King Charles (not the Spaniel)

I posted that.

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First and foremost, before any staff cook for the monarch, they must be checked for infectious diseases which run rife in poverty-stricken areas. Tuberculosis is making a comeback so DO NOT think it is only Sars2covid19 and arrange a lateral flow test, FIRE them the instant a cough detector goes off.
Check daily for body and crab lice. Check for head lice, warts and flaky skin conditions.
Carry on cooking.
Head chef Ramsey.
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I honestly forgot Carter was still alive. I see Ivanka sitting up all straight in the back. Bitch is rocking.

I see the guy who played Mike on Breaking Bad for some reason. Odd guest list.
Yeah Carter. I never wanted to say is that Bernie, far right ! As he was a bit lefty I think.

In a different universe Sanders and Corbyn would have NOT gone to war with the ex USSR. They would have peace brokered. May seem pussy but saving lives imo is a good thing
My mom really loved Carter. Her poor strict Pentecost Christian background affects her I think.
If religion makes people wholesome kind of thing then I've no quarrel with that. I don't reckon Jimbo spouted " God hates fags " Lol

To not go off topic I will pretend this is King Charles (not the Spaniels) favourite band

Yeah we could go into a lot of good times with another religion thread but I would like to see people post some hot chicks in the new NMA womenz thread.
That would be immense fun. Today 4.30 ish I went over to the shops for bits and ciggies. On the car park a near neighbour was by his car but was facing away from me. I just said " Ello" then was passing through the opening of the low walls. I heard him say something as now I had my back to him. I stopped and turned around.
He said" what was that you said to me the other day, something about a budgie? " He looked all wired nervy to fuck. I thought he never got the joke. I said. " I said to you I was in mourning, then said, my budgie died--- The queen had just died," expecting the penny to drop. He looked even more uptight and said " What's your name " ( He knows my fucking name lol ) I said " Billy " He went even more faggoty lol and then said " I don't know you- you don't know me-never speak to me again " LMFBO then hurried away to his entry door to that group of flats.
I shouted after him " Are you on fucking acid or somethin " Then carried on my way. Must be a monarchist sharing the untold grief and suffering aka, mass psychosis. (TRUE)
Next time you should just start screaming histrionically and tell him your mommy just died and ask for some change.
and ask for some change.

I am offended. I give to the poor do not ask for spare change ppfffttt grrrr. That nutty neighbour did all the histrionics. When saying " Never speak to me again " his voice cracked and sounded very camp. The most I have asked for this year was a cigarette when I had been off them for weeks. I actually offered 1 pound which is double the cost. The young lady refused point blank to take money saying " EE are lad, na I don't want nottin " I then bought 2 packs of 7 (2 weeks) supply of reduced-price nicotine patches from Boots the chemist near St Johns precinct.
King Charles would have told me to fuck off if I asked him. I woke after less than 2 hours grrrrr. I am nocturnal, possessed maybe.
King Charles would just fuck some little kid instead of his wife.

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