Jobs, what do you do and how did you get them.

Flake said:
Im in college majoring in chemistry, biology and hopefully maths.

I live off what they call extended child support from my dad o atlest untill im 20, then i might have to get a part time job.

Im planning on studying pharmaceuticals in university or maybe international business law, so if anyone can tell me how being a lawyer is like i would appreciate it. I allready am familiar with pharmaceuticals since i practicly grew up in a pharmacy.

Depends- most lawyers don't stay in practice. Most leave within 3-6 years of practice because they either don't like it, don't like their careers or don't like themselves as lawyers. What they do after that depends on what connections they have and what they want to do.

I think the majority of lawyers fall into three categories which reflects work in general-
(1) They hate it, every stinking day, their lives are miserable and they are unhappy
(2) They do exactly what they want to do and they love it, and every damn minute of it.
(3) They are ok, they made compromises about what they wanted and what they liked, and they can deal with it until they retire.

Me, I love being an attorney. I just wanted to do Grad school and get a Ph.D. I also like teaching a lot more than practice, and writing a lot more than teaching. But I am cool with all of that.

What people forget when they think about becoming attorneys is that they control their destiny and the trick in life is to try to do the thing you like to do. A lot of folks spend a lot of time trying to figure that out, some folks don't find out till late. But the more you compromise about what you like to do for the rewards, the less happy you will be.

As for mixing Pharm and Law, cool. Intellectual Property is a pretty nice area of practice. Don't bank on international business law (especially if you are American). There are very few Americans who do international work regularly and most get there only because they are very good at what they do, or they are connected or they were in the right place at the right time.

That said, if you go to law school, do the best you can. If you want to do Pharm law, go for intellectual property and business practice. If you do great, than the international careers may open. If you do well, career is gold. If you don't...... well there is always insurance defense or quit and go into business.
Oh, yeah! I work at a supermarket. Teh Roxxorsss!!


Well, at least it gets me money. Tsch.

Meh, next year I'll be studying Technical Informatics at the Technical University of Eindhoven. Woohoo!

Ehh, that is, if I make it through this year....

Ideally, though (really ideally), I'd like to be a writer. I have procrastination, issues, though.
I'm still hoping to get something of a writing done sometime, and hand it to a publisher....

PS: Welsh, I didn't know you were writing a dissertation on African politics... Interesting...
Really Murdoch?

I am been send to China again to test market a new HLA testing product.

How is your Mandarin right now?

Interested in a job?

Uh, Happiness is it, welsh?

(boiler room joke)Whoever told you money is the root of all evil/can't buy you happiness, doesn't have any.

Overall, one has to be relative about these thinks Starseeker. But yes, do what makes you happy if you can.

I think that there are some things in life you don't stop thinking about doing. These are the things you really want to do.

My wife for instance used to be an actress. She misses it. She gave it up to practice law and regrets it. In hindsight, she probably should have stuck with it.
Sorry to hear about your wife. I didn't know you were married.

Where is she from? (just curious)

I do believe in personal empowerment though. Whatever people really believe is what they want, they should have every right to pursue it. A lot of people I know just ain't happy, but they stick with the situation because they think they have to.

Listen to your heart, mate, and have a little fun.

Btw, is your wife going back to her career?
I'm paid to spend money, yep i'm a buyer for a major Hotel chain (think Paris). I'm paid to go to wine tasting, cocktails, premieres of new products and when there is a wine and spirits show in Montreal, i taste whats under the counter (the good stuff).
Pay is okay, it's the perks that are awesome, free restaurant food everyday, clothing, gas allocation, dry cleaning, discounts on wine,food and spirits.
I also receive about 24-30 bottle of wine a year, plus some scotches, cognacs and others.
Field is very competitive, i have to be the best to get the better stuff.

I got the job by scalling the corporate ladder, started out as a stock boy, drove my boss crazy, took his job, drove new boss crazy, took his job....I'm there till one of my employee drives me crazy or another head of dept. stabs me in the back (either for real or in a meeting)

My wife works for a pharma co.
Just got a temp job with Unisys to test one of their server software products, I start next Monday. Got that through co-op program with my university.

Before that - menial job for one of the "ethnic" grocery stores (the one with high turnarounds). Pay is meh, but there's 50 hours overtime which sort of made up for that.
I work at the commissary on base (the Grand Forks Air Force Base). I'm a bagger and have to bag for people, mostly nice people, but there is/are the occasional asshole(s) or bitch(es). I make pretty good money, average being around 7 to 15 dollars an hour and work around 3 hours during school and around 4 to 6 hours during the summer. On a good day, or before a big holiday like Christmas or Thanksgiving, I made 100 to 150 dollars in 3 and a half hours. Those were awesome days, but they only happen two weeks of the year (week before Christmas, week before Thanksgiving). The job is pretty easy, but you have to kiss a lot of ass and sometimes work in very shitty weather. My mom is the head bagger and works stock there, so I got the job from her. My previous jobs were working at the local hardware store in town, working for Ben and Sandy (farmers), and working for Glenn in town who fixes cars. I got fired from the hardware store for fucking around one day, I was going to quit, but Perry (my boss at the time) beat me to the punch, quit working for Glenn after he lowered my pay because he was having a *hard* time with cash (complete bullshit, he owns a three story house, not including the basement, has six cars, and has money invested in the stock market). My job at the farm/ranch ended when Ben and his wife moved to New Mexico because Ben was offered a teaching job there.

I plan on working at the commissary until my summer after I graduate, which will happen next school year (Class of 2005) then I'm going to enlist into the Army, or possibly the Marines. There you have it.
Starseeker said:
Really Murdoch?

I am been send to China again to test market a new HLA testing product.

How is your Mandarin right now?

Interested in a job?

Well, as of right now my Mandarin skills are on the other side of zero, just what I can scam off the Chinese kids who run around my lab. Next year my class load shrinks and I can focus on lab work and a second language. I'm not naive enough to think I'll ever be fluent in it, but I think that with a basic understanding of the language comes understanding of the culture, which is important. It's reasonable to assume that most Chinese I interact with will have a basic understanding of English, right?

About the job thing, ask me in 3-4 years when I near graduation :P :cry: Ugh, I'll be pushing 30 by then. :cry:

You mentioned HLA testing, as in histocompatability? I would assume that the transplant 'market', if you will, is booming in China.