@Forgotten Knight
Sorry to bother you but the download link says "File not found" . Could you update the link, please?
Sorry to bother you but the download link says "File not found" . Could you update the link, please?
Of course, was planning to do an update but it'll have to wait a bit.@Forgotten Knight
Sorry to bother you but the download link says "File not found" . Could you update the link, please?
I seem to be stuck in the prison. I got the assignment from the guy behind the desk and talked to Gary but I can't seem to find anyone else to talk to. I also can't find the pdf file that other people have mentioned.
Lol You mean you actually killed the guys that uncover this location on the worldmap and give you a quest to do in it?where is silting, I cant find it on the map and i killed the slavers in philton.
idk, i didnt think killing them would have any consequence. I tried all of their dialogue options before i killed them to reveal any information. I've done most of the quests for the other locations and couldn't figure out where to go so I checked the walkthrough and it said silting was a place you needed to go to progress the main story. Is there anything else i can do to reveal or am i fucked?Lol You mean you actually killed the guys that uncover this location on the worldmap and give you a quest to do in it?
In all seriousness did you killed slavers in golden valley and wanted to talk to slavers in philton, or did you actually killed the philton slavers hoping you'll get the silting location somehow.. you may have read the walkthrough.. but i advise you to read it once agin, and realize what have you done..
Majority of quests in philton including donson, eddie, matthew, and slaver quests are gated behind high town reputation requirement ( but not nesecarily the char sheet reputation.. it has a system of it's own..idk, i didnt think killing them would have any consequence. I tried all of their dialogue options before i killed them to reveal any information. I've done most of the quests for the other locations and couldn't figure out where to go so I checked the walkthrough and it said silting was a place you needed to go to progress the main story. Is there anything else i can do to reveal or am i fucked?