That would be immense fun. Today 4.30 ish I went over to the shops for bits and ciggies. On the car park a near neighbour was by his car but was facing away from me. I just said " Ello" then was passing through the opening of the low walls. I heard him say something as now I had my back to him. I stopped and turned around.
He said" what was that you said to me the other day, something about a budgie? " He looked all wired nervy to fuck. I thought he never got the joke. I said. " I said to you I was in mourning, then said, my budgie died--- The queen had just died," expecting the penny to drop. He looked even more uptight and said " What's your name " ( He knows my fucking name lol ) I said " Billy " He went even more faggoty lol and then said " I don't know you- you don't know me-never speak to me again " LMFBO then hurried away to his entry door to that group of flats.
I shouted after him " Are you on fucking acid or somethin " Then carried on my way. Must be a monarchist sharing the untold grief and suffering aka, mass psychosis. (TRUE)