Killap's Fallout 2 patch updated


Vault Consort
Staff member
Killap posted the 1.02.26 update to his insanely popular unofficial Fallout 2 patch. No longer will you be troubled by doors that don't open when you force them, bots that don't stand still when you pacify them, and T-Rays that don't swear when you go through their shit.<blockquote>Time for an unofficial patch update! This is a pretty hefty release this time around thanks to Haenlomal, who went through the entire game with a fine tooth comb and found nearly 100 bugs in the original game that were not get fixed by my patch. Big thanks to him for doing this. I didn't think another update would be necessary, but I was wrong. A major highlight of this update is a workaround for the too many items bug and a fix for Cassidy forgetting his combat settings.

Another big change in this update is that the unofficial patch is now fully compatible with official 1.02 save games! This means that if you happened to start a game with the official 1.02 patch, run into a nasty bug, and want to fix it with my patch, you can now do so and don't have to start over! This of course comes at the cost of causing any previous save games with my unofficial patch to no longer work. I feel it is a worthwhile decision in the end though.

Windows Installer Version (highly recommended): download
Windows Manual Version (advanced users): download
Mac Version: download</blockquote><s>The much anticipated Restoration Project 2.0 was scheduled for a simultaneous release but has been delayed by displeased rumblings from Interplay, who insist that the content must first be properly integrated with their downloadable Fallout Trilogy (which already has a now obsolete version of the patch on it). This should be taken care of in the next few days though.</s>

Link: Updated corrections file
<s>Link: Interplay 8-Z misclaimer injuncture</s>

Update: The bit about Interplay was a bit of April Foolery.
God the anticipation is killing me!

Can't wait to play it again with the new RP. :postviper:

EDIT: Oh. I guess I don't actually have to wait.

At work, I'm on a huge laminate/print machine, and half the time I'm on the control computer playing classic games.

Needless to say, will definitely be putting this on there. :)
Oh man my heart skipped when I read that Interplay was getting involved, I was worried they were gonna shut it down! That is kinda cool of them to do what they did though, a funny way of knowing you even matter to them!
Damn... Didn't even know the bear man was still working on more patches. Wasn't his previous one supposed to be fairly final?

Anyhow, thanks for your dedication Killap! If you ever end up in Belgistan, I'll buy you a beer!
Per said:
The much anticipated Restoration Project 2.0 was scheduled for a simultaneous release but has been delayed by displeased rumblings from Interplay, who insist that the content must first be properly integrated with their downloadable Fallout Trilogy (which already has a now obsolete version of the patch on it). This should be taken care of in the next few days though.

This is April Fool's Joke. :silly:
You almost got me.

You can download Killap's masterpiece here. :dance:
The modders here at NMA are like engineering on the Enterprise working behind the scenes keeping this ship intact with Killiap being their Scotty.

Awesome as hell.

Plus, with the support that you've gotten from Interplay, I think I know what company I'm rooting for when it comes to the Fallout License. Even though Herve has failed miserably a few times in the past. Anything at this point is better than Bethesda having control of it.
))<>(( said:
The modders here at NMA are like engineering on the Enterprise working behind the scenes keeping this ship intact with Killiap being their Scotty...Plus, with the support that you've gotten from Interplay, I think I know what company I'm rooting for when it comes to the Fallout License. Even though Herve has failed miserably a few times in the past. Anything at this point is better than Bethesda having control of it.
Where ever there are Fallout bugs – you find Killap there squashing them…? Herve (Interplay) has done nothing for Fallout, except derail it. It’s the good people of NMA and a small group of modders that refuse to give up on the original 2 games, and why should we…
Per said:
The much anticipated Restoration Project 2.0 was scheduled for a simultaneous release but has been delayed by displeased rumblings from Interplay, who insist that the content must first be properly integrated with their downloadable Fallout Trilogy (which already has a now obsolete version of the patch on it). This should be taken care of in the next few years though.

Corrected it to what it would take if it were true :mrgreen: :wink: :twisted:

I'll probably wait till confirmed playtrhus begin to show up so I know it's completable but cheers and two thumbs up for Killap and crew for the monumental work they've done! :ok: :ok:
The misclaimer injuncture should have pretty much cleared things up though

It is very to the point
Well. I have steam. how should I install this thing?

Not enough on this site to explain about Steam users. It takes a bit to figure this out. the auto installers do not seem to interface with steam folders....

even if you manually select them. It asks odd things.

One thing you DON'T want to mess with is the entire fallout2 folder. really bad to do if you have steam. It took a few steps to make it so that Killap's unofficial patch to work right. Sfall + killaps is a good while of reading discontinuous sets of information. To be honest, a little over half the info about how to do it for F1 and F2 is not on this website. I wish we could fix that and make a step by step.

99.99% of users from 2009 onward will be using Steam and windows 7. Yes, the people who regularly post will often not. There is a lot of dialogue on many forums about how to get all this to work. Steam and interplay are severely negligent companies when it comes to Fallout 1 and 2. They sold it, made a chunk of cash on it, but it doesnt work with the system they said it would.

Update: I installed this manually. I now no longer have high resoluation patch. there wasnt a mention of this as changing. I do not have the button in Options either. sux. :(

Update Again: I installed High Res Patch on top of the new unofficial killap. No buttons for screen control came up. I went into the game, and looked at the Rock that shows version, the rock says its from May, 2008.

No fallout2 for me today. sucks.

Thanks Killap for doing all this work, I appreciate it.
Heh... I was expecting something along these lines:
Fallout: New Vegas is going isometric!
Well, joke's a joke, I guess :D That one with Interplay is not a bad one either.