Kingdom Hearts thread


I should save my game in a whole new slot
Since there are hints of Kingdom Hearts 3 actually coming soon with the opening of Kingdom Hearts 2.8 being released as part of the promo materials:

and 1.5 & 2.5 finally being available on the PS4 in the near future:

I figured that I ought to make a thread on the series here. Feel free to discuss thoughts and opinions of the Kingdom Hearts series.

As for my own thoughts and opinions on the series:
I still like it though a lot less since it became more about releasing handheld titles that were mandatory to obtain in order to figure out the overarching (and somewhat convoluted) story. The gameplay is simple but requires some strategy in the bonus fights which is probably why I could catch on the game's mechanics fairly quickly. 3 will have a lot to do in order to redeem itself for its painfully long development time.
I enjoyed my short time with 2, in fact I just sold my copy of 1.5 as I'd rather keep the series to one console.

I do plan on getting them, but they do seem overally complicated for a game where Mickey Mouse is king.
but they do seem overally complicated for a game where Mickey Mouse is king.
I blame the hand-held titles for that. The first game, pardon the reference, was simple and clean with complexity hinted at rather than overwhelming the game's story. The latter games were not...
I blame the hand-held titles for that. The first game, pardon the reference, was simple and clean with complexity hinted at rather than overwhelming the game's story. The latter games were not...

Yeah, it really seemed that way from what I played of it.
I'm just gonna try and get through the whole series, they look like fun games regardless.
Yeah, it really seemed that way from what I played of it.
I'm just gonna try and get through the whole series, they look like fun games regardless.
Well, have fun with them if you ever do get them.

I know I did (and would like to replay the main games again but my PS2 died a long time ago and I don't have a PS3).
Well, have fun with them if you ever do get them.

I know I did (and would like to replay the main games again but my PS2 died a long time ago and I don't have a PS3).

Ah that sucks.
Cheers, I'll let you know next year if they get better or not (I'm kinda lucky I went with a PS4 in that regard, it means I get a good selection of JRPGs and stuff)
I remember playing and beating the first game around the time it was released. I enjoyed it more than I thought i would.
I remember playing a gameboy advance one but I didn't like it as much, and I remember playing the second one but i never beat it, for some reason I didn't liked it as much as I liked the first one.
That is all I remember from the series.
for some reason I didn't liked it as much as I liked the first one.
I have read that there are issues with KH2 that makes it less regarded as 1.

One issue I had with 2 was that it was more button-mashy than 1 (though I got the chance to play KH2 Final Mix which rectifies it with Critical mode (low health, enemies do more damage but Sora can get more abilities) which punishes the player for simply button mashing (technique is more prioritised). Another would be the writing for some of the dialogue and events (a little too childish at some points even though KH2 features an older Sora).
I hate kingdom hearts. Even as a kid I despised it. Long drawn out cutscenes that seemed poorly done couple with a story that made no sense even from a metaphorical standpoint. Yeah... No thanks
Long drawn out cutscenes that seemed poorly done couple with a story that made no sense even from a metaphorical standpoint.
That description makes me think of Final Fantasy XIII. I guess the idea for such design had to come from somewhere. As for story, are you talking about the story of the main titled games (1 & 2) or the story with all the plot threads from the handheld games (1 + 2 + Chains + BBS etc.)?
That description makes me think of Final Fantasy XIII. I guess the idea for such design had to come from somewhere. As for story, are you talking about the story of the main titled games (1 & 2) or the story with all the plot threads from the handheld games (1 + 2 + Chains + BBS etc.)?
Both. I never dug on kingdom heart's story at all.
Both. I never dug on kingdom heart's story at all.
That's a fair opinion to take.

The story of the original games was simple enough for me to understand as a kid (and even made me open to the idea of complex stories in games since prior to that, I never got a game with focus on stories, or rather made me watch unskippable cutscenes) but the new ones are just ridiculously convoluted. Though I was able to get a faint idea of the overall story and the stakes.

There are literally hearts that can be transferred around for possession, cloning and time travel among other things in the series that spans multiple games and platforms.