Junk items


Antediluvian as Feck
Why is there an abundance of junk items in the game? Stuff that doesn't even go into an assembly? Like the fucking coffee mug or bent tin can. Worthless. Deos anyone even want pre-war money? I've been hoarding up that shit for a while now, hoping someone would pay good money for it just like with the pre-war books. I must have about 250 of that fucking useless money now.
It's crap. Not only is it pretty tough to find the needed items to build it and hence repair it but it does shit damage. Someone needs to mod it out of the game.
I found the Pre-War Money rather convenient as it is weightless, and it is very clear that it's just there to "sell". All the rest, yeeeaaahh...

Oh and I used the rock-it launcher once. I blew of someone's head with a teddy bear. Right.
The junk trader (with the caravans) can repair your items up to about 80% or so. So You don't really have to make more Rock-It Launchers to keep it repaired. I had a hard time finding extras of some of the later game weapons myself, but he fixes them up nicely.

You can usually find him in Canterbury Mills. I think he appears last of the traders.. not sure tho. The weapons trader died earlier in the game in a shootout between raiders and super mutants. I decided to loot his corpse and brahmin, and got negative karma for it. :?
I find that most characters in the world must have a very low IQ if they can figure out "Missile launcher" but not "Rocket launcher" as they call it "Rock-it launcher".
nah, I think it's a name play, because the ammo is pretty much anything you found, so it "rocks", I guess :P