Judge Orders YouTube to Give All User Histories to Viacom


A Smooth-Skin
OH JOY ! :cry:

....Google will have to turn over every record of every video watched by YouTube users, including users' names and IP addresses, to Viacom, which is suing Google for allowing clips of its copyright videos to appear on YouTube, a judge ruled Wednesday.

Viacom wants the data to prove that infringing material is more popular than user-created videos, which could be used to increase Google's liability if it is found guilty of contributory infringement.



I hope this gets appealed its the most stupid decision ever - its like a gift basket for viacom with info theyve never dreamed of obtaining.
'What Logs?'

I know, Google can just pay someone to 'crash' their hardware and make it all go away.

Good thing I don't have a youtube account, although I'll have to mention this to a few friends of mine.

Gotta love them privacy acts, makes you wonder if they really exist?
i think they still track your visit regardless if you have a user but this is true for 99% of websites


Usage Information. We may record information about your usage, such as when you use YouTube, the channels, groups, and favorites you subscribe to, the contacts you communicate with, the videos you watch, and the frequency and size of data transfers, as well as information you display or click on in YouTube (including UI elements, settings, and other information). If you are logged in, we may associate that information with your account. We may use clear GIFs (a.k.a. "Web Beacons") in HTML-based emails sent to our users to track which emails are opened by recipients.
Pff. Good luck sorting through the terabytes of retarded user comments.
Wooz said:
Pff. Good luck sorting through the terabytes of retarded user comments.

The people doing so will die of anuerisms due to extreme and uninterrupted exposure to pure idiocracy.

The Vault Dweller
This is ridiculous. First, it's going to take an incredible amount of work it would take to go through that data. Second, Google tries to shut down any video that violates copyright law almost instantaneously. Third, why not just look at he most viewed vidoes? Most of those are user videos, and those that aren't are submitted by the copyright owners. Tada! proof that copyright stuff isn't most popular.
Simpleminded, you're assuming that this action has any basis in rationality. You should know better.

Just another company trying to play the "oh I've been so hurt by the internetz stealing my copyrighted blahbity blah" card. It never ends. -_- Next thing you know a major game publisher/developer will be suing people for giving bad reviews. Oh, wait...
i think its unfair since like SimpleMinded said most statistics are right there on the webpage - most likely the kind of data viacom will recieve is worth millions in terms of market study...
Wooz said:
Pff. Good luck sorting through the terabytes of retarded user comments.

Over 12 terabytes to be exact. :mrgreen:

Viacom also wants access to private Youtube videos as well as googles 1337 source code for, Youtube... Lets think? CBS/Viacom has JOOST... Hummmmmm It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. Fortunately the judge told them where to stick it. At any rate, Viacom stands to earn a cool million off of this... It looks like they will get that "hard earned" cash... Go CBS!
WIll this never end? Next thing you'll know will be FBI agents crashing down on your PC for watching blazing hot new video of Rhianna on youtube....
First, I am not in favor of pirates etc. But I do think that this jduge must have been temporaly insane or something when he made his ruling.

I mean, 12 TeraBytes... :shock: Isn't that like 12 GB and then multiplied by like a 100 or a 1000?? Just think of how much time would take to sift through all this information. Or you get some youtube uploader to write a program...oh wait, that probably won't happen.

I have been using youtube mainly to view game trailers and videos from indie game developers. Even Bioware seems fine with their stuff being on youtube...

I don't know why Viacom would want to access people's private videos uploaded by themselves..

Viacom/CBS could just upload its content to youtube themselves or do what ABC does ...have an online service where people can watch their most popular stuff...
12TB would encompass so much fucking data as to be worthless.

It's simply too large of a scale to be ABLE to judge it.

But odds are that viacom will take only certain segments of it and use that to support their claims.

Hopefully viacom will fuck up with how they handle it, and google will counter sue them for something.