Just Small Guns Without Sniper perk ( fallout 2 )

Tiny Tim

Still Mildly Glowing
Is it viable for late game combat? I don't have 8 perception and i don't wanna cheat with drugs to get the sniper perk . I feel overpowered in most areas, but i'm having a difficult time in the military base and in one encounter the enclave literaly kicked my ass. I have other useful combat perks like better criticals, more criticals, the one that makes ranged attacks cost one ap less, living anatomy, my small guns skill is around 140% and i'm using sniper rifle and one of the late game shotguns. I'm still wearing combat armor though so maybe it'll be easier once i get power armor.

Will i have to invest in energy weapons or big guns or will small guns do? Thanks
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Should be perfectly viable once you get Gauss weaponry and PA. Better crits + eye shots should take you through to the end. More crits doesn't really synergize with Sniper anyway.

Don't think you expressly need to invest in energy or big guns, but I would usually end up with a build like yours, get a Bozar and put some points into big guns, then use it to delete anyone who gets into melee range where you don't really need much accuracy for burst weapons to do their thing.
Thanks. I added my spare points to big guns, reaching around 60, and it worked well enough with bursts at those who come to close.