Judge sues cleaner for $65M over pants

Yoshi525 said:
You've got to love that freedom in America, anyone can sue anybody for anything.

Nothing wrong with that, its just crack pots like this and the fact that they (in soem cases at least) actually pull it off.

Unfortunately there will always be those willing to exploit a good person or thing. Look at charitable organizations such as the Red Cross... Greed is a very powerful thing that we all have to live with. It's a battle that we experience often. Many choose to indulge and hurt someone for their personal gain as the plaintiff in this story.

If I were a man of religious faith I would rest assured knowing things would work out in the end. Since I'm not that man, I count on others to challenge themselves and seek equality and justice then hopefully in the end those actions lead to good things that people benefit from... Well that was odd, I'm going to bed.
You've obviously never lost anything to the dry cleaners before, have you?

Mostly because I'm such a lazy SOB, and partially because I work for a law firm, I'm forced to use dry cleaning services on a weekly basis. As a result I had numerous confrontations with the various owners of those well managed enterprises, who "surprisingly" were all Koreans :shock:.

In the past two years, I had at least a dozen shirts and about 3 pairs of pants either completely ruined or got "lost" due to the incompetence of the owners/operators. On one occasion, when they lost a 100$ shirt, they offered me an exchange - some other guy's dress shirt. Arguing, swearing, threatening to call immigration all failed, they just look at you and say: weee sooo sowy.

And thats it, either way you're fucked.

Needless to say I'm pissed; therefore while it dose not constitute a 60M lawsuit, I do see where that guy is coming from.

Incompetence must be dealt with.
I just read it, he lost. He now needs to pay the laywer bills for the cleaner aswell. In addition the people that was sued say they will sue him back.

Now here is my question...this guy apperantly have a job with a salary of 96k a year...why would he try to jeapoardise all that for a pair of pants?

Washington Superior Court Judge Judith Bartnoff said Pearson had not proven that the Custom Cleaners dry cleaning shop had actually lost his prized pants.

She also said that Pearson's theory that the owners owed him $54 million because they lost his pants despite a sign that ensures "Satisfaction Guaranteed" had no support in the law.

"A reasonable consumer would not interpret 'Satisfaction Guaranteed' to mean that a merchant is required to satisfy a customer's unreasonable demands," Bartnoff wrote in her ruling.

Ahh.., but there was some pre-history.

The bad blood between the customer and store dates back to 2002, when another pair of pants was allegedly lost by the dry cleaners.

The Chungs gave Pearson a $150 check for a new pair of pants, and Pearson was banned from the store, defense attorney Manning claimed in court.

Manning said Pearson pleaded with the Chungs to let him back into the store because he didn't have a car, he said, and they were the only dry cleaners in the neighborhood.

Three years later, Pearson said he returned to Custom Cleaners and, like some real-life "Groundhog Day" nightmare, another pair of trousers went missing.

The ABC News Law & Justice Unit has calculated that for the original $67 million Pearson sought, he could buy 84,115 new pairs of pants at the $800 value he placed on the missing trousers in court documents. If you stacked those pants up, they would be taller than eight Mount Everests. If you laid them side by side, they would stretch for 48 miles.

Sovz, you live in Toronto, right?

You need a different tactic to deal with the Koreans there. And it shouldn't be a surprise to see a lot of Koreans own similar types of stores. When one Korean makes money running a type of a shop, a lot more Koreans will copy and follow suit next to him. Koreans, being a Confucian society like Japan and China, does not fear insults and threats. The only thing they are afraid of is scandals, publicity, and the government. Never try the immigration route unless you are sure they are illegal. You should check the workers, and not the owners.
I was just joking about calling immigration, I'm a fucking immigrant myself.

Though I did write them a nice letter on my company's letterhead - and I did get a full reimbursement. I guess working for a law firm does come with its share of perks. :)
Man tied a knot in it
A Romanian man ended up in hospital after he tied string around his penis to avoid going to the toilet.
Vasile Barbulescu now faces months of complicated surgery to correct the damage caused, according to local press.
He was taken to hospital in Galati in southeast Romania where he admitted wrapping string around his penis to put off going to the toilet until he got home.
Doctors have said they are unsure whether they can repair the damage and say he faces repeated surgery.
Dr Alexandru Iurea who treated the man, said: "He told us he had tied it round really tight. When we finally got it off we saw his penis had massive injuries."

Same o', same o' - actually, funny that you've mentioned it, there was a sudden drop in penis related injuries ever since they've joined the EU. See, thats what I call PROGRESS!
I know we've covered the whole crying thing, but this quote just makes it even more hilarious.

"On the witness stand, Pearson broke down in tears and had to take a break from his testimony because he became too emotional while questioning himself about his experience with the missing trousers."

This guy should be sainted. Then stabbed.
Perhaps the questions were leading and he started to understand what he was doing?

"Do you really think a pair of missing pants is worth 65 million, and may I remind you mister myself that you are under oath!"
glad people came to their senses and booted the mofo out.

really, this case was awesome to prove why the american justice system fails so hard. too bad the dude was actually serious and not simply trying to prove a point.