LARPing in Wasteland 2 : Rise of the Mutants


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Once again, this is for the fans of airsoft games, and has been sent to us by Bob "BoBKiD" Oikonomou:<blockquote>Hello again fellow wastelanders,

as some of you remember, in October 2008, a big Fallout based event took place in Athens, Greece, called "Wasteland 2 : Rise of the Mutants".

"Wasteland" is a post-apocalyptic airsoft scenario series, based on the Fallout universe. Unlike normal deathmatch style airsoft scenarios, Wasteland uses a non-linear mission system, just like the computer game.

The first "Wasteland" airsoft game took place in Athens, Greece, on December 2007. It featured three factions (Enclave, Vault Dwellers and Mutants) and four (4) missions. Its success led us to the second Wasteland airsoft game (Wasteland 2: Return of the Mutants), which took place in Athens on 26th October 2008 (just a few days before the 26 October 2077 "anniversary").

It featured:
- over 80 participants (excluding NPCs)
- four player factions (Enclave, Vault Dwellers, Mutants & Raiders)
- non-linear storyline
- NPCs like Set, Myron, Dick Richarsdon, Marcus and more.
- over 20 quests/missions

You can have a small taste by watching the youTube video here:

<center><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></center>

...and of course the Wasteland 2 weebsite at:

Hint: Check the pictures for a NMA reference ;).

Take care all!</blockquote>
God, this looks so awesome! Why do I never get a chance to go to stuff like this?

LARPing always reminded me of fat nerdy kids running around screaming "MAGIC MISSILE MAGIC MISSILE" but damn, they've put so much effort in it (factions, president, whole shit) that I'm impressed. And so many people! Amazing.
This is more of an Airsoft Battle Scenario with Rpg elements than Larp Black. They don't let you do more than Rock Paper Scissors on normal Larps. (Except when some bastard pulls a gun or poison and kills you without combad :D)

It clearly reinforces that every game except counter strike can be made better by injecting "some" RPG in it :D
That is one fancy G.E.C.K they got there.
Man I wish there was an abandoned industrial area near where I live... and an airsoft group... and some Fallout fans... :cry:
Interesting. The very same LARP + Airsoft game was organised in my country (same factions, almost no LARP, but lots of Airsoft) called "Fallout LARP".
Mostly raiders, rangers and mutants tried to raid various envlave objects with no success, until they "all grouped up" and stormed the main base.
Plus, lots of elements were taken from Fallout 3 timeline, not the originals.
And besides, it was a lame Fallout LARP.
That was awesome! I played paintball (I know its not ASG) recently and I loved it. It was mainly forested area though. I'd love to play in an urban area, and uh, fallout scenarios? Great stuff.
Yeah, urban paintball is the best. Lots of room for ambushes and sneak moves and all that. Forest paintball is usually much more about precision and teamwork, which sucks for me, cause I'm a loner :P
Morbus said:
Yeah, urban paintball is the best. Lots of room for ambushes and sneak moves and all that. Forest paintball is usually much more about precision and teamwork, which sucks for me, cause I'm a loner :P
All depends on how it's set up, there's one around here that's got a few fields and is pretty good. It's decently dense forest with a few small structures (mostly made out of pallets and mostly just a wall here and there for cover) and it works out pretty well (I've ambushed people solo multiple times, course I sometimes have to wade through creeks in the fall to do so... damn that's cold). They have a few fields set up, one with the blow-up crap (not a fan), one with sewer pipe (like this one), one that's a capture the flag with defenders in a fortress (like the idea but sometimes the wait can be on the long side), a few out in the forest like I described, and another scenario one. I've never played airsoft but the cost of paintball is what made me stop playing, you really need to buy a decent gun in order to play well, the cheap stuff (like you get with rentals) tends to have trouble shooting very straight. I like the idea of airsoft but my experience of having people call themselves out when they get hit is bad enough with paintball where it leaves a mark, so it seems like it'd require a good group.
Sounds like it would've been a hoot. I'm not sure what I feel about airsoft vs paintball though.
maximaz said:
Ummm... am I the only one who found the whole thing hillarious?

I did, especially at the Dick Richardson-part. I don't know how grew-up men can play people in tight, blue clothes descended from an underground shelter built 200 years ago, or some megalomaniacs in Advanced Power Armor. :aiee:
yeah this definately made me laugh. I'm sorry but it's just ridiculous. Airsoft is lame to begin with (why not just spend all that $$$ on real guns, or paintball instead) If you've ever played around with airsoft guns you'll quickly realize that its far too hard to tell when you've hit someone, plus its prohibitively expensive.

That being said, I'm sure if i saw this back when Fallout came out and i was 13 i'd have flipped my shit and thought it was the greatest thing ever.
Despite its best intentions, this looks hella-gay. I'd rather just play Fallout Tactics online for the arpee experience. Or just play by myself.
i once watched some people play airsoft, they ran in a circle with everyone shooting the guy running in front in the back.

I _REALLY_ prefer paintball over that...

I also have a Tippman A5 thats only used like 7 times if someone wants to buy that off me.
Arthur9 said:
maximaz said:
Ummm... am I the only one who found the whole thing hillarious?

I did, especially at the Dick Richardson-part. I don't know how grew-up men can play people in tight, blue clothes descended from an underground shelter built 200 years ago, or some megalomaniacs in Advanced Power Armor. :aiee:

Because they got better self-esteem than you?

C'mon guys, lot of people could say exactly same thing about gamers in general.