Member of Khans
Vault Dweller

It's kinda funny that a lot of guys want martial looking blades, while I like knifes a lot more when they do NOT resemble a weapon (the Ka-Bar being the one exception). Dunno why. I am a pacifist, yes, but a gun nut as well, after all.
Anyway, besides kitchen cutlery, I don't have many knifes. Just my Fällknivens and those two:

Marttiini Puukko and Victorinox Huntsman SAK.
Both I had since I was like 12. And both where used to dead. The SAK has been extensively carried, up to the point where the Swiss emblem is all rubbed off. I keep all blades razor sharp, though.
I really appreciate good tools.
[as a sidenote: I would EDC a small one-hand folder, if it wasn't for our retarded law]
DexterMorgan: I just like the clear line of the CS SRK you posted. From the point of mere aesthetics, I'd probably go with that. nutnfancy agrees
Anyway, besides kitchen cutlery, I don't have many knifes. Just my Fällknivens and those two:

Marttiini Puukko and Victorinox Huntsman SAK.
Both I had since I was like 12. And both where used to dead. The SAK has been extensively carried, up to the point where the Swiss emblem is all rubbed off. I keep all blades razor sharp, though.
I really appreciate good tools.
[as a sidenote: I would EDC a small one-hand folder, if it wasn't for our retarded law]
DexterMorgan: I just like the clear line of the CS SRK you posted. From the point of mere aesthetics, I'd probably go with that. nutnfancy agrees