welsh said:
But then, maybe I am getting a bit too old for gratuitious violence.
Yeah, you're definitely getting too old for gratuitous violence. I'm too old for it, and I had the same reaction. The first disaster was hideous. I was thinking that the subway car had too much inertia, too. The worst bit was the violence at the end (you know what I'm talking about - no need to spoil it). There was absolutely no need to show that at all, since you
knew it was going to happen. It added nothing to the story and it wasn't as cool as how I might have imagined it.
[spoiler:5faa2dfe8c]Would everything really busrt into flames? Wouldn't everything just be baked and sterilized by radiation?
Have I heard right that
Knowing is fairly devisive, with some people liking it and some people not liking it? I can see why. I'm torn over it myself. It's pretty creepy and tense, so it's good in that respect, but overall I didn't like it because it's a "spiritual" movie masquerading as science fiction. Too "Art Bell" for my taste, if you know what I mean. I could tell within the first five minutes that it was going to be one of those movies where the skeptical materialist becomes convinced that the universe really does have Meaning™.
[spoiler:5faa2dfe8c]So how are the angels/aliens able to see the future anyway? Kind of a glaring omission not to address that. I think the aliens have some ethical problems, too. They're pretty confident in their right to decide who lives and who dies. If they're so smart, why didn't they bring more ships? Or better yet, why didn't they do something to divert the solar flare a few degrees to the left? I mean, they've known about it for at least 50 years, right? I guess since they can see the future, they knew they weren't going to save the Earth.
