Kansas city, failed objective

Well I let a lot of ghouls die...hell I forgot one of the gates, I only had a team of 4, they got inside the gates entered the cathedral, I had to go after them, fortunatly they didn't get into the Bishop Room...I made this mission in CTB, I love the drama and intensity, the noise (yeah play it loud) and speed..everything that was missing in JA2...

In one of the gates no one died, the other only one survived and the other everyone died...I just got a small complaint from the bishop and the general for not being able to fully protect the ghouls, saying that while the BOS was able to retrive the nuke, the bishop refused to give information on how to operat it...
When I got to the base I started thinking if the Bishop had something to steal...too late...
its impossible to complete this mission whitout getting a single ghoul killed.. because at every gate there is one unarmed ghoul. and the first thing he dose when the horde comes is guess what?
the stupid fucker engages the super mutans (armed whit avenger miniguns) whit hes bare hands..

and you all probaply know what happens if you do that..
I finished Kansas City with only one ghoul dead... He got in the way between my shotgun on burst mode and a mutant..

Bishop didn't complain...
This is how i did it (2 ghouls dead bishop happy):

My char was sg guy, with sniper-rifle and geosted SG, 2nd was medic/sg with sniper-rifle, 3rd driver/sg with sniper-rifle :) and 4th Stoma (sg/hg/eg) with Browning M2 (normal bullets).

My Char, and Stich(medic/sg) were at west gate, sniping, Jo(driver/sg) at north gate sniping, and Stoma with the browning at south gate. Stoma was boosted with one psycho.

My Char and Stich keepet the first attack at westgate off, then stich mined the front of the sandbags with about 6 mines, and ran back behind the sandbags, they holded of the second wave, about 4-5 died to mines.

Jo didn't kill anyone since all died at preset mines at n-gate.

Stoma (boosted with psycho) hold off the muties, killed 14 of them with the Browning, he was crouch about 4m off the sandbags to make sure most of muties shooted him (high damage res cause of psycho). 1 ghoul died since he ran to kick some butt, and second by acciden't cause i forget the 1 guy who comes from the building. And Stoma basicly just shooted everything on sight and hold them off pretty well.

I saved at the begginig, aftert positioned the chars and before second west wave. Few loadings were needed, and i played with CTB (non turn based).
heh...i've finished the game three times, and always kansas was the worst...but last night, i finally made it happen...No Ghouls Died. 1 sharpshooter to the north, two heavy guns and a sharpshooter at the west, and two heavy guns at south gate...I gotta tell you guys, the ONLY way to pass this mission perfectly is INDIVIDUAL TURN BASED COMBAT. Trust me. It works. CTB won't cut it. The general finally talks about your "continuing excellence." Goddamn bout time.
Too true; you CAN'T do this fight in CTB. I had 1 sniper, 1 heavy gun, and 1 shotgun on the south entrance. 1 sniper & 1 heavy gun to the west. Finally, 1 of anything to the north, (the north attack is nothing compared to the others). I've aced it every time. A few ghouls get killed, but not too many. Oh, and DON'T shoot any ghouls yourself (your party too).