Kotaku: Fallout 3 is broken

Monolith2013 said:
Briosafreak said:
Oh yeah Europa has been around for ages now.

It's nice to see old faces Brio.

Tell you what, there's always going to be issues with whatever a company produces with a FO label on it, but it is nice to see the community pop with activity again.

Btw, whatever happened to KrazyKat? Anyone know?

Brio, has anyone done a "Where are they now" piece? That'd be interesting. Wonder where Herve is right at this very moment.... *let your imagination run wild*

Krazzi was fine a few months ago, working for a small company in the West Coast and playing with her first baby, lost the url of her blog so I don't know how she is right now. You can find a lot of the old Interplay guys on facebook, on the Interplayed group. And yeah, lots of activity now, that's great :)