but 5 and 3 might be enough.