Kotaku replies to WP allegations

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Having seen the Washington Post article, Kotaku replies to assure us of their innocence:<blockquote>Firstly, many of the sites represented at the affair, including Kotaku, refuse to accept free air fare and hotel accommodations from gaming companies. We pay our own way to these events to help make sure our readers always have the best information we can provide on our dime.

And while yes, I believe that no legitimate press outlet should accept travel and hotel rooms, I also recognize that for some smaller outlets it is the only way they can afford to cover major events. Does this mean they end up being swayed by the money lavished upon them? Game Revolution's Mike Reilly, whom you should never mention World of Warcraft around, said it best.

"The reason I got invited is I have readership," he said. "The only way I keep readership is by staying honest, by calling it how I see it."</blockquote>Link: Kotaku Beat the Press.

Thanks NukaColaClassic.
Kotaku completely ignores the fact that WP recognized that not every outlet accepted Bethesda covering the expenses.

They also fail to recognize that the expenses Bethesda paid went beyond just covering the expenses of smaller outlets, it took the form of a mini-vacation. 4-hour press event, 2 nights in a hotel, dinner, private party? Yeah, that's just "covering expenses."

Who are they trying to kid? If Kotaku had just said "for us, specifically, we cover our own expenses to maintain our integrity," I would've bought it, they're good people, but they're trying to pretend that applies to everyone, and that's an outright lie.
Almost everything has corruption involved with it. Hell, it's sometimes hard to play a board game without someone(The banker) cheating. They are paying off people subliminally, because that's the way they can get away with it legally. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just naive.
Ahh screw these guys. They make so many mistakes in their articles, without even bothering to correct them. So I was only increasingly frustrated with them after they used my video without crediting me, even by screen name. They didn't even link my web page when I asked them too, I was completely ignored when I asked them what the deal was.
metalboss44 said:
Ahh screw these guys. They make so many mistakes in their articles, without even bothering to correct them. So I was only increasingly frustrated with them after they used my video without crediting me, even by screen name. They didn't even link my web page when I asked them too, I was completely ignored when I asked them what the deal was.
Kotaku sucks, but that's no news. What is news is that paying your way around helps increase information quality... :P
LOL anybody read the Fallout 3 article which is linked on this page.

He makes it sound like he had a blast at the party to elbow with other people there then the actual demo.

Well least he's honest about the social aspect of what was happening there.

If I was to write a preview of a game and just finished the type of all expense's paid party and hotel they gave. I'd admit I'd be glowing like a feind about anything they shoveled into my mouth too.
Brother None said:
"The reason I got invited is I have readership," he said. "The only way I keep readership is by staying honest, by calling it how I see."



that quote might work for one guy, but do you mean to say that sites like IGN, Gamespy, & Gamespot reamin popular because they are honnest? haha. really...

using that quote as a defense is pretty weak.

besides, a defense against what? the WP article didn't say that all opinions are bought. so why the bigass defensive? you looked at yourself, didn't quite like what you saw and hastily set out to protect your reputation (*cough*) but in the proces actually damaging it?