Jinxed trait! Play a character with it if you haven't yet.


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Ahhh sometimes I do so enjoy Jinxed:

"Hey! You! No weapons in here!"
[wait about 5 seconds]
[Combat begins]
'Gizmo's Guard critically missed, dropped his weapon and lost his next turn.'


This of course applies to Super Mutants and the like as well...

Pro tip: Jinxed plus Kamikaze and a maxed Perception (EDIT: and Luck) stat, if you're willing to abandon some other traits for these two, makes for a lot of fun.

EDIT: For those that don't remember off the top of their head:


So you want to max out Perception as soon as possible because this increases your chance to hit (thus indirectly lowering chance to get those bad critical failures)
Ha, will try that sometime!

I remember getting Jinx from the Dog special encounter and it just reinvented combat but I reloaded pretty quickly. Pairing Jinx with a dumb character would be a very unique playthrough.
Did you just accept your own challenge?

drawnacrol said:
I remember getting Jinx from the Dog special encounter and it just reinvented combat but I reloaded pretty quickly. Pairing Jinx with a dumb character would be a very unique playthrough.
I just killed the dog. It's hard but not impossible.
When you play jinxed, make sure you have high luck, it will help with the critical failures, you will receive less of them. Also pick unarmed as a skill, because the enemy will lose their ammo and eventually have no choice but to fight you unarmed, but with your high unarmed skill (with spiked knuckles) they wont survive the encounter.

It's pretty funny when a critter dies due to their own critical failure. :lol: Getting the Pariah dog is the cherry on the cake.
Eh, that trait (obtained from the dog :/) was never useful to me. I broke my precious sniper rifle fighting through the Shark Club, and was too far in to reload, so I had to troll around New Reno for ages to find some gangsters with one.

Eventually I managed to corner the pooch and murder him. I don't feel bad.
.Pixote. said:
It's pretty funny when a critter dies due to their own critical failure.
My favorite was a Super Mutant in the military base critically missed and his rocket launcher exploded, killing him and the guy next to him. Two exploded Mutants for the price of zero? Jackpot. It did something like a hundred damage to each of them; hilarious.
Think raiders have really bad luck going by my old jinxed playthrough, half the buggers lost their guns due to ammo explosions.
Less loot but more lols so worked out well.
drawnacrol said:
Pairing Jinx with a dumb character would be a very unique playthrough.
I once finished Fallout 2 with a character like that.

Hard/hard. Intelligence of 3, luck of 1. Jinxed, one hander, restricted him to weapons using pistol animations. No followers, save for the pariah dog which he found and kept.

To this day I know not why I was so cruel to myself.
Muro said:
drawnacrol said:
Pairing Jinx with a dumb character would be a very unique playthrough.
I once finished Fallout 2 with a character like that.

Hard/hard. Intelligence of 3, luck of 1. Jinxed, one hander, restricted him to weapons using pistol animations. No followers, save for the pariah dog which he found and kept.

To this day I know not why I was so cruel to myself.
Yeah before I got to the last line of this post I was thinking "That sounds just awful."