Killing Legendary Deathclaw (without relying on bugs)

Alexander Strahan

First time out of the vault
I took many drugs.

I killed the pack.

I killed the mother.

Now, only the Legendary Deathclaw remains, skulking around among his dead brethren. And he is one tough son of a bitch.

It's nice, in a way, to encounter an enemy that can rip me in half. It serves as a quick reminder that I am not, in fact, Lord King Cool Death Monger Man of the Wasteland. And perhaps Level 14 is NOT, in fact, a good time to fight the Legendary One, but at some point, I imagine, we'll come to blows.

Besides making him bug out on geometry, how can I kill him? My Guns is already at 100%, and despite using Slugs, AP ammo, drugs and every dirty (non-bug) trick in my bag, I can't take off more than 1/4th of his life bar before he nails me and my entire team.

Any hints?
Bottle cap and frag mines. Sneak attack critical with the anti-material/gauss rifle (might switch out to the Gobi rifle to save on AP after).

Depending what difficulty you're playing on, you may have to be lame about how you fight him. If hardcore is off you can probably use your companion for fodder. You could also try launching fatman nukes.

If you have the holy hand grenade apparently you might be able to one shot him.
Using the Ballistic Glove or Pushy can work to if your drugged up to the nines though your using guns so go with the sniping with an anti material rifle from 3 miles away that other chaps suggest.
I used the Anti-Materiel Rifle with AP ammo and killed the shit with one hit in VATS while in sneak mode. It blew up the head.
use the 12 Gauge Bean Bag ammo with a shotgun to cause fatigue then while its down shoot the crap out of it with high powered weapon like Anti material rifle or a fat man
As Chiz noted, Bean bag is insanely effective if you have any. Bean it down then slug it.

Drug yourself with +AP, +Damage, +AP Regen and +Crit then stealth snipe it to the head and have a minefield ready for worst case is another option.

AM Rifle, Minigun, LMG, with AP ammo; Hunting Revolve, Brush Gun with SWC; also get the job done relatively painlessly.

However, I personally prefer Gobi or vanilla Sniper for the hard kills as they have a (game-breaking) x5 Crit rate
cronicler said:
However, I personally prefer Gobi or vanilla Sniper for the hard kills as they have a (game-breaking) x5 Crit rate

If I recall correct they'll nerf sniper rifles a bit down in the next patch. (just sayin')
I started killing the death claws at level 4 or 5. But that was with Exploits and bugs galore.

I had picked up an incinerator, and I didnt realise at the time, but when I used it as a last resort on the Deathclaws, I realised that its ammo was stuck at 19, meaning I had unlimited ammo ;)

So I crippled the legs, then shot them in the face with a load of ammo while running like a girl

Threepwood said:
Gobi Campaign Rifle; 2 shots.


And there is also a little ridge if you follow it from the left side of the entrance to the quarry-area that allows you a vantage point
No go, boys. The only way to kill Legendary Deathclaw effectively ON VERY HARD difficulty is to use YCS/186 (100%) with Max Charge ammo.
Gobi is officially dead now, so Riot Shotgun might be a good way to fight. Brush Gun is bugged but extremely strong in VATS, This machine is weaker (and got nerfed) but bugless, however Riot Shotgun seems the best DPS in non-vats now (from guns category)
I haven't touched the game since the latest 360 patch, so I don't know what the fuck they did to the game and I can't seem to find the patch notes anywhere.

I killed the LD with 3 bottlecap mines to cripple the son of a bitch and a shitload of anti-material rifle shots to the head. This was with my Guns at 100 and on Normal. I'd like to see these fuckers out in the wasteland. It would give me some challenge. >:}
I perfer to use the Minigun++ with AP rounds to take all any and all Deathclaws. The LDs will go down when using theMinigun, but it takesa lot of rounds and you need to keep some distance between yourself and the damn Deathclaw or you're DEAD.
I found this extremely neat unique weapon called This Machine, which is the bomb, it's in the guns category, but honest to god, I don't know how it does so well. On very hard difficulty it can down a deathclaw with one shot to the head/chest if your in sneak, so imagine how much of a beast it is in normal mode, so i'm guessing it would make mincemeat of the LD, but because I appreciate a challenge I would probably end up using something like a repeater or vance's smg.
I just used the Minigun++ with AP rounds while wearing normal T-51b Power Armor. You'll take it out in less than 250 rounds depending on your Guns skill and the condition of the minigun.