Krater teaser - post-apocalyptic top down RPG incoming


First time out of the vault
here you go .. post-apocalyptic top down RPG incoming

"Krater is a lush post-apocalyptic top down RPG and the base pillars are crafting, exploration and consequence. Consequence brings not only the ability for the characters to level up and improve themselves, but also permanent injuries and death. "

<div><div><embed src="" width="512" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="." flashVars=""></embed></div></div>

edit so you guys can watch it here .. i hope :)
sea said:
The comments on that page make me want to commit ritual suicide. I would watch the video but the page is so full of ads, tracking cookies and other shit that my browser won't even let it through.

I was just thinking the exact same thing! I can't stand some of these people; Diablo 3 clone...Pc gaming is dead BS.....Inane gibberish...*Bashes head into keyboard :whatever:
sea said:
The comments on that page make me want to commit ritual suicide. I would watch the video but the page is so full of ads, tracking cookies and other shit that my browser won't even let it through.
yeah sometimes I miss those times where a page was made with optimisation in mind (when we still had to deal with bad internetconections ;) ) and not to look like a damn fucking x-mas tree ...